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Reviews For Ginny's Kiss by Aibhinn

Sunday 25th January 2009 14:27
Ginny's Kiss
Sunday 9th November 2008 19:28
Ginny's Kiss
so lovely ... though it leaves me wating more!
Saturday 17th November 2007 04:12
Ginny's Kiss
Wednesday 24th October 2007 06:31
Ginny's Kiss
This was great! I love a good image of young love and this is deffinitely it! Thanks so much for writing. p
Friday 1st December 2006 12:35
Ginny's Kiss
COOL! when is the next part?
Friday 1st December 2006 13:10Ginny's Kiss (Author Response)
Hi there--there is no next part; this is a one-shot, a story with no sequel. But I'm glad you enjoyed it!
No Idea Why I Smile
Sunday 1st October 2006 20:01
Ginny's Kiss
that was really sweet...i loved it...

Saturday 12th August 2006 17:50
Ginny's Kiss
Wow, very sweet. The flowers were a nice touch as well!
Sunday 26th March 2006 20:22
Ginny's Kiss
That odd poem at the end had me smiling, but the rest of the story simply had me beaming! Very sweet and cute, though I personally would have loved to have heard Ron's reaction...or the rest of the school's...or both...simply because I delight in that sort of thing.
Sunday 18th December 2005 07:28
Ginny's Kiss
Nice and Sweet.
Wednesday 14th September 2005 18:06
Ginny's Kiss

Very nice.

Wednesday 7th September 2005 18:35
Ginny's Kiss
A very nice, short fic, and a great song to use as the basis for it.  Its one of my all time favorites.
Monday 4th July 2005 11:58
Ginny's Kiss

that was really good, did you base the story after the poem or vise versa?

I loved how a lot of the things in the poem  connected with the story

great job, keep writing, and PLez write back


Monday 4th July 2005 13:49Ginny's Kiss (Author Response)
Hi there!

It's not actually a poem; it's a song by the group Silly Wizard.  I based the story on the song (as I've done with a couple of other stories--see "Endless Sacrifice" and "The Promise"); that's one of my favorite songs of all time.

Thanks for the lovely review!
Sunday 26th June 2005 19:32
Ginny's Kiss

I know I already reviewed, but I'm inviting people to an RP site based off of Harry Potter that I run and was looking for some good authors. I was wondering if you'd be interested. If you are, feel free to come and check it out.

There have been some changes to it, and we need some teachers. You can have as many students/staff as you'd like... the more the merrier. Also, if you have any questions feel free to email me with them and I'll do my best to answer them.


Thursday 16th June 2005 11:08
Ginny's Kiss
Very good... I love bits of fluff like this. I enjoyed that very much. Thanks for a good little ficlet. ;)
Tuesday 7th December 2004 10:56
Ginny's Kiss
Very nice.
Tuesday 16th November 2004 17:10
Ginny's Kiss
How fluffy!  I loved it!

Saturday 16th October 2004 20:23
Ginny's Kiss


I loved it!

Brilliant job!

Sunday 3rd October 2004 17:38
Ginny's Kiss
Nice. Loved the story...wish i could have seen the look on Ginny's face when Harry asked her to the ball though. *smirks*
Wednesday 1st September 2004 19:34
Ginny's Kiss
Wednesday 25th August 2004 21:52
Ginny's Kiss
Dear Aibhinn,

My second review of your work in one night! I really enjoyed this story. What a sweet way for Harry and Ginny to get together. I found myself more moved by your imagery in this work than in The Promise, where you kept your style simple, less flowery. (Which actually fit the plot of TP nicely.) Your descriptive turn of phrase here seemed more creative. I loved the line “. . . and became lost in the sumptuous, velvety suppleness of her. “ I also enjoyed the easy friendship between the five gryff boys and the plot device of Noticing Ginny, in captitals. Especially in her bathing suit. It made me laugh.

A (very) little nitpick, and I may have misunderstood how you meant the narrative, but would Harry have known the roses were variegated?

All in all I feel you captured that nervous, excited feeling of liking someone and the uncertainty of returned feelings. This story had some genuine Aww moments, and made me smile. And what a great first kiss! Grin.

Your grammar and sentence structure were very good. (I feel like a hypocrite commenting on this in another person’s writing, as mine is casual at best.)

A sweet, sunshiney, story that kept my attention.
Please continue writing and sharing your work. I look forward to reading and reviewing.
Thank you for posting,
Ps. What was the poem that you posted at the end? And Thanks to your betas.
Wednesday 25th August 2004 21:52Ginny's Kiss (Author Response)
Hi, Ellie! Thank you for the very kind reviews!

The poem is actually a song by the group "Silly Wizard." It's called "Queen of Argyll," and is found on their CD "Kiss the Tears Away." It's the song that inspired this fic. You may have noticed the repeated references to Ginny's smile being like the dawn, and to her moving like a swan. The chorus of that song is (partially):

"And if you could've seen her there--
Boys, if you had just been there!
The swan was in her movement
And the morning in her smile."

So that's why I included it. Thanks again!
Saturday 5th June 2004 23:26
Ginny's Kiss
Oh, what a cute little story. I love little one shots like this. Thanks for sharing it.
Saturday 5th June 2004 22:53
Ginny's Kiss
Friday 4th June 2004 06:33
Ginny's Kiss
Good stuff, nice and fluffy. I remember those days of asking girls out, and the utter terror that went with the asking. Closely followed with jubilation as she said yes. This fic brings back good memories.