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Reviews For Invictus by Robert Owen

Thursday 4th August 2005 13:17
Hey Robert!  I'm making my way through the Carpe Diem Universe once again and I thought I would give your fic a read.  You're off to a very nice start.  You've caught the charm of this storyline in a similar manner to Imogen.  Well done!  I'm looking forward to continuing.
Wednesday 6th July 2005 11:53
R.O. Hello! Just a request for now. I saw in one of the mailings a list of fics you liked,and one was "Naked Quiddich match" by Anya. Search does not bring up her name,nor does the fic name. Can you help me ,Please?Will be reading  invictus next,and think i am in for a treat.
Friday 15th July 2005 05:25Invictus (Author Response)
R.O. Hello! Just a request for now. I saw in one of the mailings a list of fics you liked,and one was "Naked Quiddich match" by Anya. Search does not bring up her name,nor does the fic name. Can you help me ,Please?Will be reading  invictus next,and think i am in for a treat.

Glad you found this, Jeanne, and I appreciate that you're enjoying it.  Drop me a line and I'll send you the entire file for NQM. 


Monday 28th March 2005 10:14
Okay. This was borderline hokey until the last few sentences. Good emotion. I liked the Twins -- although Ron seemed a bit of kilter a bit. I'll read more to see how things shape up -- so far things are looking good.
Tuesday 29th March 2005 02:54Invictus (Author Response)
True, but you got to realize that I'm a bit constrained in certain respects becaseu this story fills the gap between Imogen's Carpe Diem and Alpha & Omega, which means I'm bound on certain points and restricted in some ways as to what I can do with the characters (such as no sex as that doesn't happen until A&O).  Thus, the trick has been to find new ways to play with them while still remaining true to Imogen's vision, which fortunately, I did.