Author: SilverAries
Story: Phoenix Echoes
Rating: Young Teens
Setting: Pre-HBP
Status: Completed
Reviews: 5
Words: 596
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. They all belong to the wonderful J.K. Rowling. Many thanks go to her for her genius ‘Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'.
Harry Potter stood alone amidst the smoke, debris and broken bodies that surrounded Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the remains of the world's last hope to defeating Voldemort. The war was now over; Voldemort was finally defeated, though not without the sacrifice of millions.
Harry had been called earlier from Ron's home, where Hermione was giving birth to her and Ron's first child. Despite his and Ron's wishes, at Hermione's insistence she would be fine with only Molly Weasley, they left to fight the epic battle which raged on the Hogwarts grounds.
Harry and Ron themselves had struck the final blow together. Voldemort was finally dead, but the release of his pent up magical energy had more dire consequences than any of them could have imagined. One by one, all the magical communities fell; all magical lives were lost forever. All save Harry.
He stood alone as he watched all those around him fall to the ground, unmistakably dead. He watched silently as a great chasm opened in his heart. Emptiness, shock, heartbreak filled him. Harry's cold, dead green eyes surveyed the destruction. He gazed at all the lives lost, at his best friend who would never again feel the joys of life -- who would never again gaze upon his wife or child, except in eternity.
Harry stumbled across the grounds as tears filled his eyes. Hogwarts Castle still stood, high and proud. Harry ran through the silent corridors, echoes of laughter and joy mocking him as he ran on. He finally collapsed as silent sobs racked his body, and for the first time in years, Harry Potter let himself cry for the victims of hate, cruelty and war.
Time passed before Harry finally raised himself from the cold stone floor. He passed silently through the empty castle with only one purpose in his grief-stricken mind. He found his way to the headmaster's office. Cold glittering steel caught his eye. Harry's fist broke the cabinet, sending shards of glass flying across the room. He glanced at his hand, watching in fascination as blood, the only thing that had protected and shielded him against Voldemort's power and magic, trickled down his wrist. Harry felt the life and magic flowing steadily in his veins. The same blood had also brought about the resurrection of Voldemort.
Harry picked up the sword lying in the cabinet, fingering the sharp blade. There was no reason to keep on living. It would be so easy, an end to his suffering, his pain -- an end to the agony of life. He pressed the cold steel to his chest, savouring the last moments of life. He took a last shuddering breath...
Harry jumped at the sudden noise and caught a glimpse of movement. A quill was scribbling furiously on a piece of parchment located on a desk. Harry leaned over and read:
Molly Hope Weasley
born June 6th, 2003 7:38 pm
Parents: Hermione Granger-Weasley (deceased)
Ronald Weasley (deceased)
The sword clattered to the floor and Harry wept again, becoming once more "the boy who lived." He fingered the name engraved in the sword as courage and new hope filled him. There would be more tears, sorrows, pain and heartbreak in the future, but as always, life would go on. Harry rose with new purpose, his ears ringing with the faint echoes of a phoenix song.