Author: Mira Miracle Story: The Hermione Dreams Rating: Everyone Setting: Pre-HBP Status: Completed Warning: None Reviews: 12 Words: 2,414 Homework 1) Interpret each of the dreams in accordance with the guidelines we covered in the previous lessons. Please remember: 2) Write an analysis of your results and derive a definitive explanation for all dreams selected 3) Try to apply this conclusion on a different dream from the Dream Diary To be handed in on October 14th. I expect at least three feet of parchment. The essay will be marked to O.W.L. standards. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Remember, my children, allow your Inner Eye to remain unclouded… do not be afraid of the Sight! I choose the dreams from September 8th, September 21st and September 26th. Well, at least it looks like I’ve put a lot of work in there. I have chosen them because all of them feature Ron and Hermione Granger. In one of the dreams they’re even kissing. I reckon that interpreting these dreams will be most illuminating about Ron’s feelings towards Hermione. OK, it’s a bit short, but what more is left to say? I hope I’ll be able to make the next parts a bit longer. Or maybe I should just write bigger letters? Ah, here it is. Yuck, was it really me who wrote this crap? I sound like a psycho! Seeing that I take Divination, maybe I am a psycho. At least I can copy the first part and the Numerology crap. -dreamt by: Ron Weasley Numerology Age + date of dream + number of letters in the subject = 15 + 8 + 9 + 3 = 35 Ha, Ron, now that I know the context – say a thank-you to the hag – I know exactly that this dream isn’t about Crookshanks at all! Ron’s cat-form is only a symbol. On the one hand, he fancies Crookshanks, who also symbolises someone else (Is this terminology satisfying enough? It sounds as if Hermione wrote this!), but on the other hand Hermione doesn’t let him go. He is only able to leave when he hurts her. When he realises that it’s Hermione he wants, he can’t find her anymore. First of all, this dream tells us that Ron likes Hermione very much. He’s petted by her, so they might have a relationship. This is also suggested by the other dreams he has, particularly by the one where they are kissing. Afterwards, we see that Ron has success with other girls, and he falls for someone else. But then he realises that Hermione’s his one true love. Should I tell her this? I wonder what she would say. It’s his ambition to find her, but he isn’t very successful. She hides from him because he has hurt her. It’s not clear if he finds her again. Somehow there must be a way into the labyrinth’s middle. The Numerology doesn’t really fit. Ron doesn’t have success with Hermione. Well, maybe he would have had some if he hadn’t scratched her. Hey, that’s it! To have success with Hermione, Ron has to pay her attention and not go away and see someone else. OK, maybe I really should give him some advice on this. I’d never have imagined being some sort of therapist for Ron and Hermione! Although, it would be very enjoyable if they stopped their bickering for once. It’s getting on my nerves. But who knows – maybe they would be even more annoying if they started going out? And what if they bickered then? No, I will keep this between me and Trelawney. Ron will kill me. Well, I’m used to attempted murder by now anyway. After Lord Voldemort, I reckon I’ll also be able to fight Ronald Weasley. -dreamt by: Ron Weasley Age + date of dream + number of letters in the subject = 15 + 21 + 9 + 4 = 49 Ron dreaming about kissing Hermione signifies that he fancies her and wants to kiss her. Well, it’s a bit obvious, isn’t it? Much easier to interpret that than these dreams about witches with towers and such stuff. His feelings towards Hermione have been growing during the last year. Oh yes, Ron, do you really reckon I haven’t noticed that you’re jealous of Krum? Come on, admit it. But I don’t think he needs to work very hard to get to kiss Hermione. He should just be friendly and maybe take her on a walk. So, well, he doesn’t need to be very patient, either, does he? Okay, maybe when she starts talking about SPEW he has to fake listening patiently, otherwise she won’t let him kiss her. And yes, it’s better when there are some restrictions. You never know… -dreamt by: Ron Weasley Age + date + number of letters in the subject = 15 + 26 + 9 + 8 = 58 I’m leaving me and Ginny out of this. This is about Ron and Hermione. He really does dream some weird stuff. Definitely Seer material, this boy. This dream focuses on Ron asking Hermione out. She obviously wants him to do this and gives him signs, but he doesn’t notice. Then she goes out with Viktor Krum because Ron hasn’t paid attention to her. Hey, that’s just like the first dream! Viktor is like the maze, blocking Ron from getting her back. Ron’s jealousy of Krum shows again his deep feelings for Hermione. But hexing his opponent is no solution; he and Hermione only start fighting again. He should have just kissed her and expressed his feelings. This shows that when Ron doesn’t ask Hermione out, someone else will. In order to win her back, he mustn’t act violently or rashly; he needs patience and to work hard. It would be even better if he watched out for her signs and asked her before someone else does, otherwise she’ll feel hurt and hide from him in the maze. I feel like a Divination genius right now. Maybe I should give up my own personal conflict with that certain figment of my imagination and start writing dream guides for Ron? I could even turn them into general ones. Bet Sirius would love that. Ron is in love with Hermione, and she loves him back. And when will the wedding be? Mrs Weasley would be so thrilled for you two if she knew! She is already giving him signs that she loves him but he hasn’t noticed it yet. He’d better ask her out soon because if he doesn’t, she’ll turn away from him and choose someone else. The best way to tell her he loves her is just to kiss her. He doesn’t need to work very hard to achieve this. This will also be the only way to win her back. If she leaves him, he’ll have to regain her trust. He won’t achieve his goals just by hexing any rivals. Instead, he has to show her that he really loves her and cares for her. How romantic! I nearly started crying. It’s twue wuv, it really is. Why can’t he dream anything about Cho and me? That would be interesting. Although, this is interesting, too. It puts all their quarrels into a completely new light. I must watch those two a bit closer. ****************************** Dear Mr Potter, You’ve successfully worked out Mr Weasley’s feelings towards Miss Granger. However, there are severe faults in your interpretations: 1) You haven’t managed to interpret the ending of the very first dream correctly. Your first assumption is correct: The dream shows that Mr Weasley is rather interested in Miss Granger, until he meets someone else. Thus, he rejects Miss Granger and hurts her very deeply. But when he realises that it is her who he has adored all the time, she has disappeared. Here it is obvious, that he will never see her again. There’s no way for him through the labyrinth. They won’t have a second chance. You have failed to allow your Inner Eye to open fully, my boy. 2) You do not pay enough attention to your Numerology in the second dream. Mr Weasley will have to work very hard and be very patient with Miss Granger to achieve his goals with her. The same thing applies to winning her back – sadly, this thought isn’t very well developed in exercise three. You should have given this much more thought. 3) The same rules apply to the third dream. Miss Granger will not just leave her current boyfriend to set off with Mr Weasley. They are yelling at each other, which is a sign of thorough misunderstanding and bitter fighting. Such unhappiness, such strife. Tut, tut. 4) You give the dream of September 15th rather less thought than necessary. Obviously, Mr Weasley has never kissed the bride. If, as you correctly assume, Miss Granger is his bride, then this dream shows only that they won’t marry. Their wedding will be interrupted by something grave, some bad accident, and there will be no kiss at the end of the ceremony. The Inner Eye knows all, Mr Potter, if only you were capable of figuring it out. 5) All in all, these dreams show the affection of Mr Weasley and Miss Granger for each other. However, they don’t signify any happy ending for this couple. It is much more likely that they will lose each other in the labyrinth mentioned in Mr Weasley’s first dream and never see each other again. Just because you hope something positive will happen for your friends, Mr. Potter, doesn’t mean fate favours it. You must learn to think above such mundane things. I’m pleased to give you a weak “A” on your interpretation. Try to delve into the dreams a bit further and pass the boundaries of the Non-Seeing mind. Professor Sybill Trelawney ****************************** At least it’s a pass. Well, old hag, we’ll just leave it to Ron and Hermione to decide if they want to get out. I like my interpretation much more than your pessimistic one. And “Non-Seeing mind” sounds very much like nonsense, don’t you See? |