Author: St Margarets
Story: Win-Win
Rating: Teens
Setting: Post-DH
Status: Completed
Reviews: 24
Words: 1,095
“You’re sulking.”
“Am not.”
“The corners of your mouth are turned down and your arms are crossed,” Ginny said.
Harry held up his hands and gave her a wide, fake grin. “I’m happy your side won.”
“Now you’re sulking and lying.” She grabbed his hands and put them around her waist.
He didn’t resist her, but he didn’t hug her, either. He just left his hands lying warm and motionless where she had put them.
“What?” he said in that plodding, annoying, sulky voice of his.
She almost tore herself out of his arms except she couldn’t help but notice that while Harry might be sulking, his body was having a very different reaction to her nearness. A germ of a plan bloomed in her mind as she brushed her breasts against his chest. “I think we should have another contest.”
His eyes flashed at the contact she initiated, but his sulky tone remained. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why?” She ran her hands up to his shoulders.
“Because you’re a worse loser than I am.”
“Ha. I don’t hide in the orchard and sulk when I lose.”
“No, you take it out on me.” The corners of his mouth weren’t as droopy. He was starting to lighten up at getting the last word in.
She couldn’t decide whether to be offended or not. So she had a little temper – Harry should know that by now. After a brief pause of enjoying the warmth of the sun on her shoulders and the fact that his eyes were greener than the new leaves on the apple trees that surrounded them, she decided against taking offense.
Harry must have decided against playing at passive resistance because at some point in their silent pause he had pulled her closer. An excellent development. This was a contest she could win. “The new contest is simple. You resist kissing me for one minute.”
His expression didn’t change, but his hands on her hips seemed to have a will of their own. “Okay." He abruptly stopped touching her. "With two conditions: no body contact and no dirty talk.”
She pouted, since she had planned on using both of those weapons.
His grin was genuine as he stepped away from her. “Tell me when to set my watch.”
“Sit down first.”
With a little smirk on his face, he settled against the trunk of a tree with his arms casually supported on his bent knees.
Ginny knelt beside him and tried to figure out the best strategy for a swift seduction. Not impossible, but it was going to be difficult to resist touching him.
“Ready?” he asked, holding up his wrist to show her his watch. One of the hands was quivering in anticipation.
The seconds started to tick loudly.
Harry closed his eyes, still smirking.
Git, Ginny fumed. Now she couldn’t do anything visual – not a slow strip tease, or even a fast one.
She sighed.
His smile widened, as if sensing her frustration.
Such a lovely quirk to the edge of his mouth when he smiled. Would it be against the rules if she licked that little corner – just a quick touch of her tongue right there?
She sighed again and carefully took off his glasses, letting the tips slide along his face. Hopefully that felt good and not scratchy.
Then she let her hair trail over his chest as she leaned over him to smell the nape of his neck. If she was allowed to use her mouth, she would plant tiny kisses from his shoulder up to his ear. That would drive him wild.
But she wasn't allowed to kiss him. It was torture – and the heat from his neck made her want to snog him senseless. For lack of any other way to reach him, she blew cool air on his neck. His immediate reaction was goosebumps – lovely goosebumps, which should be licked.
But she couldn't lick him – drat it. Instead, she inhaled. He smelled so good – like soap and that tickly dry scent of his hair.
That gave her an idea – Harry liked her hair, maybe that would make his defenses crumble.
Feeling a little silly, she took a lock of her hair and ran it over the sensitive pads of his lips. It must have felt ticklish, because he took a deep breath and his nose twitched. Fascinated, she did it again, tracing the edge of his mouth with soft ends. His lips parted. That look on his face – she knew that look – it was that intense look that meant everything inside of him was focused on this sensation, this moment. Without quite realizing it, she made a little mewling noise in the back of her throat.
His eyes snapped open.
The watch chimes went off.
Before she had a chance to register that she had lost the contest, she found herself sprawled across his lap, staring up into his face. She thought his kiss was going to be as swift as his embrace, but he took his time lowering his mouth to hers. When their lips finally did touch, he held back in the most tantalizing way, brushing his mouth only against her lower lip. Now she had the goosebumps.
“Harry,” she sighed. He had such a nice name to sigh.
“What?” He teased her with his breath and incomplete kisses – all over the edge of her mouth and the side of her jaw and the tip of her nose.
After several sweet moments of frustration, she had enough sense to tangle her hands in his hair so he would be still and she could catch his teasing mouth.
At last – completion. This was the kiss she craved – first he tasted her, swirling round and round in her mouth, then she traced circles of wet heat back to him, give and take, the second-best connection in the world.
She sighed when they broke apart, thinking about the best connection in the world.
“Let’s go. Your place. Right now.”
“Oh, yeah.”
She shakily stood up. “We’re not mentioning that I lost the contest.”
“If you had made that noise two seconds sooner, I would have lost.”
She giggled as he took her arm to Side-along Apparate. “I think the standing for this particular match is win-win.”
A/N: This was an excuse to write a (hopefully) yummy kiss for fitzette on LJ. (And anyone else who needs a quick H/G fix.) Thanks for the beta, Sherry!