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Reviews For Some Cuts Leave Scars by Melindaleo

Sunday 10th June 2018 01:36
Some Cuts Leave Scars
That was wonderful as always! But if Harry doesn't improve his number of injuries per year, he's going to look like Mad-eye before he hits 20! Also, I'm voting for Dawlish as the leak. I despise him and can't fathom how he managed to keep his job as an auror when he's obviously been corrupt since his first canon appearance.
Thursday 7th June 2018 22:47
Some Cuts Leave Scars
Ah, the bitter-sweet chapter, the swan song chapter. It makes me sad that there's only one more chapter left. I've enjoyed the final version of this story immensely from Harry getting back to regular cases to Hermione telling Brynne off on the train. I really like Ginny's observation that the second years had begun to relax a little by the end of the summer term, even if they still have a long way to go to heal from their horrendous first year under the Carrows.

One last thought... I'm glad Ginny is letting her mum have her delusion that Ginny will live at The Burrow for a few days between her summer adventures. As the mother of a seventeen-year-old, I completely identify with Molly's need to still have her child in the nest until the very last minute. The coming year is going to be far too short for me, I think...

Well done!