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Reviews For A Brother by Kalarien

Monday 5th April 2010 14:18
A Brother
I loved this piece, it was kind of surprising though. I always thought the twins inseparable, and when George said that Fred was the flashy one! That one was a stunner, all in all great story!
Tuesday 27th June 2006 15:02
A Brother
Aww. And George is right. They don't think of the twins and just George and just Fred, but as Fred and George. And the same when people do think of them as 2 and not 1. When I hear "twins," Fred is the first one that pops ito my head. George is so lonely. Good job. I like to see the sensitive side of the twins once in a while.
Wednesday 5th January 2005 13:29
A Brother
Love how Angelina was trying to defuse the situation.  Very nice also about wanting to have a brother.