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Reviews For Beholders by Author by Night

Wednesday 9th December 2015 07:15
Really nice chapter! I love how you've brought to life all of the characters in a most believable and lovable manner. The sadness and hope that weaves through the story is a perfect balance. And Remus and Tonks are just too cute as parents!
Wednesday 9th December 2015 07:30Beholders (Author Response)
Thanks! So glad to know there's hope too - that's exactly what I was aiming for.

Tuesday 8th December 2015 16:14
Dudley probably did know the real meaning of what Hestia said to his dad. I wouldn't put it past that boy to know how to swear in several different languages.

If Harry could be godfather, why can't Hestia be godmother rather than Auntie Hestia to Tonks and Remus' baby? That's probably a stupid question, but coming from a family and religion that doesn't employ godparents, it might not be. Anyway, I'm glad Hestia is pleased with Tonks' request for her to be Auntie Hestia after the baby comes.

The fact that Teddy is a Metamorphmagus certainly has to have been a big relief to Remus who was so worried he'd pass on his lycanthropy and to have the baby cycling through hair colors so soon after birth just made me grin.

All in all, this chapter gets for the friendship and caring Hestia has for the people who inhabit their quiet little corner of the world.
Tuesday 8th December 2015 22:47Beholders (Author Response)
Thank you!

Re: Hestia not being the godmother, I was following canon's lead there, or I think I was. At some point JKR implied Harry didn't have a Godmother because Sirius never married, which makes me think they generally go by couples or just a single person in the wizarding world.