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Reviews For More Than Meets the Eye by Aggiebell

Friday 18th May 2007 23:18
More Than Meets the Eye
That was a good summer for Neville. I am so glad his grandmum finally told him she was proud of him. It is about time. Neville has grown up a lot and now that he has a new wand his magic should work better. Thank you for writing. p
Monday 21st February 2005 08:07
More Than Meets the Eye
The 'tm' after DragonDung made me smile and I liked the name "Flitterbloom Fancies".  Nice to see Gran proud of Neville at last.
Wednesday 10th November 2004 00:31
More Than Meets the Eye
Yes, a Neville fic!  I've believed for quite a while now that the only problem with Neville's magic is lack of confidence and the wrong wand.  Now that he has his own, he should be marvellous.  And I like the symbolism.  Like Tom and Harry, you gave Neville's wand a phoenix feather--life rising from the ashes.  But while Tom's wood signifies death and Harry's wood signifies life, you gave Neville oak--signifying strength.  Beautiful. (I've been playing with a Neville plot bunny in my head for awhile.  I'd just as soon have someone else write it.)

Monday 8th November 2004 12:54
More Than Meets the Eye
All right, I will be the first to admit that, friend as I am to you, I'd put off reading this fic, because I tend not to be able to get into stories that aren't from Harry's POV. But you've got me hooked. This is fantastic. It's not a Harry rip-off (as I've seen many times before) where it seems as if Harry is talking or acting through another person's mouth. It's Neville. You've given him a three dimensional identity of his own which fleshes out the often under-detailed Neville of JK's world. I shall read on with interest and enjoyment :)
Myth xxx
Tuesday 9th November 2004 12:06More Than Meets the Eye (Author Response)

LOL, Myth.  It's ok!  I knew when I started writing this that the fact that it's not Harry's POV might put some people off.  I appreciate your taking the time to read (and review), even though I'm woefully behind on my reviews of OoS, OoM (I'm working on it, I promise!)

And thanks so much for the comments!  The hardest thing about this fic for me is to NOT write in Harry's POV--or to not write in Neville's POV, and have him come out sounding like Harry.  I'm trying really hard to keep Harry, Harry and Neville,  Neville (and never the twain shall meet), so I'm glad that they're coming across as their own characters.

Thanks again!


Bring and Fly
Monday 8th November 2004 09:40
More Than Meets the Eye

To my embarrassment, I have read this story before but never reviewed.

Why did I enjoy this? Well, its about Nev and he is a bit of an enigma to us so far. We are led to believe he is a bumbling child because we only see him through other peoples eyes. I think this sets the score straight. There has to be more to Neville (and I have my own theory about the forgetfulness) because the Prophecy could have applied equally to him as well as Harry. I am a firm believer in Prophecy picking its tools very carefully.

I think Julie has done an excellent job of getting inside the character and fleshing him out so that we can relate to him more easily. And I love the name of the plant shop!

Thursday 4th November 2004 14:56
More Than Meets the Eye

Well done! I just love Nelville. You've done a brialliant job with him so far and I really felt for him. I think we all have a soft spot in our hearts for poor Neville. Sure we can feel sorry for Harry, but he's tough. He's been through it all and we know a bit more won't kill him. Neville however, sweet, loyal Neville hurting makes me want to cry right along with him.

Well done! Can't wait to read more.



Thursday 4th November 2004 14:56More Than Meets the Eye (Author Response)
Thanks, Jner!

I've got a huge soft spot for Neville--I've liked him since we first met him in PS/SS.  It's been really interesting trying to get into his head, because I think he's tough, too, but I think it's buried--with Harry, we can see the toughness more easily, you know?
