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Reviews For Tiger Stripes by parakletos

Tuesday 6th March 2018 10:44
Tiger Stripes
A different take on HP and GW, enjoyable, short but long enough to be read n one sitting. Thank you
Saturday 27th January 2018 14:54
Tiger Stripes
I'm in two minds about this.

On the one hand, I like the idea that people are so much in need of healing that they do not even appreciate what Harry has done for them.

I found Ginny's complete lack of rationality irritating at first, but given the things that she had to go through - okay. I do not think, however, that your explanation for her state is logical. If Tom damaged her so much, it would have shown before, and the passage "the strong, sexy woman who had snogged me in front of the whole of Gryffindor had been slowly dying inside ever since the Chamber" does not really make sense to me.

And finally, the British ministery reverting into a dictatorship like that would have needed a lot more explanation to make me believe it.

Sorry, for not being more positive, but having read your story, I thought it'd be fair to let you know what I think.
Saturday 27th January 2018 14:54
Tiger Stripes
I'm in two minds about this.

On the one hand, I like the idea that people are so much in need of healing that they do not even appreciate what Harry has done for them.

I found Ginny's complete lack of rationality irritating at first, but given the things that she had to go through - okay. I do not think, however, that your explanation for her state is logical. If Tom damaged her so much, it would have shown before, and the passage "the strong, sexy woman who had snogged me in front of the whole of Gryffindor had been slowly dying inside ever since the Chamber" does not really make sense to me.

And finally, the British ministery reverting into a dictatorship like that would have needed a lot more explanation to make me believe it.

Sorry, for not being more positive, but having read your story, I thought it'd be fair to let you know what I think.
Saturday 14th January 2017 18:43
Tiger Stripes
How sad and at the same time real! No fairytales here..

Thak you for sharing
Sunday 15th January 2017 04:32Tiger Stripes (Author Response)
I'm always amazed how many stories have a well balanced set of teenagers after all they've been through. THanks for reading and reviewing.
Sunday 17th July 2016 12:14
Tiger Stripes
lol. you crack me up.
Sunday 21st August 2016 07:17Tiger Stripes (Author Response)
lol. you crack me up.

Not sure how to respond .....
Saturday 13th February 2016 17:10
Tiger Stripes
I enjoyed this take on Wizarding bureaucracy and PTSD, though you didn't call it that. She has many of the symptoms and, like those of us living with it, she has found ways to cope with it.
Saturday 13th February 2016 18:26Tiger Stripes (Author Response)
I enjoyed this take on Wizarding bureaucracy and PTSD, though you didn't call it that. She has many of the symptoms and, like those of us living with it, she has found ways to cope with it.

Thankfully, most people find a way, and I'm glad to hear that you have. Mental illness is a horrible thing to deal with, both for the person who is ill and their friends and family.

Thanks for stopping by to read and review.
Saturday 13th February 2016 09:29
Tiger Stripes
A very different, but quite enjoyable story. I'm glad the couple took pity on Harry at the nudist beach and that he eventually decided that hiding in plain sight was probably best. Harry must really love Ginny unconditionally to let her run through his credit cards and cash the way she did and then consent to marry her, knowing how dependent and emotionally fragile she is. He really is a good man. Finally, I don't blame Harry and Ginny one bit for never going back to Britain. They were treated abominably and what Britain lost is France's gain when it comes to citizens like them.
Saturday 13th February 2016 18:20Tiger Stripes (Author Response)
This was another story where I tried to take a different approach to dealing with the post war mess. I always worry that readers will respond badly to something that's a bit different, so thanks for such encouraging review.
Friday 12th February 2016 13:31
Tiger Stripes
Well, that's a very different take on the "marriage law" story. Funny at times but a bit sad, too. We'll done.
Saturday 13th February 2016 18:15Tiger Stripes (Author Response)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and reviewing.