Author: Caitlyn Letters From Home (Young Teens) WIP Word count:59,746 Summary: The Lessons for Life Sequel. Chloe Potter goes to Hogwarts.
Lessons for Life (Young Teens) Completed Word count:87,853 Summary: Dudley has written a letter to Harry, eight years after Harry has left Hogwarts. What does five-year-old Chloe Dursley have to do with Harry? Abundances of Weasleys, R/Hness, a love story, and a little something for everyone.
A Christmas Sweet (Young Teens) Completed Word count:18,520 Summary: Fluff- Something of Little substance or consequence, especially light or superficial entertainment." The American Heritage Dictionary 1996. (See Lessons for Life, if looking for a plot.)
Author: Caleb Nova Vis Insita (Teens) WIP Word count:464,938 Summary: Every body persists in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed. A seventh-year sequel to That Terrifying Momentum. That Terrifying Momentum (Teens) Completed Word count:267,976 Summary: The darkest summer reveals the strangest light. An AU sixth year with canon pairings.
This version is currently out of date. For the Revised Edition, please visit
Author: Calixa Nine to Five (Teens) WIP Word count:19,810 Summary: After the defeat of Voldemort, Harry Potter decided he needed time to think
over his newfound freedom. It’s been three years since he’s set foot in
Britain. In the meantime, Ginny Weasley has been working in the Ministry of
Magic, and she’s become used to leading an independent lifestyle without a
man in the picture. Things could change very drastically for the both of
them, however, when the Ministry undergoes a series of internal changes and
external threats. Life, as to be expected, spins majestically out of control
in a mix of gossip, romance, and peaceful protest. Another Diaper, My Dear? (Teens) Completed Word count:11,741 Summary: Ron learns a very important lesson one night in the Broom Cupboard with his girlfriend. If you find yourself in a compromising situation involving your sister and her snogmate, don't try to hex him in the dark. What happens when parenting strikes early at Hogwarts? Disaster. Outrageously ridiculous story inside. Possibly impossible. (Rated PG-13 for mild language and silliness.) Don't You Care (Young Teens) Completed Word count:3,235 Summary: It's near the end of summer and another year at Hogwarts is rolling around again. Some things from the past, however, should be finished now. Letters, Letters (Teens) Completed Word count:1,553 Summary: He keeps writing them, but she doesn't read. Ginny Weasley in hiding with the Grangers. Misunderstandings Talk (Young Teens) Completed Word count:30,925 Summary: Ginny's mad at Harry for reasons he doesn't quite understand, and it's affecting the Quidditch team, so Ron takes it on himself to set things straight. Fluffy, with a few angsty-ish moments. Wrapper (Young Teens) Completed Word count:1,649 Summary: In between fear and the horrors of daily life, there's one thing Neville Longbottom isn't ashamed of... alternate POV set during OoTP. Angst warnings, no ship.
Author: Cambryn The Wisdom to Know the Difference (Young Teens) WIP Word count:8,979 Summary: Remus is described as a solitary man by many, and it is a very
apt description. This is an exploration of the man's past, when he was only a solitary boy.
Author: Capramagus The Mauraders' Last Prank (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,294 Summary: It's Christmas Eve of Harry's fifth year. He, Hermione, the Weasleys, and Remus Lupin are listening to Sirius telling an anectote about a trick that he and Remus and Peter had played on James Potter at his wedding. It ends with a revelation that even Remus couldn't see coming. Transformations (Everyone) Completed Word count:2,999 Summary: In his fifth year at Hogwarts, Remus Lupin suspects his friends are planning some great mischief, and is afraid to ask what. He's in for a surprise that will forever transform how he sees himself, for he finally knows just how much his friends value him.
Author: Carrick O'Rourke A Friendly Warning (Young Teens) Completed Word count:833 Summary: When Ginny and Harry try to have another snogging session, what do they expect to happen? Hot Chocolate and Cinnamon (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,927 Summary: Harry reflects on the special relationship he has developed with Ginny. The Best Christmas Present Ever (Young Teens) Completed Word count:9,941 Summary: After a week full of pranks between the Weasley twins and Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione, Fred and George finally play the ultimate prank. Is this the worst joke ever, or the Best Christmas Present ever?
Author: cckeimig Protecting the Prophecy (Everyone) WIP Word count:18,887 Summary: Home for the summer after his traumatic fifth year, Harry is afraid to sleep, lest Voldemort milk the prophecy from him, now that their link works both ways. He must learn Occlumency as quickly as possible, and while he learns, a special, underestimated friend helps out.
Author: CEO Shaft
Author: Cera Eólach (Young Teens) WIP Word count:10,981 Summary: Following an act of desperation, Ginny Weasley is forced to rediscover herself, and her life. A Year Ago Today (Everyone) Completed Word count:3,316 Summary: Harry finally wakes up to himself. Problem is, she's been gone a year. Is it too late? Chasing Ginny Weasley (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,440 Summary: A brief look inside Harry's head as he bumps into Ginny Love At Second Sight (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,540 Summary: Harry's heart has a surprise for him when he meets up with Ginny. Regret (Everyone) Completed Word count:3,142 Summary: As Harry sits alone at the Dursleys, he can't help but think about how things
went wrong. The Tale of a Kiss (Young Teens) Completed Word count:2,437 Summary: The story of how one girl got her third kiss.
Author: Chary Beloved on This Earth (Teens) Completed Word count:178,742 Summary: Snape/OFC romance. When Harry is injured and taken to a Muggle hospital, the nurse caring for him feels a strange connection to the injured boy, and certainly doesn't trust the Professor who claims he has come to return him to his school. Curtain Call (Teens) Completed Word count:4,929 Summary: Sirius is having a hard time facing the facts. Familiarity Breeds Content (Everyone) Completed Word count:3,066 Summary: Harry isn’t hungry, Ron and Hermione are worried and Neville’s had better days, too.
Author: Chatmandu A Most Extraordinary Boy (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,193 Summary: Dumbledore’s phoenix, Fawkes, gave just two feathers for use as wand cores. The second wand’s choice of Harry Potter has been chronicled. What happened when the first one chose Tom Riddle? Saturday Night (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,651 Summary: Sirius Black is the scion of one of the oldest and purest Wizard families in England. Two of his friends at school, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew, are pureblood wizards too. Another, Remus Lupin, is a half-blood raised in the Wizarding world. So how did Sirius get the idea to own a Muggle motorbike? A Marauders tale, before they were the Marauders.
Ten Little Lions (Teens) Completed Word count:9,777 Summary: Following Dumbledore's funeral, the Hogwarts Express trip home to London is somber and quiet. What the Hogwarts students don't realize is the senseless violence of war does not stop for tragedy, no matter how personal or poignant. They are about to learn that lesson. This was for the summer challenge at SIYE, but a big plot snag and the need for major editing ensured it was not ready by the submission deadline.
Author: Cicero
Author: Cingstarz
Author: CJS Harry Potter and the Ghosts of the Past (Teens) WIP Word count:39,145 Summary: "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches…" Harry Potter's destiny was decided for him before he was even born. Among all the witches and wizards in the world, only he has the power to destroy the feared Lord Voldemort. Now seventeen, and an adult in the magical world, Harry -- along with his best friends Ron and Hermione -- prepares to set out on the long and dangerous mission to destroy Voldemort and the Horcruxes that make his soul immortal. As Harry has learnt, the key to destroying Voldemort lies not in the future but in the past, but as the trio dig deeper into the secrets of the dark wizard's history, an unexpected ally will reveal something that makes the challenge seem more impossible than they could ever have imagined...
Update 21/06/2009 - My Beta curse has struck again. After a lot of thought I've reluctantly decided to discontinue this story. I really can't face the hassle of trying to find another beta, plus goings-on in real life are making it very difficult to find the time to write. Thanks to all of who you have written reviews, and apologies for not bringing it to a better conclusion Only the Good Die Young (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,309 Summary: We all know that the Harry Potter books are fiction. But what if that is just what we are meant to think? On the tenth anniversary of Harry’s defeat of Lord Voldemort, the woman that we know as J.K. Rowling makes a very special journey, one that she has put off for far too long.
Author: cmwinters A Girl and Her Cat (Everyone) Completed Word count:494 Summary: Hermione Granger reflects on the nature of her relationship with
her familiar. The Cloak (Everyone) Completed Word count:960 Summary: An alternative version of how Harry got his invisibility cloak, and who gave it to him. The Ringing of the Empty Sound (Everyone) Completed Word count:2,977 Summary: Written as a response to the HP_remnants challenge on LiveJournal,
with the prompt "And the picture frames are staring down, and the ringing of
this empty sound, is deafening and keeping you from sleep", a lyric from a
Dashboard Confessional song. Although not a song-fic by any means, I did
listen to the song repeatedly while writing.
After the war, you have to start picking up the pieces.
Trust (Everyone) Completed Word count:3,274 Summary: Harry Potter plunges headlong into a Pensieve and discovers the shocking reason that Albus Dumbledore trusted Severus Snape Unwelcome Refuge (Everyone) Completed Word count:569 Summary: Someone gets an unexpected visitor.
Author: coeus In Memoriam (Everyone) WIP Word count:4,404 Summary: A collection of one-shots exploring the various deaths in book 7 from the perspectives of different characters.
Author: coffeebean Sunset (Teens) Completed Word count:2,653 Summary: Harry was about to leave London behind for Sydney. At his farewell party, Ginny has the perfect opportunity to make him stay. Will she grab that chance or let it slip away? A New Dawn (Teens) Completed Word count:3,740 Summary: Sequel to Sunset. Ginny's in Sydney to find Harry and tell him everything. But it's not an easy road for her.
Author: ColtDancer In the Dawn (Teens) Completed Word count:5,987 Summary: A post Deathly Hallows - Pre-Epilogue H/G fluff piece.
Author: Connor Landon Possessing Ginny Weasley (Everyone) Completed Word count:2,063 Summary: Ginny Weasley has opened the Chamber of Secrets. This is the story of how she got there.
Author: Corey Lin Unexpected Encounters (Young Teens) WIP Word count:13,851 Summary: Five years after the Defeat of Voldemort, a chance encounter on a London street opens new possibilities for friendship. Day of Remembrance (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,798 Summary: On Halloween, Harry teaches his young son about the grandparents he'll never know. One shot
Author: crazygurl43 Harmony (Teens) WIP Word count:4,178 Summary: Weeks after the final battle against Voldemort, a young woman finds herself in a London hospital with no memory of who she is or how she has been
injured. Three years after her initial awakening, Harmony Wesley’s life is turned upside down by the appearance of two strange boys in her University
dormitory. Unnerved by her friend Caroline’s strange behavior and the incongruous actions of the two young men, will Harmony be able to survive the revealing of her own memories?
Author: critmo Not a Good Mood (Young Teens) Completed Word count:991 Summary: An outtake from HBP: Ginny's thoughts after her fight with Ron. Not a Good Mood 2 (Young Teens) Completed Word count:1,666 Summary: #2 in my little mood series. A missing moment from HBP: Ginny's thoughts after Ron kisses Lavender. Not in a Good Mood 3 (Young Teens) Completed Word count:2,193 Summary: A missing moment from HBP: Ginny's thoughts after the lost Quidditch match. A Good Mood (Young Teens) Completed Word count:2,565 Summary: #4 in the mood series: Ginny’s version of the kiss with Harry and what happened afterwards. Moods (Everyone) Completed Word count:16,424 Summary: #5 in the mood series, starting with Ginny at home in the summer. How does she cope with the break up? How does Harry cope? How does everybody else? Some things just aren’t right! Cracking the Shell (Young Teens) Completed Word count:3,953 Summary: A prequel to "Not Enough": Ginny goes to Privet Drive to get Harry - not an easy task, because the Dursleys don't want her to talk to him and Harry himself refuses to come along quietly. Not Enough (Teens) Completed Word count:11,098 Summary: Harry has been invited to the Burrow for Christmas, but while working on the present for Mr and Mrs Weasley something happens and he and Ginny begin seeing each other in a different light. H/G fluff, inspired by the bygone season. Hints (Young Teens) Completed Word count:3,265 Summary: A ball is coming up and Harry does not have a clue how to ask Ginny for a date, while she develops an irritating interest in wearing his sweater, and Hermione seems to have a problem with dropping her belongings all over the place. H/G fluff without any substance at all. Scared (Young Teens) Completed Word count:1,444 Summary: Harry has just left King’s Cross Station, leaving behind his best friends. Now, they have to say goodbye to each other. How can they, after all that has happened? A missing moment between Hermione and Ron. Things Change (Teens) Completed Word count:7,241 Summary: Ron and Hermione are not talking, Harry is alone and Ginny feels guilty. An AU road to romance? Per Aspera Ad Astra (Teens) Completed Word count:15,170 Summary: Harry and Ginny spend the summer together. However, it's not an easy situation. A dramatic road to romance. Per Asperissima Ad Astra (Young Teens) Completed Word count:28,635 Summary: Harry and Ginny spend the summer together, but have a terrible fight. This is how the darkest time of their lives begins, extending even past the defeat of Voldemort. Is there a chance for reconciliation? A variation of "Per Aspara ad Astra", but if you expect much fluff, you better run and hide. (The prologue chapter is similar, but certainly not identical.)
Author: Crys The Unknown Power (Teens) Completed Word count:127,962 Summary: Harry's sixth year including romance, confrontations and politics
Author: cryslin Muggle War (Teens) Completed Word count:27,236 Summary: Just before his birthday, Harry discovers a secret journal written during World War II. Within the pages of this journal is a life that Harry can relate to, not just by blood, but by the accounts of war that rages around them no matter if the war is Muggle or Wizarding. Switched (Young Teens) Completed Word count:20,411 Summary: It has been said that to learn about a person one must walk a mile in their shoes. What if that mile took a month! After a botched spell, two enemies must live like the other for a full 30 days and hopefully maintain their sanity. One will learn that it’s what's on the inside that counts. The inner being is truly wonderful. Together Forever (Young Teens) Completed Word count:2,895 Summary: After 110 years together Harry and Ginny celebrate their landmark achievement at the Burrow. While there, they make a decision that will affect their lives for the future.
Author: cts
Author: Curt Gifts (Teens) WIP Word count:4,446 Summary: Ron and Hermione leave Harry with Ginny for the summer, the Weasleys get rich, and Harry has more troubling dreams. With that crazy of a summer, what will the next term bring?
Author: cwarbeck A Special Friendship (Young Teens) Completed Word count:6,122 Summary: Harry reckoned that his friendship with Ginny was something that he could call his own, something that he did not have to share with anyone, and that made it even more special. Written for the "When Harry Met Ginny" Challenge at SIYE. Getting Over Harry Potter (Teens) Completed Word count:47,538 Summary: When Ginny realises that she is firmly entrenched as Harry’s friend in the strictest, most platonic sense of the word, she is determined to permanently banish any of her own definitely non-platonic sentiments. She comes up with a plan – an ingenious, infallible, perfect, foolproof plan – but how was it supposed to work if Harry seemed to be everywhere she looked? It Could Be Tonight (Teens) Completed Word count:2,107 Summary: Harry tries to find just the right moment to tell Ginny exactly how he feels about her. Some Kind of Wonderful (Teens) Completed Word count:26,059 Summary: Harry and Ginny have become very good friends during Harry’s sixth year at Hogwarts. When Harry admits that he still fancies an old crush, Ginny volunteers to help him plan the perfect date and get the girl of his dreams. After all, that’s what friends are for, right? Right? Hmmm.... The Best Present of All (Young Teens) Completed Word count:9,682 Summary: Harry decides that all he really wants for Christmas – and for the rest of his life – is Ginny Weasley. Written for the SIYE December Engagement Challenge. The Unforgettable Forgotten Birthday (Teens) Completed Word count:19,033 Summary: It wasn’t everyday that a girl turned sixteen years old, but in the midst of the confusion brought about by eccentric relatives, odious cousins and commando gnomes gone berserk, no one in Ginny’s family seems to have remembered the important occasion! However, there was still hope... will one special boy actually make this forgotten birthday an unforgettable one? A Not So Very Frosty Christmas After All (Young Teens) Completed Word count:5,631 Summary: In spite of naughty chest monsters, mortifying bathroom encounters and a visit from an insufferable Minister of Magic, Harry manages to spend a truly memorable Christmas at The Burrow. (Outtake from Chapter Sixteen of The Half-Blood Prince) The Five Minute Test (Teens) Completed Word count:5,125 Summary: A conversation in Grimmauld Place reveals some rather interesting details on how Harry's parents finally got together - and it was all because of a rather ingenious theory of one Sirius Black Two-a-side Quidditch (Teens) Completed Word count:2,474 Summary: The summer after the adventure at the Department of Mysteries, a game of Quidditch gets slightly out of hand, especially for Harry and Ginny
Author: Cygnus Crux Harry Potter's Existence After Life (Teens) Completed Word count:158,815 Summary: Everyone lives happily ever after following Voldemort's defeat right? Wrong! Harry found himself shunned by all those he held dear. Now it seems he's out for revenge! The release of OotP means this story is now AU.
Mind War (Teens) Completed Word count:241,407 Summary: Sequel to Harry Potter's Existence after Life. Something is festering in the wizarding world and the past will come back to haunt Harry.
Union (Teens) Completed Word count:48,625 Summary: You are cordially invited...Sequel to Harry Potter's Existence After Life and Mind War.