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Reviews For Some Cuts Leave Scars by Melindaleo

Wednesday 1st August 2018 12:04
Some Cuts Leave Scars
The girls' conversation in the Room of Requirement had me laughing out loud.

Things Jo R. never thought to tell us ...

Go you !
Sunday 25th February 2018 13:18
Some Cuts Leave Scars
Nice take ways to deal with the memories.

I also like your take on those who profit, but do not acknowledgeas much. Quite realistic, I'm afraid.
Thursday 22nd February 2018 19:18
Some Cuts Leave Scars
I think this is one of my favorite chapters in this entire story, mostly because of the Room of Requirement scene. While the other girls did put Hermione on the spot about her travels with harry and Ron, the questions and curiosity should have showed her that she is an accepted part of the seventh year group of girls. I think that would be a big deal for Hermione who spent her first six years not feeling particularly accepted by her dorm mates.

And speaking about acceptance, you are so right about The Burrow being the place Harry needs to be to find the acceptance and understanding he can't seem to find out in the world because of people like Rita Skeeter and Terra Munch (Rita's protégé?). Arthur is right in that people like them live to stir up trouble with few facts and a whole lot to speculation. As Harry wished, it would have been so nice to have James and Lily be the ones to whom Harry could turn, but there never were better substitutes for the parental roles he needs than Arthur and Molly. I smiled at Harry's thought that family does chores while guests sit at the table and Molly's greeting and willingness to hold Harry until he was ready to stand on his own went straight to my fluffy spot! With those two behind him, Harry can take on the world!

Well done!
Friday 23rd February 2018 13:33Some Cuts Leave Scars (Author Response)
Thanks, Arnel! This is one of my favorite scenes, too. I had so much fun writing it. You know I'm a big Molly and Arthur fan, and while I used them more in Cuts, I wanted a scene showing Harry could still go to them when he needed them - even if he didn't consciously realize that he did!