Hihavaniceda Monday 15th December 2008 05:13 | Now A Stranger |
mm nice one ! |
purple_dust Wednesday 12th December 2007 17:00 | Now A Stranger |
amazin story! great insight on petunia. luved it!! |
xDancesWithRainx Sunday 8th July 2007 09:26 | Now A Stranger |
Wow.....I like. I like a lot. It isn't the very best story like this I've written, but definatley better than many i've read. I like it... |
~delusion~ Monday 7th May 2007 01:50 | Now A Stranger |
that's so sad
oh well good story, can't wait to see what's next. |
sonicdale Monday 21st March 2005 14:10 | Now A Stranger |
Here it is, a whole year later, and it's not continued.
What happened?? This was sooo good, with a lot of promise.
I lked the irrational thinking. I liked the "SuperMum" and the "my flowers".... You've done some thinking and such. Good job.
A year has gone by. Has the muse kicked itself back onto your keyboard yet? |
Wednesday 22nd March 2006 19:15 | Now A Stranger (Author Response) |
It was never supposed to be continued. The "To Be Continued..." was tagged on as a mistake by whoever uploaded this story.
I've had many plot bunnies take hold and pass in the past year. Hopefully something will blossom into something more someday soon |
Kelleypen Saturday 5th February 2005 10:00 | Now A Stranger |
Thank you for showing me how to feel sympathy for Petunia. I've never wanted to hug her before now. Well done. |
Pronglet Thursday 3rd February 2005 18:05 | Now A Stranger |
lissabee Wednesday 2nd February 2005 17:45 | Now A Stranger |
That was a very interesting PoV...I think many people like to think of the Dursley's as having no human emotion really, but you have to wonder if Petunia had ALWAYS hated Lily or what. I think this was a very sad, but touching insight to the battle that could wage within her. |
Arnel Tuesday 1st February 2005 01:42 | Now A Stranger |
You've done a remarkable job of explaining why Petunia Dursley is the way she is. You've captured her resentment of Lily's gifts beautifully which goes a long way in explaining her treatment of Harry.
By the way, congratulations for having your story selected as a Story of the Week. I will be looking for your name on the updates list from now on!
Arnel |
Wednesday 2nd February 2005 00:52 | Now A Stranger (Author Response) |
I'm completely blown away and honored and so surprised to see my name at the top of my screen for Story of the Week!
I'm so glad you enjoyed! |
Lakshmi Potter Monday 31st January 2005 16:48 | Now A Stranger |
Bravo! In so few words, you've expertly filled in the gaps that I've always been frustrated that JKR didn't. And what I really like is how you've breathed life into Petunia. It was such a short piece but you found some way to make her multidimensional.
As a side note, your rendering of young Lily reminds me very much of Ginny in PS and CoS.
~Lakshmi |
mary-v Monday 31st January 2005 15:09 | Now A Stranger |
Oh my God! This- this was absolutely brilliant! For the first tiem I felt a sort os symnpathy towards Perunia, except I still don;t understand why she hates Lily so much. Well, I do , but it's still a little fuzzy. But poor Lily. Imagine getting so much, but at the expense of losing something so important.The way you characterized the Evans was absolutely brilliant. Lily suffering just like Harry, Petunia protecting her, her mother wanting the best for her, her dad being proud. I just have one small insignificant flaw to mention. Petunia said her parents where so proud when she received her letter. So I'm guessing her mom wanted her daughter to go as much as her dad. Well, I can't wait for the second installement! Please update soon!
~Maria~ |
Wednesday 2nd February 2005 00:50 | Now A Stranger (Author Response) |
I'm so glad you enjoyed! As it goes, however, this story was really a one-shot fic and they tagged "To be continued..." on the end as an oversight -- that's really the end!
I might try to continue it another time, but as you may have noticed I've been having a bit of writer's block since May when I posted this :).
Nundu Monday 31st January 2005 06:39 | Now A Stranger |
It's the beginning, not the end! Hurrah! You have a lovely style and I look forward to the story continuing. |