Author: Moonhunter18 Story: Fairies in the Forest Rating: Everyone Setting: Pre-HBP Status: Completed Reviews: 9 Words: 1,689 It was February 13 and Harry still hadn’t bought Ginny’s gift. He sat on the low tree branch, dangling his legs over the side and pondering the problem of what to get for the girl that has everything. Of course, Ginny didn’t have her very own unicorn, but that didn’t help him very much. Harry Potter had defeated the Dark Lord at the tender age of seventeen, and yet today, gift-less today, seemed much more of a challenge. After all, for the past five years he had gotten lucky- on their first Valentine’s Day, he had given her the necklace his mother wore at her wedding; on their second, he proposed. For their third Valentine’s Day, they had gotten married; their fourth he had bought a new house, to hold their growing family. Last year, he had bought the newest broom on the line, something he knew she would love, as her broom had finally given up on her and died a heroic death. Now, of course, he had to top that. He had gifted himself into a corner. He had searched through every store he could think of, and had found something she might like- a phoenix pendant that changed color depending on the moon, or possibly a charm bracelet. He knew for a fact that the gift their son had made for her would go well; two-year-old James had wrapped the brightly painted macaroni necklace in homemade wrapping paper, his handprints lurid in bright purple and gold. Ginny would love it. He kicked the tree, hoping for inspiration. And, Harry being who he was, it came to him in a flash and a fall. *** Ginny Potter walked into her house, juggling a grocery bag and a large bottle of wine. She had a wonderful gift to give him today; it seemed that Valentine’s Day was their holiday, more so than Christmas or anything else. He had proposed, it was their anniversary, and they had even bought the house two years ago today. The only thing that didn’t revolve around today was James; he had been born in the middle of August. She put the heavy bag on the counter, careful not to spill the contents. She wanted to make Harry dinner, and maybe spend a little time alone with him tonight, for the first time in two months. James was a demanding little person. “Mummy!” Ginny held out her arms and swung James in the air. “Hey, baby! Did you have a good day with daddy?” James’ hazel-green eyes twinkled merrily. “Yeth, Mummy! Daddy and me made presenth!” James had a tiny lisp; it was adorable. Ginny began to tickle him, and he laughed; he had the most infectious laugh. Harry walked up behind her. Grabbing her by the waist, he pulled her in for a quick kiss and a smile. “Hey, love. How was work?” Ginny worked at the Ministry of Magic, as a spokesperson for the English Quidditch league. “Fine, dear, fine. How was your day?” Harry grinned and pulled her closer. “Wonderful. James was slightly quieter today. Don’t make anything for us, honey,” he said, noticing the groceries. “James is going to your mother’s house to spend the night, and I have a surprise for you.” Ginny grinned delightedly. “Oh, really?” Harry touched the tip of her nose. “You didn’t think I would forget, did you? It’s the most important night of the year!” After Flooing James safely to the Burrow, Harry led her into the bedroom. She gasped; a very slinky nightdress lay on her side of the bed. “You don’t think I’m going to wear that, do you?” “Not yet,” he said, winking. He led her to the closet, where a gorgeous evening gown was hanging. It was silky, and looked like hundreds of leaves sewn together. He held it out to her, and she grinned. “What are you planning, Harry love?” He tapped his nose and grabbed a bag. “I’m changing in the bathroom, and I don’t want you to see me yet. When I tap on the door three times, you can come in and finish your make-up and hair, and other girlie stuff like that.” He winked and grinned, disappearing. Ginny slid the green dress over her body. It was a little snug, but when she looked at herself, she couldn’t help but smile. She looked like the fairy princess in her favorite love story, ‘Fairies in the Forest.’ She heard Harry tap on the door, then a crack; he must have Disapparated, she thought. The bathroom mirror whistled at her as she piled her hair on top of her head. She found the picture of the fairy princess, along with a stack of silk leaves and a note written in vibrant red ink and sealed with a kiss. “For your hair, milady. Harry.” When she had finished, a note appeared on the mirror. “Follow the ghost.” She opened the bathroom door, confused, when suddenly a silver stag appeared in front of her. She smiled, reaching out to touch him, when it turned and began to walk outside. She opened the door, thinking that the cold would kill her in the thin gown. It was like summer had blossomed overnight. There were flowers along the path the stag led her, and she could hear a thin melody on the warm wind. The stag led her to the tallest tree in the wood they owned; Harry had laughed at her when she called it Father of the Forest. She watched the stag as it stopped, noticing a staircase of tree branches leading into the blooming leaves. She carefully walked up the stairs and stopped. There was Harry, in the suit of the Fairy King, with an elaborate table set for two. It was just like her book. The table, covered in a silvery veil, was made of tree limbs; their seats were, too, with flowers for their cushions and ivy trailing the edges. A candle lit the center of the table, but brilliantly colored fairies lit the entire tree; they were every color of the rainbow. Harry pulled out her seat and bowed low. “My Lady of the Forest.” Ginny blushed as she sat, and watched as he did the same. Confused, she looked into his handsome face. “What about the food?” Harry’s face never changed. He clapped his hands, and there was Dobby, in leaves as well, with a flower crown on his head. He had a platter of food, and began to serve them. Ginny clapped her hands delightedly. “Oh, Harry! It’s wonderful! Dobby, the food looks amazing.” Dobby looked at her, an odd smile on his face. “Thanks you, Mrs. Harry, but I is not doing it. Harry Potter sir is doing the food.” Ginny’s mouth dropped. “You did all of this, Harry?” He inclined his head, as though bowing. “Of course. Anything for my dear fairy queen.” They began eating, and Ginny couldn’t help but marvel over the food. “It’s excellent, oh wonderful Fairy King. However did you do it?” Harry smiled and tapped his nose. “My little secret, love.” Ginny grinned. That was as good an opening as she was going to get. “Speaking of secrets, my Fairy King, I have a surprise for you on this auspicious day.” Harry looked at her then, losing his character for a moment. “Oh?” Ginny held out her hand, and he took it, frowning thoughtfully. “Harry dear, we are going to have a baby.” *** Seven months passed, and Ginny woke to sharp pains in her abdomen. She turned to her sleeping husband. She tried to shake him, but ended up bruising his arm instead, as another contraction swept over her. “Harry, its time.” Those three little words spurred him into action. In no time, they were at the hospital, Ginny in the maternity ward and Harry pacing the waiting room, James sleeping in his arms. Hours passed like days, and he Flooed the Burrow every hour with updates. In the middle of one such update, the nurse walked in, holding a tiny bundle. “Mr. Potter?” Harry cut off the Floo connection after telling Mrs. Weasley that his child had finally been born. He walked over to the baby, careful not to step on the snoring James. The nurse handed him his baby, and he looked into the angelic little face of his second-born child. She was lovely, with thin black curls and long eyelashes on her plump little cheeks. The nurse smiled at him. “Congratulations, Mr. Potter. You have a very beautiful and very healthy little girl.” Harry’s eyes never left his daughter’s face. “A girl? Wow. When can I see my wife?” The nurse looked down at James. “Right now. I can bring your son, if you like.” Harry nodded. “Thank you.” The nurse led Harry and James into a room that looked like a giant treetop. He had requested this room for her; it brought back memories. Ginny looked exhausted, but at the sight of Harry and their children, she smiled. James ran to the bed and held out his arms; the nurse lifted him, and he hugged his mother around the neck. “What do you think, Harry?” “She’s gorgeous, just like her mother.” The nurse looked at the happy family, not wanting to disturb them. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but may I ask what you are going to name the child? We need to put it on the records.” Ginny looked up at her husband, holding the tiny girl. “Her name is Lily Chione Potter.” Harry looked up at her and grinned. “I like that, Gin. Chione. What made you think of it?” Ginny looked at their daughter and held out her arms. “It’s the name of the fairy princess in my favorite story. Don’t you remember?” Harry sighed. “I only know of two fairies, Ginny dear. I met one in a tree, and had to fall out of one to get the other. I love you, my fairy princess.” They looked on happily as their son snuggled his mother, and their daughter, a delicate fairy child, fell asleep in her mother’s arms. |