Author: snowball
Story: You’ll Always Be in My Heart
Rating: Young Teens
Setting: Pre-HBP
Status: Completed
Reviews: 8
Words: 935
You stare at the locket protecting your dearest possession, not really seeing it. Concealed beneath its heart-shaped face is your wedding photo. You carefully reveal the treasure inside and gently caress the picture of your husband as the silent tears fall, blurring your vision. You remember the day as if it were only yesterday. Radiant, happy faces of friends and family surrounded you, but you only had eyes for him. He had looked at you with joy and wonder.
“Happy anniversary, honey,” he said, as he handed you a velvet box.
You opened it to find a heart-shaped Alexandrite locket with a picture of you both, locked in an embrace, taken directly after you had exchanged wedding vows. He was caressing your face and hair in the picture. “Oh, it’s exquisite. Alexandrite, a magical gemstone in the Orient symbolizing health and longevity,” you said as you pecked him on the check.
“Do you like it? It’s green by the sunlight and red-violet by artificial light, green and red to represent both of us.”
A warm flutter filled your stomach. He was really such a dear. You couldn’t wait to tell him the good news but you had decided to keep the surprise for later that night. “Be home early, dear. I have a surprise for you.”
“What, no presents for me now?” He pouted, but you could see the mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Nah, you’ll have to wait for tonight.”
“All right then, see you tonight.” With that, he donned his Auror robes and Apparated to work.
You were dressed to kill that evening. You wore a low cut black dress and the pendant he had given you that morning. You even washed and set your hair. A smile crept onto your face as you’d set the table for dinner and arranged the flowers. He would be pleased with the news. You looked around. Everything was in place at the cosy cottage that you shared. Warm and homey, that’s how it was. You had released a small sigh of contentment as you sat at the sofa, patiently waiting for your husband to return from work.
By 7 o’clock he hadn’t returned home yet. You began to pace the dining room, fearing the worst. Voldemort may have been defeated, but a handful of Death Eaters were still around. What if something had gone wrong during his Auror mission?
A sharp knock on the door startled you out of your pacing. You opened the door to find the pale and gaunt face of your sister-in-law. You sensed that something was wrong. “What happened?”
“Please, come to the Burrow now!” she said, as she guided you out of the house. With a soft ‘pop’ Hermione Disapparated and you followed suit.
Every face at the Burrow was pale. Hermione leaned against Ron, stifling a sob. One of his eyes was swollen shut, his lips were bleeding slightly and there were some fresh cuts on his face and hands. The extent of his visible injuries made you feel certain that his clothes were hiding much worse. His Auror robe was torn and tattered at several places. He had clearly been fighting. Mum was openly crying on dad’s shoulder. You looked around to find your husband lying on the sofa. Your chest constricted. “No, please don’t let this happen. It can’t be true”. You prayed silently as you ran to him.
Your finger touched his cold lips. “Wake up dear, please, stop playing. I need you.” No response. “Wake up, please, wake up. You knew if you died, I’d die too. I wouldn’t want to live without you.” You hugged him and shook his shoulder, begged him to wake up as tears streaked down your face. You refused to accept the truth.
Hermione had come to you. “I’m so sorry. There’s nothing anyone could do. He and Ron were taken by surprise. They were ambushed by Death Eaters. Apparently, the Death Eaters knew of the plan and were waiting for them. ”
“He’s not dead. He promised to be with me forever!” you screamed at her.
In an instant, Ron had been by your side, hugging you. “I’m sorry. I should have been more careful. I should have watched his back but there were just too many of them.”
No amount of words could comfort you. The Burrow was silent except for your heart- wrenching sobs.
“Hush, we’re here for you. I’ll hunt down the Death Eater responsible even if it’s the last thing I do. I promise.” He patted awkwardly at your hair.
“It’ll never be the same, but he’d want you to be happy,” Hermione had said as you sobbed on her shoulder, accepting the truth.
He was gone, truly gone. You felt so empty, as if a part of you was missing.
“Momma, Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione are here.” You quickly wipe your tears away as Sirius; your bundle of joy runs to you and hugs you. He inherited your trademark fiery red hair and his father’s green eyes and gentle temper. Not to mention a maniacal obsession with Quidditch even though the child is only five. He is truly his father’s son. Your husband would be so proud of Sirius, if he was still here today.
“Yes dear, tell them Momma will be down in a minute.” The child, that you had never been able to tell your husband about, ran back to his aunt and uncle announcing the news.
“You’ll always be in my heart, Harry.” You say as you close the Alexandrite locket and go downstairs, to go to Harry’s anniversary memorial.