Author: GinnyPotter18 Story: A New Beginning Rating: Teens Setting: Pre-HBP Status: WIP Reviews: 1 Words: 7,457
Chapter One The Portkey Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter Characters. I give all of the credit to J.K. Rowling. Harry Potter sat in his room at the Dursleys' house working on his homework that he had received from his professors. It wasn't ordinary homework. Instead of arithmetic or social studies, Harry wrote essays on spells and the properties of various magical plants and chemicals. Harry was not your average fifteen-year-old. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry where he had been studying since he was eleven. The summer was almost over. It was getting close to midnight, and Harry knew he would have to put his books away soon so that his Uncle Vernon wouldn't catch him doing, "abnormal things," as he would call it. Harry put his quill down with a sigh and turned off the lamp beside his bed. It was no use trying to stay awake any longer. Not that I want to sleep, Harry thought to himself. When Harry did sleep, he had visions, nightmares that would even haunt his waking hours. In sleep, he would have vivid dreams of his godfather, Sirius Black, being killed by Lord Voldemort's Death Eaters and disappearing behind the veil in the Death Chamber at the Department of Mysteries located in the Ministry of Magic headquarters. Those dreams were almost too much for him to bear. Every once in a while, Harry would find himself wondering if Sirius' death was his fault. Harry looked around his room and glanced at Hedwig's cage. The snowy owl still hadn't returned from her journey of delivering messages to people from the Order of the Phoenix to tell them that the Dursleys were treating him as well as can be expected. He sighed once again and got in to bed. He was exhausted. He had been told to weed Aunt Petunia's garden, and then he had done some homework, so it had been a long day for him. Harry closed his eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep. He awoke suddenly to a screeching sound that was coming from outside his window. Bolting out of bed, he stared blankly at the rising sun that was peeking out of the sky. Then, he saw the animals that were making the entire racket. Quickly, Harry went to open the window to allow Hedwig and Pigwidgeon, Ron's owl, entrance in to the room. Pig flew in circles around Harry's head twittering in excitement, and Hedwig landed on his shoulder, gently nipping his neck. "What is that you have?" Harry asked, stroking Hedwig's head affectionately. The owl gave Harry her leg and he untied the parcel. She nipped him affectionately once more and went to sit in her cage. Harry turned his attention to the piece of parchment in his hand. It was from Professor Lupin. He smiled and began to read: Dear Harry, I am glad that you are being treated all right there at the Dursleys. You will soon be out of there; someone from the Order will come and get you. Something has happened, but I cannot tell you anymore in case this should come in to the wrong hands. Be ready tomorrow evening. Sincerely, Remus Lupin P.S. Happy birthday Harry. He was sixteen now. Harry smiled; at least someone remembered his birthday. Next, Harry opened the parcel that was also from Lupin. He looked in amazement at the smiling face of his godfather and grinned. "Sirius!" exclaimed Harry. "Who did this?" Harry asked pointing at the painting in his hand. Sirius smiled. "Professor Dumbledore and Remus thought it would be a good idea for you to have something to remember me with. So here I am." Sirius smiled and looked at Harry. "Happy birthday." Harry beamed at Sirius, then put the painting on his nightstand. He still found it strange that neither Ron nor Hermione had owled to tell him happy birthday, or to tell him when he would be going to spend the rest of the summer at the Burrow. However, he was leaving soon, and nothing could possibly ruin his good spirits. Harry set the letter on the nightstand and looked up at Pig, who was still flying around his head. "What do you want?" Harry asked as he held his hand out for the small tawny owl. The owl landed on Harry's shoulder and stuck out his leg. Harry saw a single peace of parchment with Ginny Weasley's name written on the back. Harry opened the note and read it. He was shocked that Ron's sister would write to him. She had never done so before. Dear Harry, I wasn't supposed to write to you in case this was intercepted somehow, but I needed to talk to someone. Something has happened to Dad; he is dead. My father is dead! Mum said to wait to tell you when you got here, but I needed to tell you sooner. You were like a son to him, and I felt that you should know. Well, I don't know how or anything like that because mum is being very secretive, but by the time you get here, we should know something. See you tomorrow. Ginny Harry felt his heart sink. The Weasleys were as close to a family as Harry had ever known, and Mr. Weasley was dead. What was even stranger was that Ginny wrote to him. Why didn't Ron contact him? Harry folded the note and began to pack his trunk. He knew that his Aunt and Uncle would be more than willing to let him leave Privet Drive, and he wanted to see if the Weasleys were alright. Harry went down to breakfast and saw Dudley already sitting at the kitchen table. Uncle Vernon sat at the head of the table, reading the morning newspaper, and Aunt Petunia was cutting up fruit. She came over to the table and gave Dudley half a grapefruit and some Granola, and gave an equal proportion to her husband. Uncle Vernon sniffed disapprovingly at the food in front of him, but reluctantly began to eat. Next, Aunt Petunia gave Harry a quarter of grape fruit and a glass of milk, and then sat down at her place to eat. "I want more, Mum," Dudley whined, glaring at Harry. "He got more than me." "No he didn't Diddy," Petunia said, looking at her rather large son. "Here! You want it?" Harry asked, glaring back at his cousin. "Take it." He slid the plate toward his cousin and folded his hands and placed them on the table. "Some friends are coming to get me today, sometime this afternoon," Harry said looking at his uncle. "Those people are coming to our house?" Uncle Vernon said almost spitting out his grapefruit. "Yes. You should be happy, you won't have anymore abnormal things happen since I will be gone." "How are they coming here?" Uncle Vernon's face turned a strange shade of purple. "I don't want anyone breaking down our fireplace or coming up to the window with a flying car! If the neighbors would see, our reputation would be ruined." Uncle Vernon looked at Harry with hatred very evident in his eyes. Harry met his uncle's glare dead on. "I don't know how they are coming here; all I know is that I am leaving." He felt that was all he needed to say. Quickly, he got up from the table and headed for his room. He glanced back to see his uncle's face pale, as if he couldn't believe that Harry had just walked out on him. Harry walked up the stairs and went to make certain that everything was packed. That afternoon, when Harry went down to lunch, it was almost two o'clock and he was beginning to wonder when someone was going to come and get him. As he sat down at the table, an old owl flew through the window carrying a parcel. Harry untied the parcel and the owl flew away. He opened up the piece of parchment attached to the package and read: Dear Harry, Here is a Portkey for you. I know you know how to use it. It is set to go off at two o'clock. See you soon. Love, Mrs. Weasley Harry glanced at the clock and saw that it was ten minutes before two. He had just enough time to run and grab his trunk. Not giving his uncle time to ask questions, Harry ran up to his room and retrieved his belongings along with Hedwig in her cage. He opened up the parcel, saw that it was a watch and put it on his wrist. He then went back downstairs. Uncle Vernon glared at Harry. "What is that?" Uncle Vernon said staring at the watch. Harry glanced at the clock before answering his uncle. "It is a Portkey. See you next summer!" he said, laughing as his feet were pulled off the ground and he went spinning through the air, only to land within seconds in the Weasleys' kitchen.