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Reviews For Miss Hogwarts by Jenna Mae

Wednesday 6th April 2005 22:15
Miss Hogwarts
Okay,  I laughed out loud and the whole Harry Ginny thing was delilciously tantalizing.  Way to go.
Tuesday 5th April 2005 14:10
Miss Hogwarts
Love the grilling the girls give each other. Seems apropos that Ginny finds out about Herm/Ron.

Harry coming on to Ron like that, with the words aimed at Gin, That. Was. Brilliant.

And that Gin didn't just roll over and let him kiss her again was sneaky. Heh. Just like a woman, doing that. *Dodges the pillows, books and assorted stuff thrown at his head.* Harry's got a lot to learn, doesn't he?
Sunday 6th June 2004 05:43
Miss Hogwarts