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Reviews For Some Cuts Leave Scars by Melindaleo

Thursday 15th February 2018 03:52
Some Cuts Leave Scars
I love "Captain Ginny." She cares so much for her team, especially the newest member. It's the mark of a good leader that she can empathize with Wendy's predicament and know how to help her feel good about the up-coming match and then her performance in it.

The match itself was quite exciting. The action was easy to picture and it didn't feel like a list of things that happened one after another: instead, one play flowed into the next, making the action very real.

The new subplot is intriguing. I know you're inventing all sorts of Auror procedures, but they really sound official. Besides, Harry and Owen seem to work especially well together, no matter whether they are herding Dementors or investigating a crime. This investigation seems to be a nice change for Harry.

As always, Harry's conversation with Ginny over the mirrors was soothing not only to Harry but to this reader, too. I think he'll get a very good night's sleep now that she has boosted his confidence in their relationship again. Well done.
Thursday 15th February 2018 11:50Some Cuts Leave Scars (Author Response)
Thanks, Arnel! Your reviews are always so detailed and soothing - they make me want to write more! I know there are a lot of fans who believe Harry shouldn't have become an Auror, but I'm not one of them. I think it's the perfect career for him. I think he'd go out of his mind doing anything else. I also think Ginny is a strong enough witch to handle her final year of school without him there.