Author: Majick Story: The Knights of Walpurgis Rating: Young Teens Status: Completed Reviews: 20 Words: 195,491
The Knights Of Walpurgis (Author'sNote: Firstly, it's pretty much all J.K. Rowling's. I'm just playinghere for a time. Secondly, thanks to MissK and Pooca for their betawork. Finally, a warning: This is not your typical adventure/romancefic, at least not a typical one for this website. If you can't standseeing Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione with other people, you might notwant to carry on. They'll get it right eventually - well, probably -but they're teenagers, so there might be a few detours along the way.Still with me? Then on with the show!) Prologue 28th June Harry mate, Hopeyou're alright. It was great to see Professor Lupin, Tonks and theothers at Kings Cross, wasn't it? I thought your fat uncle wouldexplode when Mad Eye Moody 'had a word' with him. Listen,Harry, I know you tend to keep quiet about stuff, but you shouldn't.Not with me or Hermione, anyway. If you want to talk, about Sirius oranything, you know where to find us. Whatd'you reckon the chances are we'll get called up to help Dumbledoresometime this summer? I hope so. It's miserable here. Mum's stillreally upset about Percy. He still hasn't come home. I know us Weasleysare stubborn, but he was supposed to be the sensible one. SupposeI'd better get going. Bill's bringing Fleur Delacour and her sisterGabrielle home tonight. Mum's a bit weird about Fleur. She's yearsyounger than Bill. Still, it'll be cool to see them all again. Me andGabrielle can talk about old times, waiting for you to save our lives.Seems like a long time since that happened. Still Mum'll be putty inFleur's hands once she sees Gabrielle. She's always wanted grandkids,and this'll be the next best thing. Evenif we don't get involved with the other stuff, d'you want to come andvisit later in the summer? I don't reckon Dumbledore would let you comesoon, but I'll get Mum and Dad to ask when you can come. Hope it'ssoon. It's pretty boring here. Speak to you soon, Ron * 2nd July Hermione, Have you heard anything from Harry since term ended? I'm worried about him. I spoke to Mum and Dad. They say Harry needs time to get over Sirius. I hate him having to be alone. He hasn't written yet. I sent a letter a week ago... I'm probably just being stupid, right? Hope you're okay, Ron * 3rd July Harry, how are you doing? Listenmate, I was wondering if you had any instructions for us over thesummer? I know that I was a latecomer to the DA and all, but I want tokeep in training. Tell the truth, I'm probably safer than most livingout here, but me dad's a Muggle, and I don't want anything happening tohim. If I have to fight, I will. Mam's a bit unsure still, but it won'thurt for her to get in practise, right? Anyway,drop us a line if you can give us any help. I reckon I'll dig outProfessor Lupin's old notes, and that nutter Moody's too. Hope you're having a good summer, Seamus * 4th July Ron, How are you? I'm sure Harry is okay. He's very, well, Harryabout things like this. He'll talk when he wants to, and not before.Still, I'm glad you've written to him. I did wonder if I should write,but I wasn't sure. I maywrite later in the week. Will you let me know if you hear anything? I'mstaying with my gran at the moment. She doesn't know I'm a witch, so Ihad to run out into the garden when I saw Pigwidgeon. Still, he's aclever little owl, isn't he? He knew not to come into a Muggle house. Myparents have gone away for a second honeymoon. I don't know why theyhad to go now. They have all year when I'm away at school, and now assoon as I come home, they go away. Nice, isn't it? Still, I haven'tseen gran since the summer after first year. Mum and Dad haven'tmentioned where I go to school, so she doesn't know about magic.They've left it up to me who I want to tell. What do you think I shoulddo? How's everyone else? Is Ginny okay after breaking up with Michael Corner? Please write soon, Hermione * 5th July Hermione, It'sthe same here as at Christmas. Mum's still upset with Percy, and Dad'sfurious, even if he doesn't show it. I know they're trying to makethings alright for me and Ginny. Fred and George are helping out a lot.They've officially opened their shopnow - we went for the opening on the first but of course they've beenselling stuff for ages - and they're still at home at the moment.George says they want to see how it all goes before they decide if theymove out or not. Mum isn't happy, though. She doesn't want them to goat all. Still, Bill andCharlie are happy enough. Bill brought Fleur and Gabrielle home a fewnights ago - remember her? Fleur's little sister. She's starting atBeauxbatons next year - and Mum really seemed happy. Charlie's stillout in Romania, but he's talking about coming home soon. I think he'sworried about Mum, and he wants to have a word with Percy, I imagine.Typical older brother stuff. Ginny's okay.Trust me on this. She spends most of the time down in the village. Ithink she's found herself another boyfriend. Keeps going on about allthese new friends she's made and, well, there's always Luna Lovegood.That girl is seriously weird. And she lives close enough thatshe's always dropping in. She keeps looking at me like she's measuringme up. It's a bit off putting, to tell the truth. Anyway,that's all the news from the Burrow. Have you told your gran aboutmagic yet? Maybe I can come and visit and we can do some spells forher. I bet Dad could swing it with work. Still no word from Harry. Write soon, yeah? Ron * 7th July Ron, I'msure there's more going on then that. I'm sending a letter to Ginny aswell. If she has a new boyfriend, I want to know all about it. And no,you're not allowed to read what I've written. Honestly, Ron, you know you're as big a gossip as Parvati and Lavender. Now,I've not told Gran anything about magic. I would like to see you,though. I'm not very far from the Burrow here so maybe you can come andvisit? You could stay for a couple of days. It'd be fun to show youaround the Muggle world a bit, for a change. Itake it that there's still no word from Harry? It's been nearly twoweeks now and he's usually very good about replying to letters. I dohope he's okay. I think I'll write as well. Maybe the Dursleys haveblocked his post? I can't see how they would have done, though, afterMoody scared them at Kings Cross. Anyway,I'd better go. I have to get up early tomorrow. Gran wants me to helpout at the old folks' home. She keeps calling them layabouts, but Isuppose when you're eighty-seven and walk five miles a day to keep fit,anyone who's in a home might seem to be a bit lazy. Well, good to hear from you. Don't pick on Ginny, boyfriend or not. Write soon, Hermione * 7th July Ginny, Doyou have a new boyfriend? Ron says you've been spending a lot of timein the village, and he thinks you've met someone new. Now, I know aswell as anyone how much you can trust Ron about things like this, butstill, he has to wake up at some point, right? Anyway,what else is happening at the Burrow? Ron says there's nothing muchgoing on, but you know what he's like. It's not that I mind having towrite to both of you, but I half-wish that Harry or someone was thereto give me a full, unbiased report on everything. Speakingof Harry, have you heard from him? I know you're not very close, but hehasn't written to Ron or me yet. I hope he's not bottling it all up,but I don't suppose he can talk to that dreadful family of his. Please write back soon. I want to hear everything! Love, Hermione * 7th July Harry, Ihave just got back from a whole day helping my Gran at the old folks'home. Can you believe my parents have abandoned me? Charming, isn't it? Isuppose I'm being silly complaining about it, but I did want to seethem for more than a day before they disappeared off to Florida for amonth. Still, it's nice seeing Gran again, even if I do have to pretendto be a Muggle while I'm here. Ihope you're okay. I'm sorry that I haven't written sooner, but as soonas I got home, mum and dad whisked me off to gran's, and of course Idon't have an owl of my own, so I've had to send Pig off with threeletters, not that the little thing seems to mind. Anyway,are the Dursleys treating you properly? Don't hesitate to write toDumbledore, or Remus or even Moody if they're being, well, themselves.And you can write to Ron or me if you want to talk about anything, evenwhat happened at the Ministry, I hope you know that. Please write back soon. Love, Hermione * 9th July Hermione, Comingto see you sounds cool. Anything to get out of here for a bit, althoughI suppose once I get back, I'll have Dad on at me about all the Mugglestuff. I don't reckon thatthose ruddy Muggles Harry lives with have done anything to his post -they wouldn't dare, you're right - but Ginny reckons he's justadjusting, whatever that means. And yeah, 'course I know what it means, but I'm not sure I know what it means.I know Harry has to come to terms with Sirius being gone and stuff, butthe way Ginny says it makes it sound really complicated and stuff, likethere's more to it than I know. Anyway,this is making no sense. I've got another letter to write, anyway.Write back soon, and maybe I'll be able to reply with something thatsounds a bit less like Loony Lovegood. Ron * 10th July Hermione, Ionly just got your letter. Ron shoved it behind the bread bin. I thinkhe thought it was a love letter or something. Some hope! No,there's no new boyfriend. Ron says he mentioned my friends in thevillage, but he's being silly. I see Luna and Colin sometimes, but theMuggles who live around here think that we're a weird family. Anyway,who cares about boys? Well, I know you do. One boy, anyway. As for himwaking up at some point, well, I told you two years ago that youshouldn't hold your breath. I still think that you're ill if you wantto date Ron, but I'm not really someone to give relationship advice. Ronsaid you invited him to see you at your gran's? I think you have tobite the bullet, Hermione. You've spent a year and a half being subtle.Stop it now. Ron doesn't do subtle. He never has, and probably neverwill. Besides, he's a boy. He thinks subtle is not burping out loud. AndI haven't heard from Harry. Why would I? I know you want him to open upmore, but when he does, it's not going to be to me. Not now, anyway. Iwouldn't be surprised if you don't hear from him at all these holidays.It didn't take a genius to see how close he was to Sirius. It was likehaving his Dad around, and we all know how much he wanted that. Nowhe's had that taken away from him again, only this time he's old enoughto have felt how close Sirius and he were. Andyes, I've been doing a lot of reading these last few weeks. I thinkI've pretty much read everything in the local library now, even thetrashy romances and clinical psychology books. I'm going to be goingaround Hogwarts applying labels to everyone I see. I'm just not sure ifthey'll be 'Long-legged, firm-thighed, hard-chested vagabond' or'Commitment phobic who uses his looks to engage in meaningless shortterm relationships and leaves his partners broken hearted.' I won'teven mention the labels that Ron's 'protective older brother' act isearning him. I know he tried to be nice at the end of last term, but ithasn't lasted. Anyway, canyou tell how bored I am? Like I said, I've read all the books in atwo-mile radius, and, well, home isn't much fun to be in right now.Charlie's coming home soon, though, and Bill's around a lot more. Ithink that's helping Mum keep going, but Percy's not ready to admit hewas wrong yet, even with Fudge owning up. I can't understand him. Iprobably don't want to. Well,Luna's just arrived. She says hello. I think she quite likes Ron too,so you might have competition. I don't get it. Isn't one wonderfulWeasley (Me!) in your life enough? Don't do it to yourself, Hermione. I can recommend you a quite nice Ravenclaw sixth-year, if you like. Love, Ginny * 10th July Hi Ginny, it's Dean here. Justout of interest, have you been saying something to your brothers aboutme? I just received a nasty letter from them threatening me with allsorts of stuff if I take advantage of you. It's news to me that I'm in a position to take advantage of you. When exactly is this supposed to have taken place? Anyway,write back to me and let me know what's going on, will you? It getspretty boring here with nothing much to do during school holidays, andSeamus and Neville are both away at the moment. Hope to hear from you soon, Dean * 11th July Hermione, Ijust got a very strange letter from Dean Thomas, asking me if I'd toldRon that we were going out. Apparently Ron said something to Dean that,well, I think you can probably guess what Ron said. It seems thatwithout you around, Ron's reverted to his typical idiot role again. Anyidea what I should say to Dean? It's a bit embarrassing to admit I usedhim to get a rise out of Ron. I do think he's quite cute - Dean, notRon, obviously - and suppose I could flatter his ego a bit. Boys seemto like that. Apart from that, nothing's changed since my last letter, obviously. Speak to you soon, Ginny * 11th July Ron, Ginny says you didn't give her my letter. Why on earth not? Anyway,you're welcome to come and see me anytime. Just let me know when. I'mstaying in Greenchurch at number 43, Winslowe Terrace. Speak to you soon, and I hope you and Ginny aren't arguing. See you soon, Hermione * 11th July Ginny, Ifyou think Dean's cute then there's no reason why you shouldn't see ifhe'd be interested in really going out with you. Did he seem verybothered by Ron's letter? He is rather attractive, isn't he? I asked Ron why he didn't give you your last letter. Hope he passes you this one. Maybe you can come and visit me here in Greenchurch sometime this holiday as well? See you soon, Hermione * 12th July Hermione, Iwas just about to write to Dean when I got your letter. I forgot totell you! Ron didn't hide my letter, he left it out for me on thetable, and Mum stuck it behind the bread bin when she was cleaning. Ihope you didn't say anything too bad to Ron. It turns out that hedidn't send Dean that letter, either. Apparently Fred and George havedecided to start approving my boyfriends by trying to scare them. Ron actually helped me get a bit of revenge on the pair of... Well, you can imaginewhat I think of them, right? At least they're just doing it for fun.They don't seem to mind me dating, or maybe they're too scared to sayanything about it to me. Still,Ron seems to be a lot calmer this summer: It's really weird. I supposeI was exaggerating a bit in my first letter. In fact, he's barely saidanything about Dean, and when I mentioned it to him, he just said itwasn't any of his business who I went out with, and he trusted me topick someone better than Corner. I know that he talked to Bill quite alot while Bill was staying here the first week of the holidays, but Ididn't think that so much would rub off on him. It's a little bitunnerving, to be honest. Anyway,like I said, I'm about to write to Dean. I think I'll sound him outabout going out once we get back to school. I mean, you're right, he'sdefinitely easy on the eyes, and he's really funny, as well. We talkedquite a bit during the DA classes last year, so... Right, enough. He's only a boy, and not worth getting too worked up about, right, Miss Prefect? Speak to you soon, Ginny * 12th July Hi Hermione, Yeah,if it's okay, I'll come along on the 15th at about 10 in the morning?Fred said he'd drop me off - he's got a flying motorbike like the oneSirius used to have. (And no, no word about Harry yet.It's been nearly three weeks now. Fred and George reckon they'll go seehim if we haven't heard anything by the end of the week. I dunno, Imean, Dumbledore would tell us if there was anything wrong, right?Still, I suspect that Harry would enjoy seeing a friendly face, 'thoughI imagine Tonks and Professor Lupin and plenty of others are keeping aneye on him close enough. Mum says that she's heard he's okay, too, so Iguess that someone's checking on him, but it's a bit much how we're notbeing told what's going on with our best mate.) Anyway,I didn't hide Ginny's letter. I don't know if she told you or not, butMum shoved it away when she was cleaning. I can't control who Ginnydates, I guess I just have to trust her to pick decent sorts. Besides,any idiot who tries anything with her doesn't know what he's lettinghimself in for. And when Ginny finishes with him, then the rest of uswill have a go at what's left. Least, that's what Bill reckons, andit's certainly cut down on the arguments this summer. I knew thatCorner bloke was no good, but would she listen to me? Anyway, let's not get into that now. See you on the fifteenth, Ron * 12th July Hi Dean Sorryabout my brothers. They didn't think my last boyfriend was up to verymuch and if they think someone's taken an interest in me... Ugh. Sorry. Anyway,yes, I did say we'd started going out. I just said it to shut Ron up -I think he was trying to fix me up with Harry, can you believe him? -and I thought that if I said I'd started seeing someone else, he'dleave me alone. It didn't occur to me that word would get to the restof my family and that they'd take it seriously. Can I buy you a Butterbeer when we get back to school to apologise? Ginny * 13th July Hi Ron, No,I've not heard from Harry, either. Have you asked your mum and dad ifthey've heard anything? I suppose they would tell you immediately, butstill... Ginny did tell meabout the letter, and I'm sorry if I sounded like I was accusing you ofmeddling. I'm glad you've decided not to get in the way of her and anyboy she might like, and I imagine that the reputation yourself and yourbrothers have will be enough to keep away anyone who'd hurt Ginnydeliberately. Anyway, I'mlooking forward to seeing you, and yes, the fifteenth will be fine.Fred's bike sounds very interesting: They must be earning an awful lotat the new shop to be able to afford things like that already. See you on Monday, Hermione P.S. Tell Ginny 'Good luck!' * 14th July Hi Ginny, Sounds good. Maybe I can buy you a Butterbeer as well to say no hard feelings? So, do I have to worry about your brothers, or have you convinced them it was all a joke? Speak to you soon, Dean * 14th July Hermione, Thanks for the Good Luck wish. I'm meeting Dean for a Butterbeer or two once we go back. See how easy it is? I'dlove to come and meet up with you, although maybe after tomorrow youand my brother will be busy... Ugh. No, don't tell me. I just had thishorrible mental image of you two... Ugh. Anyway, Ron wants to add a bit to this so I'd better keep it short. See you soon, Ginny Aren'tI good? I didn't turn over the parchment to see what Ginny wrote,despite the big grin she's been sporting since she got another letterearlier on today. Any ideas? Or is that me being as big a gossip asParvati and Lavender again? Fredbought his bike second-hand off an old wizard whose wife won't let himride it anymore. Sounds like Mum and Dad in a way. Speaking of them, Ihave asked if they'd heard anything about Harry, but they say theycan't tell me anything other than that he's okay, so... it's hard to beresponsible and stuff when he's probably feeling horrible and, knowingHarry, just making himself feel worse, but what can we do? Anyway, see you tomorrow, Ron * Itwas a quiet Monday evening at the Burrow. Arthur Weasley was stayinglate at work while George and Fred had Disapparated after dinner tovisit a friend. Ron was visiting Hermione for a few days and Ginny waswriting to a school friend. Molly Weasley felt that it was about the right time for her to put her feet up for a few minutes, read the latest issue of Witch Weekly, and have a cup of tea. She had just finished the lead article - You Know Who: What The Ministry Isn't Telling Us -and lamenting the loss of the more frothy stories from the publicationwhen the sound of a throat being cleared in the fireplace nearly madeher spill her tea over herself. "Minerva!" she gasped in surprise. "Sorryto bother you, Molly," Minerva McGonagall said. The flames in thefireplace painted a fiery picture of someone who wasn't getting enough- or possibly any - sleep, and Molly looked at her in concern. "Minerva, you don't look well, are you -" "Later, Molly," McGonagall said sharply. "Are there many of your family at home?" Molly blinked. "Well, Ginny and I are here. Everyone else is out." McGonagall sighed. "Ron? Hermione?" "Ron's visiting Hermione at her grandmother's. Minerva, what's wrong?" "You'll have to send them an owl. We'll sort everything else out once you get here." "Get there? You mean Headquarters?" McGonagall nodded. "But we're not supposed to go there, I thought, in case, well..." McGonagallfrowned. "Circumstances have changed," she said, bitterly. "I havereceived a message from Albus asking me to be here at Headquarters.Given the circumstances, I think as many of you as possible should comehere as well." * Ginnywas midway through a letter to Dean, frowning as she paused and chewedon her bottom lip. She tapped the feather end of her quill against herknee as she reread the letter up to that point. 15th July Dear Dean, Ithink you'll be fairly safe from my brothers at Hogwarts, especially asRon's the only one of them around. Still, if you see a horde ofredheads descending on you, you might want to run... just to be on thesafe side. There's no need tobuy me a drink as well, but it's very nice, so I won't say no. Isuppose it's a bit early to be planning exactly when we'll go,especially as we don't know the dates of the Hogsmeade weekend. Still,it's a bit boring around here today, so forgive me if I ramble a bit.Everyone's gone off, even Ron. He's gone to visit Hermione, which wouldbe good if it meant they were finally going to get together - I take ityou lot have noticed the way those two act around each other? Shedipped the end of her quill into the inkpot and squinted out from theshade of the tree she was sitting under, waiting for inspiration tostrike. In her limited experience, early conversations with boys werehardly models of scintillating wit, and she wanted to open up as muchas possible to talk about, without overwhelming Dean with a huge rollof parchment. That, she thought, would make her seem too eager. AndI don't want that. Dean's nice, but lots of boys are nice. Let's see ifthere's more to him than a cute smile and funny jokes before I get myhopes up. "Ginny? Ginny? Are you here, dear?" Ginnycraned around the trunk of the tree, looking back down the path towardsthe Burrow. She waved to Mrs. Weasley, who started up the path. As shegrew nearer, Ginny noticed the worried expression on her face, andstood up to greet her. "Mum? What's wrong?" "Ginny, dear, I'm sorry, but you have to get some of your things together." "What? Why? Are we -" Molly cut her daughter short. "We're not in any danger, dear. We have to go to Headquarters, that's all." "Headquarters?But, Mum, I thought we weren't going there in case Harry wanted toleave the Dursleys? Professor Dumbledore didn't want him having to goto Sirius' house." "Circumstances have changed, dear. Now come on, we have to get packed." Molly began to hurry back down the path, and Ginny scrambled for her things before charging after her. "Circumstances have changed? What does that mean? What circumstances?" Molly stopped suddenly, her slippers sending up a cloud of dust. "Circumstanceshave changed, dear, because Harry has threatened to curse MundungusFletcher unless he takes him to headquarters as soon as possible." Ginny rocked back on her heels, and Molly smiled a grim smile. "Now, shall we get a move on? We'll need to send an owl to Ron and Hermione before we leave..." She bustled off and after a short pause Ginny dashed after her. To be continued...