A sickly green hue illuminated the external walls of a cottage in the outskirts of the city. The trees near the small house swayed slightly, as though an invisible wind had caressed them. Stillness reigned as it always does the moment a being perishes.
Her brown eyes changed from surprised and fearful to unfocused and unseeing. Her soft, curly brown hair flowed like waves as her body fell backwards to the ground.
The hooded figure stood above the dead young woman. Behind the hood, blue eyes surveyed the sight of her lifeless body for a few seconds before the air crackled slightly, signaling the Apparition of a very powerful magical being. The young man turned at once to face his new master.
“A job well done,” the Dark Lord hissed, glancing momentarily at the woman’s face.
“I have done as you wished, my Lord,” replied the young man. He kneeled to kiss the hem of Voldemort’s robes.
“You have one more mission should you wish to receive the Mark.”
“I will do as you command, my Lord,” answered the man. He straightened and lowered his hood, revealing a mop of red hair.
“Sever ties with your past, Weasley. All of them. This,” Voldemort pointed at the body lying on the ground, “was a satisfying start. Continue by breaking the bonds and erasing everything and everyone that reminds you of the Light. Then you will gain a place among my most loyal Death Eaters.”
“As you wish, master.” The redhead bowed his head once more.
Red eyes flickered with malice, visible even through the darkness. “Include your family. When this is accomplished, you will enter a circle that shall provide you with anything you need. Here you shall be acknowledged for your talents… Leave only Potter. He is mine to deal with.”
“Of course, Master. As you wish.” The young man kept his head bowed.
“I trust this important mission to you. Should you succeed, you will be rewarded greatly. Potter as well as that old, dead fool’s little group will be weakened considerably. I will not tolerate failure.” With that, the Dark Lord Dissaparrated in a whirl of dark robes.
The redhead turned once again to look upon the dead body. As he turned his head to the sky and saw that dawn was approaching, his eyes showed no emotion. Tinges of pink and orange colored the now gray sky on the horizon. The time was near when he would become a man of his own, when his name would be known and respected…even feared. In time, he would stand out from the other Weasleys as he had wished for so long.
He pocketed his wand and reached into another pocket inside his robes. After pulling out his glasses, he placed them upon his face. It was time to get home and change; he was expected at the ministry.
With that thought and a last glance into the empty brown eyes of Penelope Clearwater, Percy Weasley Dissaparrated from the site.