Author: GiaPotter Story: The Lake Rating: Everyone Setting: Pre-HBP Status: Completed Reviews: 8 Words: 2,300
Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, was sitting in his room in number four Privet Drive during the summer after his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry hated how he couldn't leave the Dursleys' house without permission from his headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. To make the stay at the Dursleys' even worse, "Aunt" Marge was coming again in two days. He had to get ready to clean his room, just in case Marge tried to think of another way to ridicule Harry. ~~~ Two days later, Harry was reading the Defense Against the Dark Arts books from Dumbledore and the notes from Ron, Hermione, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Professor Lupin and surprisingly Ginny. After he read the notes from his friends, he snacked on his food from Mrs. Weasley. Just when Harry finished, the hour passed, and Marge entered the door. Oh great, just what I need, Harry thought miserably. Uncle Vernon walked right in front of Harry and opened the door. Harry was used to getting hid by Uncle Vernon's large structure. Dudley was trying to hide behind Harry (who hid behind Uncle Vernon), but it was no use. Dudley was much too fat. Luckily, Harry was not seen, but Dudley was. "Oh my little Duddeykins, come out here you cutie-pie, I haven't seen you for ages!" Marge said excitedly. "I just saw you a month ago. Come on, will you ever leave us alone?" Dudley muttered so that only Harry could hear him.
"I expect you are still going to Saint Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys?" "Yeah, Aunt Marge, I am," Harry grumbled. "Don't you dare speak to me like that! You do not say 'Yeah' you say 'YES!' Is that clear?" "Yes, Aunt Marge." Vernon motioned Aunt Marge to go to the kitchen, to eat dinner. As soon as dinner came out, Harry was disgusted to what Aunt Petunia was setting on the table. Liverwurst? Again? I thought Dudley was on a diet! Without eating, he went to his room and ate some of his food from his friends. Yummmm. I could never live without Mrs. Weasley's cooking, Harry thought while he ate mince pies from Mrs. Weasley. That night while Harry was attempting to sleep, he found it impossible. He tossed and turned for a little while before letting his mind wander. With this, Harry's mind turned towards Sirius and guilt. Harry found he felt guilty about Sirius' death; it was, after all, his own fault. If I just had listened to Hermione, Sirius might still be alive, and Voldemort wouldn't have gotten the prophecy. I would do anything to have Sirius alive, Harry thought bleakly. After his thoughts about the battle at the Ministry, he thought about his friends. Hermione, who had just come back from Paris, was probably now with Ron in the Burrow. George and Fred were most likely their normal mischievous selves making more Weasley Wizard Wheezes, Ginny and Ron were staying at home with the family, but he remembered Ron telling him that something would not let Ginny sleep. He couldn't remember. I'll have to ask Ron when I see him, Harry reminded himself. He finally dozed off after a few other interesting feelings about Ginny, not realizing what he had thought about. Harry woke up to hear Aunt Petunia screaming. What is that all about? Harry thought. Then he heard a loud and familiar voice, and he recognized it was a Howler, "YOU WILL TREAT THAT BOY LIKE YOUR SON! DO YOU UNDERSTAND? I WILL SEE TO IT THAT YOU WILL!" Harry's stomach grumbled because he was hungry. He dared not leave his room, but when he realized that Dudley was with his gang smoking again out in the park, he got out. Harry stole the last few pieces of bacon and went to the television to watch the news again to see if there was anything new. When Harry had just finished eating, he went up to his room to find presents scattered all over. It is my birthday! Harry thought as he went to his room and opened all the notes that he had gotten. He had never gotten this many presents before. It's my birthday. Harry silently started laughing. He had presents from Ron, Hermione, Professor Lupin, Hagrid and Ginny. Ron gave him a Chudley Cannons poster with the whole team's autograph on it. Ron wrote: Harry, hope you have a good birthday! My parents contacted Dumbledore and he said that you can stay with us now! The whole family will be at our house when you get here. We'll pick on this Sunday at noon. I hope the Dursleys are treating you well. -Ron Then Harry opened Hermione's present. Wow, how fascinatingly unexpected, a book, Harry mused, sarcastically. I can't believe it. After all these years, she expects me to read Hogwarts, A History? With all she knows, I don't need the book! Harry tore the rest of the paper away and found her note: Harry, this book will come in handy. Hope you are doing great. -Love from, Hermione As Harry read the piece of parchment, he wondered why her note was so short and messy, but then he came to a conclusion that it might have to do with Ron. Harry opened Lupin's gift. It was another book. Wonderful, another book! Harry read the note then understood what it was Ah, I see what he's playing at. Okay, no, I don't. What was he thinking - a guidebook to understand women? Hagrid gave Harry different sorts of sweets. There were Chocolate Frogs, Every Flavor Beans - and so many other things, some of which Harry had never heard of before. Harry didn't have time to open Ginny's gift. He had hoped she would just write him a card saying "I fancy you," but she was going out with Dean and sadly got over him a year ago. After Harry had done all his chores, eaten, and cleaned the cupboard, he opened Ginny's gift. A necklace... for him? Well that made a lot of sense. I guess she still has a crush on me, he thought happily. Dear Harry, Hope you are having a good summer! The necklace turns green when you are near the person you love, black when you are near someone you hate, pink when you are in the presence of someone who is a friend, blue when someone you love or are close friends with is sad, and turns grey when your friends close by are lonely. I look forward to you seeing you when you can come to the Burrow, Ginny ~~~ Two days later, Harry was starting to get nervous. I hope they won't be late. How are they going to enter? Who is picking me up? It's almost time, Harry thought excitedly. Ten minutes left... eight minutes left... six minutes... four minutes... two minutes... Where are they? Harry thought nervously. "If they come through our chimney again and blast it to pieces, I will personally kick you out of this house!" Uncle Vernon roared. "Yes, Uncle Vernon," Harry said monotonously. The second after Harry spoke, he heard a little popping noise. Someone Apparated, Harry thought. He looked around and saw Mr. Weasley standing right next to him. "Hello, Harry." "Hi, Mr. Weasley!" "Shall we be going now?" "Mr. Weasley, how are we leaving?" Harry questioned. "Well, you are going to use Floo Powder and I'll Apparate back after tidying a bit." They walked over to the fireplace, and Mr. Weasley moved the boards that boarded the fireplace up. After he finished taking all the pieces down, Harry took some of the Floo Powder and said loudly and clearly, "The Burrow." He walked into the bright green flames in the fireplace, happy to be leaving the Dursleys'.