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Reviews For Alpha and Omega by Imogen

Tuesday 29th January 2008 18:21
Alpha and Omega
hehe nice
it must be really hard on gin and harry to not be touching and stuff
haha that was an evil detention of snapes :p
awwww!!! that poor knight!
Monday 4th December 2006 16:32
Alpha and Omega
Wow. Harry got jelous over a painting. That's great. And I loved Harry's reaction when he woke up. Very good chapter.
Wednesday 20th September 2006 19:36
Alpha and Omega
You're putting a lot of pressure on Harry to hit the bullseye. I mean If Ginny is going to carry this baby to full term, then he needs to get her knocked up post haste, he has a two month window in which to do the deed, and during that time they will have exactly 4-6 days total to get the mission accomplished. If they miss their window both months Ginny will still be quite preggers when she returns to Hogwarts to start her 7th year. This seems an illfated plan at best.

I also feel terrible for them, that they have to be married in secret, No parents allowed, only two friends as witnesses. They get no honeymoon, and they never get the experience of being intimate with one another alone, before they have to worry about a baby. Thats awful. While I know it happens to some couples accidentally, I can't believe they would willingly agree to this, I would have no desire to continue my family line just so my children could be forced to fight the battle that I apparently was incapable of winning. Why put that on your children?

If the work is so desperate for a Potter to take action then why don't they help Harry, instead of asking for an insurance policy.

I'm glad they love each other an all, but this just seems corrupted and wrong.
Saturday 1st April 2006 13:20
Alpha and Omega
Aw...I'd feel sorry for the little guy if I weren't so busy laughing at the turpentine comment and the idea of Harry getting jealous of a painting...
And Ron's prying questions: very nice. I DO feel sorry for him, even though he deserved it. I don't even want to think about what Ginny's gonna do to him...oh wait, yes I do!
Wild Magelet
Wednesday 29th September 2004 06:08
Alpha and Omega
I love this story, and this is an awesome chapter. Poor Gawain. Lol. Harry jealous of a painting isn't something you see every day!