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Reviews For The Human Instinct by Sovran

Tuesday 4th November 2008 07:12
The Human Instinct
So sweet they break your heart...
Thursday 8th January 2009 10:33The Human Instinct (Author Response)
Ain't it just?

(Yes, I'm way behind on review responses.)
Saturday 25th October 2008 22:48
The Human Instinct
Oh, I liked this. Very interesting interaction. Hope there's more.
Thursday 8th January 2009 10:32The Human Instinct (Author Response)
Well, sure there's more. Melkior's writing a whole series of more.
Wednesday 22nd October 2008 10:58
The Human Instinct
I liked this piece of philosophy the first time I read it and again this time. It is excellent, and so touching. Great work, and well written.
Thursday 8th January 2009 10:32The Human Instinct (Author Response)
I thought it fit really well for Melkior's setting. I'm glad you liked the story.