Stories by mutt n feathersStory: Knots Rating: Mature Setting: AU Status: WIP Reviews: 30 Words: 37,265 Summary: James Potter had a sister, Eleanor, who was just over nine months younger than he. Upon his and Lily’s deaths, Harry goes to live with his Aunt Ellie. The pair is still not safe though, as Voldemort and the Death Eaters want Harry, and Ellie carries a secret within her lineage that could get everyone around them murdered. Small parts of canon are ignored in this story (such as the actual birthdate of James Potter) and it is set in a magical world where arranged marriages, noble peerage, and the absolute authority of fathers over their children is the norm. Knots weaves real history, old magic and the world created in canon together. Knots is a tale of learning to live again when you think everything worth living for is gone. Rating: Teens Setting: Post-DH Status: WIP Reviews: 25 Words: 21,280 Summary: With the war over, Harry and Ginny are moving forward. Harry’s parents were part owner/founders of a brewery; creating both magical and Muggle beers. Unsure of what else he’d like to do, Harry decides to contact the woman in charge, Perri Gwynn, and get involved. Along the way, Harry learns more about his parents, the Marauders and Lily’s roommates and how mistakes made when you’re a young adult can haunt you for the rest of your life. |