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Reviews For Thoughts of Ron by Lady Chi

Tuesday 29th April 2014 13:20
Thoughts of Ron
I am not sure you will ever see this, but I was taking a stroll down memory lane today and I happened upon this site.

I am/was "Eric, the flying llama" and finding this has really put a smile on my face. I was 14 when this was posted (I'm 24 now), and it seems like forever ago.

Life really was so much simpler then, and the world of Harry Potter and the friends I have made (and lost along the way) because of it have really shaped me.

I hope you are doing well, a decade later.
Friday 1st January 2010 14:52
Thoughts of Ron
Very fluffy.
Friday 19th October 2007 07:55
Thoughts of Ron
I love this! describes it really well!
Wednesday 2nd November 2005 12:52
Thoughts of Ron

Brill! and Nothing more to it!

Cherry xxx

Wednesday 5th January 2005 15:26
Thoughts of Ron
Loved the spider bit!

I scanned down your list of stories and I didn't see one for the twins or for Percy.  Are you planning on doing these as well?

Thursday 6th January 2005 16:37Thoughts of Ron (Author Response)

Yes, that was the original plan. The twins and Percy anxiously await their chance at one-shot glory, and I promise I will try to get those completed very, very shortly.

The problem I find with Percy is that I'm not entirely sure how I would want to deal with Ginny's feelings towards him. The sense of betrayal and disbelief would make for a very angsty story, and once I finish my novel-length L/J fic (which is taking up a good bit of my angst energy), then that'll be more conceivable. Anyway, keep an eye out!