Author: Spark Soliton Story: Fury Rating: Young Teens Setting: Pre-HBP Status: Completed Reviews: 26 Words: 1,984 A/N: This is an outtake / missing moment from Chapter 18: Quidditch, Anyone? From Melindaleo's Curse of the Damned. It takes place later in the evening after the discussion with Ron and Harry took place in the Gryffindor common room, following Snape's caustic remark about not expecting Harry to survive the fight with Voldemort. Text in italics is the original text by Melindaleo *** "This is how I handle things, Hermione, and I can't change who I am. I'm as ready as I'm ever going to be, and you're going to have to accept that. It still may not be something I want to do, but when has what I wanted ever mattered?" Harry turned on his heel and stormed up the stairs before her tears could make him come undone. This battle was his destiny, and it was close. He could feel it. The sooner both Ron and Hermione accepted that, the easier it would be for all of them. He didn't want to hurt them, but this was something he had to do. If anything did happen to him, he hoped they'd still have each other to lean on, and to help Ginny through it. Harry started to change into his pyjamas and had just lied down in his bed when Ginny came up, the phial of sleeping potion clutched tightly in her hand. Harry couldn't stop a smile as she sat down on the bed beside him. She beamed at him and gently stroked his face before she frowned a little, bit her lip and placed her hand on Harry's chest. "Why weren't you at dinner tonight, Harry? Hermione said that Snape said something to you that seemed to upset you. Was that what Ron and Hermione wanted to talk to you earlier? You left Hermione in tears, Harry," Ginny asked quietly but intensely. Harry sighed, "It was nothing really, it was just something that took me by surprise." She leaned forward and stared hard into his eyes. "Don't push me away again, Harry. What did he tell you? I know he's a git but you stormed off and spent the entire evening flying on the Quidditch pitch. You haven't done anything like that for a long time. You know you can talk to me, Harry," Ginny told him. Harry sighed again and reached for her hand, laying his hand on her small one. "He told me that he doesn't think I'll survive the final battle but that he expects me to sacrifice myself and take Voldemort out with me." Ginny stiffened and jerked her hand back, clutching her chest and her brown eyes wide with shock. He could see a red flush rise in her face and her ears turning a familiar Weasley red. Ginny's voice was shrill and unsteady as she said, "He told you he expects you to die? To sacrifice yourself and yet kill Voldemort?" Harry opened his mouth to say something but realised that she was just building her rant. She slid of the bed and stood up with a jerk, her eyes blazing. "How dare he tell you that? You are going to live, Harry, and don't you dare to think anything else. That ruddy, greasy-haired git of stuck-up, no-good creep! Aaarrggghhh!" Her voice steadily rose and the final words came out with a scream. She whipped around and stormed off towards the door at a run, "I'll bloody tell him, that sallow-faced, stinksap-covered prat," mumbling curses and expletives under her breath. Harry sat up, stunned by her reaction and as he saw her storm down the stairs he suddenly realised that she seriously intended to tell Snape what she felt about him. Harry threw himself off the bed and hesitated for a moment before grabbing his dressing gown and running after Ginny. He met Ron at the bottom of the stairs and Ron gave him a death glare. "What did you say to Ginny to upset her? If you've hurt her," Ron sputtered, but Harry broke him off. "Bloody hell, Ron. I told her what Snape told me and if I can't stop her she'll tell him off and land herself in a world of trouble. Where did she go?" Ron blanched, "She ran out through the portrait hole." They both started running after Ginny and clambered through the portrait hole. Harry caught a glimmer of red hair disappearing round a corner and he ran flat-out after her, Ron hot in pursuit. As he got closer to her Harry started calling to her. "Ginny, stop. Ginny! Please, stop!" She didn't seem hear though and he could hear her still cursing loudly as she ran doggedly towards the dungeons. Harry hesitated, he knew if she actually got to Snape her life would be over but at this speed he wouldn't be able to catch up, and then pulled his wand out at aimed it at Ginny, shouting "Impedimenta". She went down with a shout. As Ron and Harry caught up with her, she was glaring at them and shouted. "What do you mean by hexing me?" He sat down by her and wrapped his arms around her waist before Ron released the spell. As they stood up Ginny squirmed and wiggled to get free as Harry spoke. "Ginny, please let it go. Don't do this, don't get into trouble over some silly remark from Snape." "It's not a silly remark, he can't just go around and tell you that he expects you to die!" "Please, Ginny. Snape is just an evil git, don't let it get to you." "So I'm an evil git, Mr Potter?" Snape's silky voice made them whip around and stare at Professor Snape who had silently walked around the corner. "Fifty points from Gryffindor for not showing proper respect to a teacher." Harry gasped at the injustice. "So, care to explain why you are running around in the halls, hexing each other?" Harry hesitated, "Errmm." Ginny didn't hesitate though. "You, you have no right to tell Harry that you expect him to die! How do you dare to say something like that, you--" Her voice was abruptly silenced as Harry clapped his hand over her mouth. He tightened the grip around her waist to stop her struggling. She stomped hard on his bare foot with her shoe and Harry spat out an expletive as pain cursed through him. He gingerly held his foot aloft as Snape looked at them with disdain. "What is going on Severus?" Dumbledore asked, striding towards them from down the hall. Ginny stilled and Harry reluctantly let go of her. She stuck her nose up and shrugged him off. Harry threw Ron a look and was surprised to see him biting his hand, his face red and his shoulders shaking. "I find these three Gryffindors running madly down the hall, throwing hexes. I accosted them and was rudely insulted by Mr Potter and Miss Weasley." The headmaster raised his eyebrows and turned to Harry and Ginny. "What do you have to say in this matter?" Harry hesitated and looked at Ginny. She scowled at Snape. "Respect is earned, Professor Snape, it's not a right," she hissed furiously. "You have done nothing to earn my respect and you should be ashamed for the way you to talk to Harry. How can you tell him you expect him die? How can you tell Harry you expect him to sacrifice himself and in doing so take Voldemort with him? How dare you take his hope away? How can you be such a stu--," Ginnys furious voice was cut off as Harry in desperation clapped his hand over her mouth again but he whipped it away quickly with a "Ow! You bit me!" He waved his hand to ease the pain as Ginny rounded on him furiously. "You keep your bloody hands to yourself, Potter, or I'll do more than bite you next time!" She turned to Ron, who was now shaking helplessly as he tried to keep from laughing. "And what you are laughing at, you ruddy prat." Ron quickly calmed himself as Ginny brandished his wand at him, her eyes flashing with anger. A loud "Hrrmm" from Dumbledore made Ginny spin around again and she would have toppled if Harry hadn't grasped her shoulders to steady her but at her angry glance he let go of her just as quickly. "Miss Weasley, please calm yourself," Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling. "Severus, I will speak with you later." Snape stiffened and walked away, his robes whirling around him. Dumbledore pointed towards an empty classroom, "Please, let us all sit down in there." They walked in and sat down with Dumbledore standing in front of them, hands clasped on his back. "An explanation, please." Ginny rubbed her temples as she tried to calm down but anger was still burning too hot. She gave Harry a quick glance and saw him squirm before she focused on the headmaster again, drew a deep breath and launched into the explanation. It came out a bit more furious and heated than she had wanted but Ginny felt she had managed to reign in her temper to avoid the worst expletives and rants. There was a long silence after Ginny had stopped talking. Dumbledore looked tired and aged all of a sudden as he thoughtfully pulled in his beard. "You are right, Miss Weasley. Hope is a precious commodity, not to be discarded or squashed lightly. I share your hope and belief that Harry will defeat Voldemort," Dumbledore said. He looked at them and a twinkle returned to his eyes. "I admire your courage, Miss Weasley. Not many students would dare to confront Professor Snape with the intention of telling him off for expressing negative views. Forty points for your Gryffindor courage and daring." Ginny gave the headmaster a stunned look and slowly shook her head to clear it. "I will speak to Severus about curtailing his expression of these particular views, I believe that will be enough. Now, please return to your dormitory and no more excursions this night." They left and walked back to the Gryffindor Tower in silence. They walked up to the boys' dormitory and as Harry crept back into his bed, Ginny sat down on the edge. She looked at Harry, uncertainty mixed with embarrassment visible in her eyes. "Harry, I'm sorry I stomped on your foot and for biting you-- I was just so angry--" She stopped as Harry sat up and hugged her. "You're the bravest and most wonderful girl in the world, Ginny. There are many things I love about you and your temper is one of them. You don't take any guff from anyone and you're not afraid to tell people off when you think they deserve it. Don't worry about it." Ginny buried her face in Harry's chest and he felt her relax. They sat together for a long time, pondering the future and taking comfort from each other. ~ Fin ~ *** A/N: This story is dedicated to Melindaleo, whose writing (Power of Emotion, Curse of the Damned, No Place Like Home and Centrifugal Force) has been a great source of reading pleasure and inspiration. The reason for me to write this outtake came from my review of chapter 18 to Melindaleo; saying that Snape was very, very lucky that Ginny did not overhear his comment or she would have gone ballistic and I think the Bat-Bogey Hex would have been the nicest spell she would have sent his way! Melindaleo wrote back in the author's response: "I would have loved to set Ginny loose on Snape after that comment, but...I never thought of it! So, go ahead, write an AU what if story!" That was a challenge I couldn't resist, so here it is. Text in italics is the original text from chapter 18 of Harry Potter and the Curse of the Damned. |