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Reviews For Just One Day by Pooca

Monday 1st September 2008 15:46
Just One Day
how intense!! you've got a great style that penetrates the soul of your reader, giving him more than was expecting.. at least, that happened to me! Great story !I'll keep my eye out for anything new you post, which I hope will happen soon!
Wednesday 14th November 2007 16:10
Just One Day
awww!!! this is so sweet! I thought that harry might crash on her bed and thats how they are discovered in the morning or something :p
Friday 19th January 2007 17:10
Just One Day
That was so sweet. It brought tears to my eyes whenever Ginny was thinkng to herself about what had happened and about Harry. Great job.
Monday 22nd August 2005 10:47
Just One Day
Sweet and heartaching.  And I'm ever so happy that Jo finally put them together in canon.  Never mind that Harry broke off, they need each other and belong together.


And as for all the emoticons - that's my son insiting.  He wanted to see the 'fun' (i.e moving) ones in use.  I insisted on using the appropriate ones.
Thursday 14th April 2005 10:23
Just One Day
This is so poignant!  You've captured this moment very well...I'd always wondered what Harry did after he left Dumbledore's office and I'm glad that he came down to the hospital wing to check on the others.  The part of your story that got to me was the line, "And you won't even remember this, the first hug you've ever given, will you, Harry?" I'm sure he won't, but then again, he just might.  There's always hope...
Pirate Ginny
Wednesday 9th March 2005 22:40
Just One Day
:) Just re-read this today.  Still love it.  This is probably my favorite of your pieces.

Ginny's battle against tears and her emotions are both very real to me.  I can feel the tightness in the throat.  And the end, of course, is just lovely.  The whole vignette works wonderfully.  :)

Thursday 10th March 2005 17:40Just One Day (Author Response)
Well, shucks. :o)
Monday 6th September 2004 12:27
Just One Day
Wonderful story! So sweet and sniffly. I've wondered about that night myself. In OOTP we don't see Harry with his friends until Sunday, right? So it looks as though Harry goes to sleep sometime after his talk/fight with Dumbledore Saturday morning, and doesn't wake until Sunday. So your story fits perfectly! And the way you wrote it suddenly made me wonder if Ginny's lines in OOTP regarding Harry talking to Sirius ("anything is possible if you have enough nerve") might be her way of saying out loud what she's been thinking about getting Harry to be hers. If she has enough nerve (i.e. trying to make Harry think she's unavailable, going out with Dean, etc.) then perhaps she can turn that Love Boat around, right? Heh. I like that idea . . .
Thursday 19th August 2004 12:28
Just One Day
Oh, so sweet! You capture Ginny's emotions very well - keep up the good work!!
Wednesday 4th August 2004 23:23
Just One Day
whoa, very VERY interesting, I must say. After pre-betaing something of your i felt like seeing what else you've written.