Author: Sorting Hat
Story: A New Beginning
Rating: Young Teens
Setting: Pre-HBP
Status: Completed
Reviews: 4
Words: 333
Harry stood with Ginny, watching silently as James boarded the Hogwarts Express from platform Nine and Three-Quarters. Ron was there as well, though he was due to return to St. Mungo's soon.
“Amazing,” Ron whispered.
“Sorry?” Harry asked.
“Seeing him like this. Eleven years old and ready for the time of his life.”
A shadow crossed Harry's face before he replied,“It's nice. He doesn't carry the pain he carried then.”
“If it weren't for him, we'd all be dead,” Ron continued. “It's been swell to see him grow. I wish Hermione could have seen it.”
“So do we, Ron,” Ginny said, looking at her brother.
“Think she'd have got him to read Hogwarts: A History?”
“Knowing Hermione, she'd have read him that book for bedtime stories,” Harry said, laughing.
“Remember when he came back the first time? I used to wonder how much I'd missed because I didn't get to see him grow up. Maybe it's better this way, to see him grow in a world without Voldemort.”
“True,” Harry said.
“D'you think he'll be okay?” Ginny asked, earnestly.
“Come on, Gin,” Ron laughed. “He'll be fine. Albus will see to that.”
Harry nodded as his wife smiled through her tears.
“I wonder if I had it this hard sending him away the first time?” Ginny asked.
“Probably,” Harry said. “But he always said he knew we loved him. I think he died knowing that, and that he made a difference.”
Ginny nodded, and Ron put his arm around her. The three of them waved at the Hogwarts Express until it was out of sight.
“He'll be fine,” Ginny whispered. “Let's go home.”
The three former Hogwarts students turned as one, and began to weave their way through the throng of witches and wizards who remained after seeing their children off.
Some were smiling. Some were crying. All looked alive with hope. Harry nodded. It should be this way. James would have approved. Silently, he lead Ginny and Ron out of Kings Cross.