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Reviews For For My Baby by Lady Chi

Wednesday 24th September 2008 17:00
For My Baby
Friday 22nd August 2008 13:15
For My Baby
I could have SWORN I'd read this before, but seeing as it was last updated/originally published here while I was in labor with my firsborn (he wasn't born for a few more days - I tend to take these things slowly, you see), maybe you'll forgive my tardiness?

Lovely piece. I've been finding myself more and more sympathetic to Molly now that I'm the mother of two sons myself (and we're not done yet - I'm only half-joking when I tell my husband he better start shooting some X chromosomes next time if he doesn't want a Weasley-sized brood - we're not trying again until next year tho so no news anything soon on that! I'm enjoying my second son's infancy at the moment (he's napping on my lap as I type this). Your description of how Molly felt about her sons when pregnant the last time and longing for a girl was spot-on. My own mother wasn't present the first time I gave birth (she was more than 300 miles away) but she was the second and there is something deeply spiritual about having the womb that bore once you in the room when birthing your own babe (something I plan to incorporate into my own writing soon).

Isn't it nice when canon that comes after what you write doesn't completely contradict what you wrote? *sigh*
Thursday 17th January 2008 09:27
For My Baby
So sweet . It's nice to be able to compare and contrast Lily and Molly. Great job!!
Tuesday 16th October 2007 15:06
For My Baby
I love this!!!
Saturday 24th June 2006 17:05
For My Baby
sweet,REALLY sweet
Tuesday 1st November 2005 11:12
For My Baby

Aww, I love Lily and James. Well done!

Cherry xxx

Wednesday 5th January 2005 15:04
For My Baby
Oh!  I could so much see how much Molly would want a girl! 

Hey, did you see there is some sort of error in the typing on this?  "Ho""":;;jjkkkahjthe""

Yeah, I remember being that tired in my first trimester!

Nice segue into Lily and James.