Harry Potter belongs to the talented and wonderful J K Rowling. The Princess Bride belongs to William Goldman. All theirs, not mine.
Come my love, I'll tell you a tale
of a boy and girl, and their love story,
and how he loved her oh, so much,
and all the charms she did possess.
I would like to tell you a story. You, as a Muggle, might call this a 'fairy tale,' but nothing can be further from the truth. This is a story about a witch, a wizard, and an evil prince who tries to keep them apart. A story about wand fights, revenge, death, poison, giants, creatures of unusual sizes, pain, and yes-even a little snogging. You have been warned. However, above all else, this story is about true love; true love, and the ability to overcome anything, even death.
Now let us commence with our tale...
Once upon a time, (for all proper fairy tales start that way) there lived a young witch named Ginny. To say she was an attractive girl would have been an understatement. She was, to be quite frank, the most beautiful girl in the Wizarding or Muggle worlds. However, she cared very little for her appearance. Her fiery red hair was always wind-swept and her robes patched and tattered.
Ginny lived in the country of Hogwarts, and was raised on a small farm called the Burrow in the town of Ottery St. Catchpole. Now, Hogwarts had four kingdoms: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. For the most part, all of the Kingdoms worked together in harmony except of course for the Kingdom of Slytherin.
Ginny had two favourite pastimes. Playing Chaser for the Gryffindor team and tormenting the Seeker on said team. The Seeker's name was Harry, but she never called him that. She just called him Seeker, and nothing gave her as much pleasure as ordering him around. (For you Muggles, Wizards play a sport on broomsticks called Quidditch. The Chaser tries to put this large red ball, called a Quaffle, through a ring to score points for their team. The Seeker tries to catch this little golden ball called the Snitch, to end the game.)
One night, after a particularly long practice, she went to the broom shed where Harry was putting away the brooms and tossed her broom at him. He caught it and looked at her with a raised eyebrow, as if to question what she wanted him to do with it.
"Seeker," she said, "polish my broom. I want to see my face shining in the handle by morning."
"As you wish." Harry replied quietly while watching her. 'As you wish' was all he ever said to her. Try as she might to get him to talk, he never said anything else.
The next week after practice, she walked over to where he was clipping stray twigs off his broom and dropped the Quidditch set box at his feet.
"Seeker, collect the balls and put them up, please." Ginny added softly as Harry stared at her with his piercing green eyes.
"As you wish," he replied as he put down his broom and started to collect the Quaffle and Snitch.
As he put them in the box, Ginny studied him closely. Then it hit her, as suddenly and as hard as a Bludger. Ginny realized that when he said 'As you wish,' he meant 'I love you.' She was genuinely amazed because she realized she truly loved him back.
After that she would think of reasons to be around him. One day Harry had gone to the Burrow to help Ginny around the farm. As he was about the leave, she was determined to stop him. She looked frantically around the kitchen and noticed a cookbook on top of the dresser. Now being a witch she could have easily gotten the book herself, but she called out-
"Seeker, fetch me that book."
He turned towards the dresser and pointed his wand at the book muttering "Accio!" He caught the book and as he turned back around came face to face with her. For the briefest of moments they sank into each other's eyes, before he handed her the book.
"As you wish," said Harry, as he moved past her and walked out the door.
Now this did happen once upon a time
When things were not so complex,
And how he worshipped the ground she walked.
When he looked in her eyes, he became obsessed.
That day was the start of a wondrous love affair. Passionate kissing in the red glow of the sunset each night, going to Hogsmeade, reading stories by candle light,; things all young couples in love do.
Soon, they decided that they wanted to get married and spend the rest of their lives together. Unfortunately, Harry had no money for marriage. So he shrunk and packed his few belongings in preparation to leave Hogwarts to seek his fortune elsewhere.
Finally, plans were made and set, and before they knew it, it was time for him to go. Ginny was not a seer, but she had a bad feeling about this parting.
"I fear I'll never see you again," she cried throwing her arms around him in an embrace.
"Of course you will." Harry replied gently, tilting her head and looking into her bright brown eyes.
"But what if something happens to you?" she sobbed.
"Ginny, my love, I will come for you. I swear to Merlin, I will come for you."
"But how can you be sure, Harry?"
"This is true love. Do you think this happens every day?"
He smiled at her and she threw her arms around him tightly again. Harry kissed her deeply and released her. "I will come for you, remember that." Then as he walked away to his Apparation point, Ginny had no choice but to watch him go.
Harry was to take a ship to America. But, he never reached his destination. The Dreaded Sirius Black, who never left captives alive, attacked his ship. When Ginny received the owl that Harry had been murdered she went into her room and shut the door with a Colloportus charm. For days, she neither slept nor ate. All she would do was stare out the window of her room looking over the Quidditch pitch, which only reminded her of Harry.
"I will never love again," said Ginny, emotionless, with her face buried in her hands.