I should have listened to Dad and taken Muggle Studies instead of Divination in my third year. But, I took Divination and now here I sit at my desk, writing this stupid "dream diary" Trelawney set us as homework. It's the first week back here and I already have an incredible amount of work to do. Hm, what can I remember from last night's dream (I'm a bit late in starting this diary, I know)?
Monday, September 2nd Tonight I dreamt about… about… I never remember my dreams. OK, I dreamt about eating a big bowl of porridge.
Porridge is harmless. She won't be able to see any death sign in this dream. Well, she sees a death sign in everything. Damn.
Tuesday, September 3rd Tonight I dreamt about… eating porridge again?
No, this won't work. She'll notice I made this up. I'll never leave my homework this late again. I never imagined it would be so difficult to make up some weird dreams.
Then I dreamt about a Hippogriff, that's it, a Hippogriff. It was Buckbeak. And it was back at Hagrid's, happily eating dead rats in his pumpkin patch.
Argh. It's horrible, it really is. I can't imagine any harmless dreams anymore.
And then I dreamt about buying a pair of new shoes. They were black.
That must be enough. I really hope she can't make anything dreadful out of this. Oops, I have to go, Divination is already starting.
Wednesday, September 4th I have decided to scribble down my dreams just after waking up so I have some chance of remembering a bit about them. I'm just not creative enough to make them up.
Tonight, I had an unusual dream. I dreamt about the sea. It must have been somewhere to the north, as there were a lot of cliffs. The air was fresh and it was really windy. I wonder why I dreamt about this? I've never been at the seaside.
I was sitting behind a bush on the edge of the cliff and standing guard on something. Down at the beach a black-hooded figure was moving very fast. It was quite ghostly and I really was afraid. It was night and I couldn't see much and for some weird reason I didn't want to illuminate my wand. Suddenly, something happened down there. The large figure had obviously found something and he (or she?) drew his (or her?) wand. Before I could see what he was going to do, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around a saw a horrible face! It was so ghastly that I woke up…
I really wonder what this means. And I have the feeling I've seen this face already before. But whose is it?
Thursday, September 5th I had a nice dream today. I dreamt about eating sweets. Dean Thomas was the owner of Honeydukes.
Haha, Dean and Honeydukes! I wonder if this foreshadows the future.
Well, he was the owner and I went to visit him and he gave me anything I asked for. It was great.
Then I dreamt about playing Gobstones. I played with Malfoy, Merlin knows why! At first he won all the time (it was horrible), but then I developed a new tactic and I beat him. Ha.
And then right before waking up I had a really bizarre dream. I dreamt about sleeping. I lay in my bed with my teddy bear, Mr. Snuffles, but I couldn't open my eyes, no matter how hard I tried. I tried to shout but it didn't work. I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't open my mouth. I couldn't lift my arm. I couldn't move one single muscle! But then Mr. Snuffles somehow came to life and grew and bowed his face over mine and he kissed me! And then I could move again.
Weird, isn't it? I wonder why I dreamt about Mr. Snuffles. It's been years since I used to bring him to bed! I didn't know he still existed… I thought Mum had thrown him away. Well, looks as if he has saved my life. But being kissed by a bear really isn't that enjoyable, believe me.
Friday, September 6th Friday night I dreamt about Quidditch. I was flying on my new broom. The Gryffindor Quidditch team played against Slytherin and I was Keeper, but somehow my rings kept wandering around and I wasn't able to guard them. The Slytherins scored and scored and then Angelina came and threw me off my broom because I flew so badly.
I just hope this isn't a bad sign…
Saturday, September 7th Yuck! I really had a bad dream today. It was horrible. It was about Lavender Brown.
Merlin knows why I dreamt about her. First Malfoy, then Lavender – who will appear in my dreams tomorrow? Snape maybe? It just gets worse.
Well, it was about Lavender. But worse – it was about snogging her. We were stuck together by the lips and she had her arms around me and pressed me so hard against her I couldn't escape. And then she did something very wet with her tongue. But the worst was when she started talking. She called me "Won Won!"
What am I, a Chinese snack or something? My name's Ron. I really wonder why I dreamt about her. I barely know her. And I certainly don't want to snog her. Definitely not.
Sunday, September 8th I dreamt that I was a cat. I walked around Hogwarts and had some trouble with Mrs. Norris, but I bit and scratched her and then she let me alone. Ha! Finally. I got down into the dungeons to hunt – there are a lot of mice at Hogwarts – and have some fun. There's a lot you can do as a cat. First I caught some mice… I didn't realise they tasted so good! Then Snape crossed my path and I managed to get under his robes and scratch him really badly. On my way back I came through his classroom and I nicked some odd ingredient which I took with me to Gryffindor tower. I hid it in a small hole under the staircase. When I came into the common room, Hermione picked me up and started petting me. It was really nice.
After a few minutes Crookshanks came to see me. I don't know what happened to me but I suddenly fancied him! But Hermione didn't let me go to see him and I got very angry and scratched her very badly. She let me go and I went to talk to Crookshanks. Well, suddenly he wasn't that attractive anymore! He's quite clever and his fur has a nice colour but that's all. So, I turned to go back to Hermione but I couldn't find her anymore! I ran around Gryffindor tower but I couldn't find her again and somehow the common room became a maze where she would be in the middle but I couldn't get there, I only met dead ends…
Am I going mad? I really panicked that night when I was in that maze and couldn't find her again. Just the thought that I would find Crookshanks attractive makes me laugh. But I don't think this has any meaning. It was just some weird dream. Why would Hermione run away from me?
A/N: I would like to say a big thank you to my betas Dreamer and harry_ginnyphile for their great work. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. That distinction belongs to the amazing JKR.