Author: margaret01 Story: Unexpected Destination Rating: Teens Setting: Pre-DH Status: Completed Reviews: 15 Words: 3,735 "C'mon, Ginny! You don't want to be late for the surprise, do you?" Ginny rolled her eyes as her boyfriend once again hurried her. If he had of given her some idea where they were going, what they were doing and how long they were going for she would have been packed long before now. But no matter how many times she asked him, he refused to answer any and all questions and it was beginning to annoy her. She placed the last of her clothes into the large suitcase, closed the cover (with some difficulty) and then performed a Shrinking Charm on the overstuffed case. Once it had shrunk to the size of a wallet, she picked it up and slipped it into the front pocket of her jeans and walked from the bedroom. She made her way quickly down the old wooden staircase, ignoring the disapproving looks upon the faces of the pictures hung on the walls. They had witnessed a huge argument the night Ginny had asked her parents permission to go away for the evening with Harry. Her mother and father had both flatly refused to give their blessing and had even threatened to bind her to the house so she couldn't leave. Ginny had to use all her willpower not to Bat-Bogey Hex her parents for once again treating her like a child. She was now a woman of twenty, had been dating Harry for over three years, worked for the Ministry, paid her own way and was old enough to make her own decisions. Her mother continually argued that she would be called a scarlet woman for staying the night alone with Harry and they may both get carried away and do something they weren't ready for. Ginny didn't have the heart to tell her mother that she hadn't been innocent for a long time now and she had planned to pack something 'nice' to wear for Harry, just in case the night did lead that way. For two days Ginny refused to speak with her parents. She also found herself feeling resentful towards Harry for leaving her alone to deal with her parents and their archaic views. He was in his final year of Auror training and had been taken to a secret location for a training exercise. The third day after the argument between Ginny and her parents Harry finally arrived at the Burrow, and he asked Arthur Weasley to join him on a walk to the local village. They were gone for over an hour and Ginny had become worried that they had become involved in an argument and had done something foolish. Just as she was about to go looking for them, she spotted them walking towards the house, both red in the face from cold, but both looking quite pleased. As soon as they set foot in the house, her mother demanded to speak with her husband and whisked him away. "Do I need to do a healing charm?" Ginny asked, shaking her head. "You know your Dad would never hurt me," Harry replied, his expression smug. "If he thinks you are trying to make me into a scarlet woman he would." "But Ginny," Harry said, closing the distance between them and slipping his arms around her waist, "I made you a scarlet woman years ago." "Yes, but they don't know that," Ginny said, feeling her skin heat as Harry smiled at her. She looked away, feeling herself becoming lost in his stunning green eyes. She felt his hand on her cheek, and turned to face him. His mouth was soon on hers and she felt herself swept away by his tenderness. "I love you," Harry whispered, as he broke their kiss. "I love you too," she replied, smiling softly. "I'm sorry my parents won't let me go away with you." "I've sorted it all out, you and I are spending the day and night together on the fourteenth. So I want you packed and ready to leave by ten." "What did you say to my father for him to agree?" "Never you mind," Harry said, kissing her on the nose. "You can be such a git sometimes," Ginny said, smiling. ~***~ Ginny arrived in the kitchen to find Harry busily reading the Daily Prophet, her mother was sitting nearby drinking a cup of tea and giving Harry some rather odd looks. She cleared her throat to gain their attention, but had the sneaking suspicion that Harry already knew she was there; he had told her many times that since his defeat of Lord Voldemort he could sense her whereabouts. "Ready to go?" Harry asked, folding the paper and dropping it onto the wooden table as he stood. "If you had of given me some clues where we were going, I would have been ready ages ago." "Molly," Harry said, turning to face the older woman. "Can you please send this letter," he asked, taking a thick envelope from his pocket. "Of course, I'll do it straight away." "Why can't you do it?" Ginny asked, noticing her mother didn't appear too keen to let her see who the envelope was addressed to. "Because you took so long getting ready we are now running late," Harry said, taking his thick coat from the back of the chair and placing it around his shoulders. He held his hand out for Ginny to take, smiling as she placed her hand in his. "We need to Apparate to King's Cross Station." "Why?" "Because." "Harry James Potter, if you don't tell me this instant where we are going, I'm going back upstairs to unpack!!" Harry sighed as he ran his hand through his hair; he dropped Ginny's hand and turned to face her. "You have one question and only one. You have to promise me that you won't ask any more questions." "Okay." "What do you want to know?" Harry asked, looking at his watch, then at Molly. Ginny bit her lip in concentration as she began to pace, muttering to herself. "I want…no that won't tell me anything," she said, shaking her head. She continued to pace, ignoring Harry's requests to hurry up. "Okay, I've got it. I want to know why we have to go to King's Cross Station…" "To catch a train," Harry said, smiling broadly. "I know that, but why King's Cross?" "You've used your question; I'm not answering." "Harry, that's not fair! You haven't told me anything." "You should have asked a better question then." "You were rushing me and I got confused, that wasn't what…" Ginny was cut off mid sentence as Harry kissed her. She felt him wrap his arms around her, and she fought the temptation to deepen their kiss. She pulled back, feeling as dazed as he looked. "Ginny, just trust me, please. We really need to go otherwise we will miss the train." "I trust you," Ginny said, kissing him briefly. "Good. Now say goodbye to your Mum and hold on: I'm going to Apparate us both to the station." Ginny waved to her mother, shouting a quick goodbye seconds before she felt her body leave the kitchen of the Burrow. Moments later they landed in a secluded part of the station. Harry took Ginny's hand in his own as he began to run. She was surprised when they stopped at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. 'Harry, why are we here?" "No questions. Just walk through the barrier, we don't have much time." Ginny walked through the barrier, leaving the Muggle world behind. She immediately spotted the scarlet Hogwarts Express and wondered what on earth Harry had planned. Harry was soon by her side, once again taking her hand in his and leading her towards the train. He sped up as the whistle blew, jumping on the train just as it began to move. "Harry, why are we on the train to Hogwarts?" "You said you trusted me, so let's just enjoy the trip. I've arranged for a few surprises for you." "What?" she asked excitedly. "Are you hungry?" "Is the witch with the trolley going to bring us pumpkin pasties?" Ginny asked, giggling. "No, I've planned something a lot better than that," Harry said, leading Ginny along the corridor towards one of the end carriages. He pushed the door open, leading her inside, smiling as she looked around the carriage. Near the large window was table set for two; candles floated around the carriage giving off a golden glow and soft music was playing from a wireless. She turned to face Harry, crashing her body to his as she peppered his face with kisses. "This is perfect." "So are you," Harry replied, smiling as Ginny's cheeks reddened. "Happy Valentine's Day," Ginny said. "Happy Valentine's Day, Red," Harry said, smirking as Ginny glared at him for using her pet name. "I'm starving." "I thought you would be." Ginny rolled her eyes as she walked to the table, slowly running her hand over the crisp white linen. She smiled as Harry held her chair out for her and sat down. She shrugged off her coat placing it behind her as she watched Harry sit across from her. "Can I ask you something?" Ginny asked. "Depends what it is." "Why is the Hogwarts Express running today? I thought it was only used twice a year." "The train is used throughout the year to bring supplies to the school from London. Also a lot of the Hogsmeade witches and wizards use the train to travel to London to go to Diagon Alley." "Why don't they just Apparate?" Harry shrugged his shoulders as he poured them some wine. "I guess some of them are fairly old and prefer a safer way to travel. Only last month I was called out to help find a missing witch who hadn't returned home. She usually catches the train, but missed it so decided to Apparate, she Apparated to wrong spot and couldn't figure out how to get home. She was so frail; she looked as though she was fading away." "Did you hear something?" Ginny asked, rising from her chair. "Its probably one of the other passengers, I only booked this carriage. Who knows who else is on the train with us," Harry said, helping Ginny sit down once more. "Why don't we order our lunch," he suggested, handing her one of the menus. "How do we order?" "Just talk into your plate and your food will arrive." ~***~ "I think I ate too much," Ginny said, patting her stomach. Harry laughed as he wiped his mouth. He had watched her eat hot bread smothered in butter, Irish stew, more bread and a large slice of cake for dessert. "I think that is the most I've ever seen you eat," he teased. Ginny blushed and smiled, "I noticed you didn't eat too much." "I'm not really hungry." "Is there something wrong?" "No, I'm just a bit nervous and thought it was best not to eat too much." "Nervous about what?" Harry rose from his seat and knelt next to Ginny. He took her hand in his and gently stroked her skin. He slowly lowered his head, gently pressing his lips to her hand. "I wanted everything to be perfect today. I had it all planned down the smallest detail. But now I feel like I'm rushing you and I don't think you are going to be too happy with me." "Harry, you know I am never really angry with you, I'm sure whatever you have done will be fine." "Do you know my first memory of you and your family is meeting you at the station? I remember you chasing the train, laughing and crying. I remember watching you until I couldn't see you anymore. Fred and George introduced themselves to me and treated me normally, then I meet Ron and I had my very first friend. I met Hermione, Neville and even Malfoy on the train and I thought it was appropriate that it should be here that I take this next step in my life." "Harry, I don't understand." "Ginny, I love you more than anyone or anything else in this world. I don't want us to be apart anymore; I want us to be together forever. You make me happier than anyone I have ever met, you make me laugh, hold me when I have awful dreams, have never judged me and have never once doubted I would win. Ginevra Molly Weasley…will you marry me?" Harry asked, showing Ginny a large diamond ring. "Yes," Ginny whispered, joining Harry on the floor and kissing him passionately, pouring all the love she felt for him into that one kiss. Ginny broke their kiss, looking down at the ring in Harry's hand. She smiled at him and offered him her hand. With shaking fingers, Harry slipped the ring onto her finger. "Why don't you lock the door," she suggested. "Ginny, we're not alone on the train." "I know, you've already told me," she said, admiring the ring, "we'll just cast a Silencing Charm," she suggested as she was unbuttoning his shirt. "Your Mum is in the next carriage," Harry said, placing his hands over hers. "Please tell me Mum isn't here to chaperone us," Ginny asked, stunned "Of course she isn't." "Why is she on the train then?" Ginny asked, dropping her hands to her side. "It's Ron's fault. A few months ago we were having a drink and I told him that I wanted to propose to you. I said I wanted to make it something special and I said I wanted to do it on the Hogwarts Express," Harry said, standing and helping Ginny to her feet. "Ron and I went shopping for your ring and while I was paying he suggested that I should surprise you with a wedding as well." "You…you've organised our wedding?" "Yes, in the next carriage your Mum is waiting with your robes and everything else you need. Remus is waiting for me at Hogwarts. Kingsley made me a Portkey that will take me directly there from here." "I - I don't know what to say." "Ginny, just tell me I haven't made the biggest mistake of my life and you will still marry me, when you're ready," Harry said, taking her hands in his. "I'm sorry that I've ruined this for you." "Harry, this is the most romantic and amazing thing anyone has ever done for me. I'd be a fool not to marry you," Ginny said, squeezing his hands gently. "Really? You'll marry me - today?" "Yes, of course I will!" "Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm sure," Ginny, replied, noticing Harry had paled a little. "So where are we getting married?" "Everyone is waiting for us at Hogwarts. The ceremony will take place near the lake, then we'll have the reception in the Great Hall, and then you and I will board the train back to London and spend the night at the Leaky Cauldron. Then tomorrow our international Portkey will be activated and we'll go on our honeymoon." "Where are we going?" "To an isolated island where no one can find us. Our cabin is right on the beach and we can spend all day swimming or lying in the sun," Harry said, beginning to relax a little. "Just a short boat ride away is another island that we can visit if we need supplies or if you get sick of me," he added teasingly. "I can't believe you have gone to so much trouble! I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed, but I'm so excited!" "Me too," Harry said as there was a knock on the door. "That will be your Mum, she had the Portkey and it's due to be activated in a few minutes." "You better go then, I don't want you to miss your own wedding." Harry smiled as he quickly pressed his lips to Ginny's. He turned, walking to the door and sliding it open. He took the Portkey from Molly and kissed her cheek. He waved goodbye to Ginny and then disappeared from the train. Molly smiled at her daughter. "Come on, dear, we have a lot of work to do." ~***~ Ginny stood in front of a full-length mirror admiring her robes. Her mother had done a wonderful job of picking out the most perfect wedding robes she had ever seen. She wore a dress of white silk beneath the robes and felt like one of the princesses from the Muggle fairytale books her father used to read to her before bedtime. She looked down at the ring shining brightly on her finger and felt her heart soar as she thought of Harry and wondered if he was feeling as nervous as she was. Ginny gathered her bouquet of flowers as the train came to a complete stop. She stepped out of her carriage and smiled as she noticed her father waiting for her on the platform. "Mum, you look lovely," Ginny said, as her mother emerged from the next carriage, wearing sky blue robes and matching hat. "Thank you," Molly said, reaching into her silken purse and pulling out a felt-covered box. "On my wedding day, my mother gave me this to wear. She told me it is full of deep magic and if you wear it for the ceremony, you are guaranteed a long and happy marriage," she added, opening the box to reveal a string of pearls that seem to shimmer from their magic. "She also said that when you kiss your husband, the pearls would heat if you are kissing your one true love, the man you are destined to fall in love with." "Did they heat when you kissed Dad?" "No, and I was very upset. I thought I'd made a terrible mistake. My mother explained that I had to believe in the magic for the pearls to work. I'm sure they will work for you," she said, slipping the necklace around Ginny's neck and securing the clasp. "Why didn't you believe in the magic?" Ginny asked. Molly sighed, turning Ginny to face her. "I honestly don't know. I believed in love and knew your father was the man for me, but I suppose I never believed we were destined for one another. I have no doubt that you believe that Harry is your destiny." Ginny hugged her mother, feeling overwhelmed once more. She took her mother's hand in hers and began to walk towards the platform. She pushed the door open and felt the coldness of the air kiss her skin. She smiled gratefully as her mother cast a Warming Charm. They walked towards her father, who was beaming with happiness. "You look beautiful," he said, gently hugging Ginny. "Have you seen Harry?" Ginny asked, as she was led to an awaiting carriage. "Yes, and asked me to tell you that he loves you," he said. Ginny smiled, bowing her head. ~***~ Ginny stood in the Entrance Hall waiting for her father to return to her after escorting her mother to her seat. She began to pace, wishing her father would hurry up. She felt her heart begin to race as the door opened and her father appeared. "Its time," he said, holding out his arm for her to take. Ginny slipped her arm through his and took some deep, calming breaths. She let her father lead her from the Castle as they began to walk towards the lake. She could feel the ground crunch beneath her feet as she walked. As she drew closer, she could hear the loud chatter of their guests and started feeling as though she had swallowed a cauldron full of fluttering Snitches. Soon Ginny and her father reached the red and gold carpet laid out on the ground that led her up the aisle to Harry. She immediately sought him out, feeling her smile widen as he smiled at her. She had never seen him look so handsome. He was wearing dark blue robes over his suit, his hair was still a mess, but he looked amazing. They began to walk to the slow beat of the music playing. She could feel all eyes upon her, but couldn't look away from Harry. Soon she was by his side, her hand securely in his, feeling him shaking slightly. She felt him squeeze her hand and glanced at him, smiling as he winked at her. Taking a deep breath, she turned and faced the Minister, who had begun to speak, his voice enhanced by the Sonorus charm. "Today we are here to celebrate the love of Harry James Potter and Ginevra Molly Weasley. Today two souls, two hearts and two bodies will become one. Harry and Ginevra are making a lifelong commitment to one another. Today, in front of so many witnesses they are giving you a chance to celebrate their love, to share the love and witness them beginning the next chapter of their lives together," the aged wizard said as he reached for Ginny and Harry's hand, placing them over their wands and wedding bands, that were resting on a white cushion. The wizard closed his eyes, muttering a spell under his breath. He then dropped their hands and turned to face Harry. "Do you, Harry James Potter, take Ginevra Molly Weasley to be your wife?" "I do," Harry said clearly, his voice also magically enhanced. He then slid a golden wedding band on Ginny's finger. "Do you, Ginevra Molly Weasley, take Harry James Potter to be your husband?" "I do," Ginny said, her voice as clear as Harry's had been. She then slid a ring on Harry's finger. They turned to face the wizard once more. "Mr Potter, you may kiss your bride," the wizard said, bowing slightly and cancelling the Sonorus charm. Ginny turned to face Harry, feeling him place his hands gently on her waist, as he moved his body to hers. He lowered his mouth, pressing his lips gently to hers. She cupped the back of his head, deepening their kiss, sighing as he wrapped his arms around her. Suddenly she broke the kiss, her hand going to her necklace as she felt the pearls heat and warm her skin. "Is something wrong?" Harry asked. "No, everything is perfect, absolutely perfect," Ginny whispered, kissing Harry deeply again and feeling the pearls heat once more. ~***~ |