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Reviews For Some Cuts Leave Scars by Melindaleo

Saturday 31st March 2018 01:24
Some Cuts Leave Scars
I love how the romance in this chapter is tinged with a bit of rebellion on Ginny's part! Fred and George taught their sister well when it comes to hoodwinking their mother. Luna seems to enjoy being Ginny's excuse for sneaking away for a special night with Harry.

You made me laugh at Harry's reaction to Ginny appearing in his doorway, all prepped and ready for a night of debauchery. The fact that he needed the liquid courage Ginny provided to get in the mood, i.e. over his nerves, shows how much he wants their first time to be something memorable as well as romantic. He definitely continues the romantic gestures in Dean's presence, as though he is silently declaring that Ginny is his, even though the non-verbal hints are necessary--Dean certainly gets the message to stay away from Harry's girl! I'm looking forward to reading the description of Dean's mural in the next chapter.
Wednesday 4th April 2018 10:42Some Cuts Leave Scars (Author Response)
Thanks, Arnel!! I put off writing this chapter for so long because, quite honestly, it intimidated me. I'm really glad it played well. I definitely know not to enter a smut-writing competition! I'm glad you enjoyed the two rutting stags at the end there. I enjoyed picturing that scene.