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Reviews For Heal The Pain by Aibhinn

Wednesday 2nd July 2008 22:13
Heal The Pain
I know what you mean about unromantic muggles. In the traditional Catholic service, the groom is never asked to kiss the bride. My mother has a great story of begging the priest to modify the ceremony.
Tuesday 5th December 2006 07:07
Heal The Pain
I like the questions .
I'm a little confused though. I thought Ginny's testifying was the key to Harry's defense, wasn't it? Or is it just that her testifying forces the trial to a higher security clearance?
Saturday 4th February 2006 00:07
Heal The Pain
Oooh so romantic! Stupid bureaucracy couldn't even ruin it. Those questions about their relationship had me in stitches! It actually made me think of this song a friend taught me way back in middle school called "I'm my own Grandpa..."
Very cute, and funny. I liked how he used the Grangers' address etc. You didn't miss a trick!
Wednesday 24th August 2005 23:05
Heal The Pain

i like the letters...i havent read any other fanfic that uses them quite like that, so it's unique.

it's an effective way to advance the plot without having a bunch of dull synopsing or however you're supposed to put it.


Sunday 13th March 2005 08:15
Heal The Pain
The whole "is this an unnatural marriage" series of questions was very funny.  Ah, good fluffy chapter. Nice job!