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Reviews For Timeslip by Zahri Seb Melitor

Tuesday 29th June 2004 22:06
I've been frightfully long in reviewing and deserve a thwap. But perhaps I will leave a sufficient review and I will not need said thwapping.

Ron, looking more enthusiastic. "It must be hard for him, not seeing his father all summer. He might even be stupid enough to try and attack us again!" A bright smile now was evident on his face.
Hee. Typical Ron for you. And typical Hermione reaction.

Neville and Luna? Yay! Glad they're in on this ride as well. But, of course, they'd have to be, wouldn't they? And:
"Can I not sit next to the window? I find it's easier to think if I don't."
Great Luna line. It fits her perfectly.

Exploding Chocolate Frogs? Those sound fun! I want one!

The idea of Malfoy, with a sadistic smile on his face, slaughtering small animals was a grim one. Even Hermione, for once, did not disagree with Luna. The six just sat there mutely, avoiding each other's eyes.
Oi. That's a happy thought, now isn't it?

Mark Evans!!!!!!!!!!! ;lka;fklajs;dkfj Yay!!!!! That's all I have to say on that subject.

"You ruined my fun," Ginny complained, pouting and looking like a cat seeking attention. "My Bat Bogey's no use if he can't react to it. What should we do with them?"
Nice. Probably my favorite line in this chapter.

Glad the Hufflepuffs came to help. I like how you've written them.

Ginny looked up from petting Crookshanks. "Better yet, why don't all of you boys go and change next door?" Deliberately, she pulled off her jacket and started to undo the buttons on her shirt, staring meaningfully at each of the boys.
Hmm, well, maybe that's my favorite part. Ginny cracks me up.

With a flicker, the lights went out.
Nice ending. But I want more!

Cheers, Beth, you've done a lovely job, as ever. I'm enjoying this story a lot and am looking forward to the next chapter.
Pineapple Queen
Monday 14th June 2004 15:25
Yay! An update...and a cliffhanger of course.

Some bleeding heart will surely be bothered to lift the curses before we get to school,"

I loved this line!

Aren't leaves on the railway tracks one of the main reasons for train derailment in autumn? Harry mused.

Wasn't this part of a question of yours on Britishism thread on TIP? No, I don't know how I remembered that, but that's what I thought of when I read that line...I love your descriptions, by the way.

-Pineapple Queen
Friday 11th June 2004 14:13
You already know I love this story, right? Just to re-iterate, I love this story. I'm so curious about what's going to happen next that I think I might go crazy.

I love the inclusion of the Hufflepuffs (does my Hufflepuff heart good, to see them like this). And I'm left wondering about Mark.

Great job, Beth, and keep up the good work!

Antonia East
Friday 11th June 2004 04:22
I like the inclusion of the Hufflepuffs helping the first years. And Harry and Ginny went Malfoy hunting!
Friday 11th June 2004 01:06
Love the Malfoy beating Hopefully Lucius gets some as well...
praesul femella
Thursday 10th June 2004 22:37
This is really interesting! I love how you put Mark Evans in here, I find his character especially interesting. Are you going to have his last name be part of the plot in anyway? I can't wait until Harry actually meets his parents and Sirius, who should be going into their 6th year. I love time travel fics, and you are a great author, so this should be a great story! Please update soon!