Disclaimer: Harry and his world belong to J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers and various book publishers. If you recognize it, it's not mine.
The first thing Harry noticed when he woke up was that he was outside, lying on the ground. His magical senses told him that there were three others with him.
"Anyone else awake?" he called out.
"I am, can't move though." Called a voice he would know anywhere. Ginny.
Harry remembered that the two of them had been running from Filch and ended up in a part of the castle that they had never seen before. After that, everything went blank.
"Anyone else?"
"Yes, I can't move either."
"Well, I guess I make four. I can kinda move, like my fingers, but havent tried to get up yet."
Two voices that Harry couldnt place.
"Ok, my name is Harry; the girl with the red hair is Ginny. She and I got lost somewhere in Hogwarts Castle. You two?"
"Same here. I'm Lily, and the guy with black hair is James. I have red hair too."
Harry heard Ginny gasp in shock.
"Please don't say Lily Evans and James Potter."
"You know us?" James asked.
"Sort of . . . Well, at least we know one thing about where we are." Harry answered.
"What's that?" James asked.
"At least two of us have traveled in time."
"What?" Lily asked.
"Either you and James have come forward in time to our time, Ginny and I have gone back to yours, or all four of us are in a different time."
"So you two are from the future?" James asked.
"And you said you know us?" James continued.
"Sort of. Everyone says that Ginny and I look a lot like you two."
"Really? Can you tell me about my future?" Lily asked.
"Shouldn't. Might mess up time."
"Not will you, can you. How much do you know about us?" James said.
"Not as much as I would like to."
"Would like to?"
Wanting to end this line of discussion and wanting to know where and when they were, Harry asked, "You have the Marauder's Map on you?"
"Marauders Map?" James asked suspiciously.
"What do you know of it?"
"Er . . ." Harry sighed, "I know about it, but I cant tell you how. Do you have it?"
"Yes." James curiosity getting the better of him.
"Where are we?"
"Well," James started. He looked at Lily and took a breath before he continued, "we are all in the past. The map shows us as being on the future site of Hogwarts."
"Can you read the four names?"
"Too dark."
"If you want to learn a bit about your future, read my name."
"Lumos . . . James Potter, Lily Evans, Ginevra Weasley, and Harry . . . Oh."
"What?" Lily asked.
"My name is Harry Potter, and you two are my parents."
A/N: Thanks to OrionTheHunter on ff.net for allowing me to "adopt" on of his shorts. He also shares writing credit on this chapter. Also great thanks to my beta Cliodne for her great work.