Another building exploded behind Harry as he dodged a disruptor curse. Ahead of him, he saw Colin Creevey fall as a Death Eater hit him with a full body bind.
"Bugger," Harry whispered as he ducked behind another building. The Weasley twins' shop had just collapsed. "Ron's going to—" His whisper was cut off as Hermione elbowed him in the ribs.
"Shut up!" she hissed. Harry looked at her in surprise, but quickly recovered his senses.
"Morstolus!" Hermione shrieked, standing up and then ducking down again. Harry saw a Death Eater burst into purple flames. Seeing the coast clear, Harry dived over to another building, with Hermione in close pursuit.
"Bloody bastards," Ron was saying to Ginny, who looked as furious as Ron did.
"Ron," Harry said quietly. "See that pair?" Ron nodded.
"Reducto?" Ron asked. Harry nodded, putting up his fingers and lowering them one at a time. He mouthed along with the motion, "Three, two, one."
They rose, and blasted a pair of Death Eaters out of existence before their enemies even knew what was happening.
The group of students made their way slowly away from the main portion of the battle. They met up with Professor McGonagall quite unexpectedly.
"Do watch where you're going!" McGonagall snapped at Ginny after the girl fell over her.
"Sorry," Ginny said.
The old professor felled a Death Eater with an expert swish of her wand.
Harry saw another Death Eater take aim from behind McGonagall. Desperately, Harry cast the first spell which came to mind.
"Wingardium Leviosa!"
The Death Eater began screaming as he rose higher and higher into the air. Harry whirled around to attack another Death Eater, and the one he had lifted fell to the ground with a sickening crunch.
Unexpectedly, the sounds of battle began to lessen. A moment later, Harry saw why.
Lucius Malfoy stood in the middle of the battle ground. Before Harry could even blink, a spell came his way. Harry felt his friends grab him to pull him down out of the way, but they were too slow.
Harry felt Lucius' spell hit him at the same time as a counter-spell from Professor McGonagall.
Harry blacked out.
"Harry! Come on Harry!" someone was saying. They sounded worried, so Harry opened his eyes against his better judgment.
Ron was looking at him but then raised his head toward someone approaching.
The man wore strange clothing and rode a horse.
"Ho, there!" the man said loudly. "What business have ye out on the open road?"
"Our business is our own!" Ron snapped back.
"Thou dost insult mine honor," the man said seriously. "Draw thy weapon!"
Harry saw Ron draw his wand, but before anything more could occur, a flash came from nowhere along with Hermione's voice, "Obliviate!"
The man looked confused, but his eyes cleared quickly.
"Ho! What business have ye on the open road?" he asked.
"If you please, our business is our own," Hermione firmly.
The man said nothing for a moment.
"Where...where are we?" Harry muttered. The man overheard him.
"You are on the king's grounds, lad. Dangerous, if you've no—"
"Kings grounds?" Ron interrupted, "Which king? What place is this?"
"I dislike the tone of your voice, sir. Everyone knows who's grounds are these. What have you there?" The man eyed Ron's wand warily.
"It's" Ron began.
The man's eyes widened. "A wand! You're one of the enchanter's ilk then! A thousand thousand apologies, good sir!"
Harry was on his feet by this point, looking at the man who had but a moment before accused Ron of challenging his honor.
"Who are you?" Harry asked.
"If you please, my name is Cedric," the man replied, pronouncing his name with a short e.
"Where are we?" Harry continued. Cedric visibly paled. Before he could answer, a blast of trumpets tore through the air.
"Who's all that for?" Harry asked, forgetting his earlier question. Cedric looked at him with wide eyes.
"Why, do you really not know?"
"No. Who's it for? " Harry asked, beginning to sound a little annoyed.
"My good sir, the trumpets are played for the king!" Cedric replied.
"King who?" Harry snapped, gripping his wand. Cedric swallowed nervously.
"Sir, the king of the realm! His majesty, Arthur Pendragon!"
Harry's mouth dropped open in shock. Before anyone could say anything more, Cedric turned and urged his horse into a mighty gallop. Before long, the man was gone.
"Well, that figures," Ginny spoke up.
Harry nodded. "Oh bugger," he said to no one in particular.