bookish327 Monday 13th April 2009 11:04 | Impressions |
Great fic. The title made me think of jncarlin's First Impressions: Remus and Tonks (which can be found here on PS), and I definitely enjoyed this fic as much as jncarlin's. I've always enjoyed Remus/Tonks as a ship, but I don't normally seek out fics focusing on them. Your characterization of them and their ways of thinking was excellent, and I also think you captured their relationship very well.
If you end up reading jncarlin's First Impressions and want to read more in that universe, she has much more complete fic index at her LJ. Just e-mail me or send me an LJ message, and I can send you a link to her index.
Again, fantastic job. |
aharkins Monday 6th April 2009 15:48 | Impressions |
This is brilliant! Thank you for sharing it. |
elvenlaughter Saturday 4th April 2009 20:21 | Impressions |
Oh, Aggie, I LOVE you right now! This is so gorgeous, every piece and section with its own individual punch and guile, each as vibrant as the one before. It's a gem, writing-wise, and a heart breaker, plotwise. Love it, love it, love it. |
RIPHedwig Sunday 29th March 2009 09:26 | Impressions |
That was lovely
You captured Lupin just as I imagine him, and the glipses of Tonks - falling over, laughing, fighting, flashes of pink hair, all summed her up perfectly.
Good job!
B |
Wednesday 1st April 2009 21:54 | Impressions (Author Response) |
Thanks so much! I honestly hadn't given Remus too terribly much thought before I wrote this (Shhhh! Don't tell my beta!), but it was fun--and enlightening, really--to get into his head. And I've always liked Tonks, but I think I appreciate her more now, too.
~Julie |
ohginnyfan Sunday 29th March 2009 06:10 | Impressions |
You KNOW how much I love this. You really did a wonderful job with Remus' thoughts. I love the interaction between the two, and I would love to see a companion piece from Tonks' POV.
You are a wonderful writer no matter which pairing or character you decide to write.
*smooches you*
~OHGinnyfan |
Wednesday 1st April 2009 21:52 | Impressions (Author Response) |
I'm so pleased you like it, Susie. It was a challenge, but SO much fun to write! And I think there very well may be a companion piece from Tonks' POV at some point.
*smooches back*
Guenivere Saturday 28th March 2009 16:26 | Impressions |
o i kind of get it, you wrote it almost backwards.... interesting |
Wednesday 1st April 2009 21:49 | Impressions (Author Response) |
Thanks for reviewing.
Yeah, I wrote it backwards on purpose, so it starts at the end of their relationship (and lives) and ends at the beginning. It was a gift!fic for my beta for her birthday, and I didn't want to leave her with their deaths, so I left her with their first meeting instead. |
Kezzabear Friday 27th March 2009 16:11 | Impressions |
Just Friends. Buhahahahahahaha!
I loved this i really, really, really did. It's fabulous. I am never a fan of present tense like this - until now. So I am guessing maybe most people just can't pull it off!
I think the whole thing has worked, the reverse order works, the tense works, the angst works, the non angsty bits work.
You're brilliant! |
Wednesday 1st April 2009 21:47 | Impressions (Author Response) |
Just Friends. Buhahahahahahaha!
*snort* I hadn't realized the connection until you reviewed. Your brilliant story obviously rubbed off on me.
Present tense is hard to write--I kept drifting back to past tense and had to keep correcting it. It was an interesting challenge, but really fun, actually--the 100-word drabble format added a bit of challenge I hadn't expected when I started, but it also made it easier in a way, because I was able to do all these scenes without going to the trouble of connecting them, if that makes sense.
And yay for angst! I'm really more of a fluffy kind of girl so any angst at all makes me step out of my box in a major way.
*hugs* |
Dad Friday 27th March 2009 10:42 | Impressions |
The first time I read this I was in a hurry because I should have been taking my wife to our son. (130 mile journey). She is going baby sitting for my daughter-in-law (from England to South Africa).
Typically, she is not ready or packed yet. Leaving early tomorrow instead, so I re-read the story. I had not realised it ran backwards the first time. Once the penny dropped, it was great little gem, well done. |
Wednesday 1st April 2009 21:41 | Impressions (Author Response) |
England to South Africa? Wow!
Thanks so much for the kind words. |
Avanelle Thursday 26th March 2009 21:24 | Impressions |
OMG! That was so brilliant! One of the best I've read in a long time. |
Wednesday 1st April 2009 21:39 | Impressions (Author Response) |
Thanks so much! |
Ocean Dream Thursday 26th March 2009 13:00 | Impressions |
This was so sweet! Well, kind of bitter-sweet, actually, but , I´ve enjoyed it anyhow. Thanks for sharing! |
Wednesday 1st April 2009 21:38 | Impressions (Author Response) |
Thanks for reviewing! And yeah, bittersweet is a good word for it--but that's what Remus and Tonks' relationship was, really. (It absolutely kills me that they both died and left Teddy an orphan.)
Arnel Thursday 26th March 2009 08:25 | Impressions |
Thanks for writing this delightful story. I absolutely love it and how you let us into Remus' head. I like how you've managed to leave such a lasting impression on me. |
Thursday 26th March 2009 10:56 | Impressions (Author Response) |
Thanks so much for the lovely review, Arnel! (And thanks for the plug over at Melinda's group, too!)
~Julie |
hagridsheart Thursday 26th March 2009 05:54 | Impressions |
Great 1 shot about two of my favourties. A novella length about these two would be wonderful. ::hint,hint::
Thursday 26th March 2009 10:55 | Impressions (Author Response) |
Ha! Thanks so much. I have to say, if I ever got my act together to actually write a novella-length fic, it'd most likely be about Neville, just because I fangirl him. I'm honestly not sure if I "get" Remus and Tonks enough to do them justice. Although now I'm a bit intrigued, and I may have to do a companion to this story from Tonks' point of view.
Thanks for reviewing!
Julie |
Grandma Kate Wednesday 25th March 2009 20:04 | Impressions |
Delightful! Writing Drabbles is far more difficult than anyone imagines and stringing them together into a story requires real talent... which, obviously, you have.
I thinks it works as well in the conventional temporal order. |
Thursday 26th March 2009 10:51 | Impressions (Author Response) |
Oh, thank you so much! I love writing drabbles because of the challenge, so this was really fun to write!
It does work in the conventional temporal order, but I wrote it backwards, because I didn't want to leave OHGinnyfan thinking about the death of her favorite characters on her birthday. This way she got to read about the happy parts last.
Thanks again!
Julie |