Author: Ophelya
Story: Fortune Cookies
Rating: Young Teens
Setting: Pre-HBP
Status: Completed
Reviews: 6
Words: 1,030
"Harry, that's so sticky!" Ginny said as Harry shoved another small piece of cinnamon bun in her mouth. He touched her nose with his finger leaving a print of sticky goo. Laughing, Harry kissed the spot where he had left the print.
Harry had come over early without Ginny knowing. What was Valentine's Day without a surprise, after all? He had baked her fresh cinnamon buns for breakfast and brought her a bouquet of white orchids. Today was a special day, a day that they could celebrate their love for one another.
Ginny looked up at Harry from where she lay in bed, grinning. "You are so sweet," she said quietly.
"Only for you, love," he said winking at her. "Now, it's nearly nine. Let's get you out of bed." He lifted her from the bed gently, so that he didn't hurt her broken leg, and carried her to the bathroom, where he left her for a moment.
"Ok, Harry!" called Ginny's muffled voice from behind the bathroom door. Harry came back through and smiled down at her. He ran her a bath and tested the water with his hand. "Impervius," Harry muttered and flicked his wand at the cast on Ginny's broken leg. He wished they could have gone to St. Mungo's when she slipped on some frozen steps, but they were living in a completely Muggle area of Germany, and it would have been too difficult to travel by Floo.
Harry had decided to go with her almost instantly once she had mentioned it. Yet, because Mr. and Mrs. Weasley hadn't wanted Harry and Ginny to live together, he got a small flat around the corner from hers.
Harry helped Ginny get out of her nightgown and lowered her into the tub. He washed her hair for her and rinsed it. He then used some vanilla smelling liquid soap and a sponge to wash her body.
"Stop that!" Ginny laughed. "It tickles!" She protested as Harry ran the sponge along her sides.
"Ginny, I have to! We only have about fifteen minutes before the waterproofing wears off." She relented and raised her arm so he could scrub her. He moved down to around the cast on her broken leg.
"Don't push so hard . . . ow . . . "
"Sorry, Gin." Harry said as he lightened his touch. "I didn't mean to." He frowned a little in concentration. Ginny simply smiled at him, making his heart flutter. When he was done, he drained the tub, and towel dried her with a soft terry-cloth towel.
Harry lifted her out of the tub and carried her back to her room where they picked an outfit together. Harry chose a pair of black trousers and Ginny, a dark red sweater. He helped her get the trousers over the white cast that went all the way to her hip.
Ginny didn't like using crutches because they left painful bruises under her arms, and the wheelchair didn't move very well on her thick carpet. Therefore, whenever Harry was there, which was often, he was her preferred mode of transportation.
Harry lifted her and took her to the living room where they sat and watched movies for the entire day. Ginny was fascinated by Muggle movies, as she didn't see any while growing up. Around four o'clock, Harry got up and kissed Ginny.
"I'll be right back. I'm going to get us some dinner." He left the apartment and returned forty minutes later carrying a brown paper bag out of which he pulled four Chinese food containers.
Harry got two plates down from the cupboard and spooned the contents of the containers onto them. There was white rice, orange chicken, broccoli beef and deep-fried chicken won tons. Harry brought a plate over to Ginny on the couch along with his own.
"Thank you, Harry." She smiled.
"Welcome, love." He put another movie on, one of his favorites. It was an old Doris Day movie called That Touch of Mink. "This is really good," he said as he sat back down on the couch. Together, they watched the movie in silence, interspersed with laughter. Once they finished their meal, Harry went to the kitchen carrying the dirty plates.
"Could you bring me a glass of water while you are in there?" Ginny called from the living room.
"Sure!" he called back, his voice sounding an octave higher than normal. He paced the floor a couple times in an attempt to calm his nerves. After filling up a glass of water, Harry checked his pockets. Nodding, he took the fortune cookies out of another white bag and walked back to where Ginny was sitting. He handed her the glass, and then a fortune cookie. Taking a deep breath, Harry settled back in his seat.
Ginny took a drink. "Why don't you open yours first?" She asked and he complied.
"You have a very interesting style. You do things your own way. You are very unconventional." Harry laughed at how true it was. "Your turn, Gin."
Holding his breath, Harry watched as Ginny cracked her cookie open She unfolded the fortune and read aloud, "Will you marry me, Ginny Weasley?" She paused for a moment, "Wha-, what!?" She read it again and Harry dropped down on his knee in front of the redhead on the couch. He pulled a purple velvet box out of his pocket and opened it, offering a gold ring with a small square cut diamond to her
"Ginny," Harry breathed. "It would make me so happy if you would let me take care of you forever and always." He paused noticing the tears running down her cheeks. Hoping it was a good sign he continued. "And for you to take care of me as well. Will you wear my ring and be my wife?"
Ginny nodded her head in an enthusiastic yes. Harry took the golden ring out of the box and placed it on her finger. Taking her into his arms, he whispered in her ear, "I love you, Gin." They stayed cuddled up on the couch whispering sweet sounds of adoration into one another's ear for a very long time.