VegHindu101 Monday 24th March 2008 20:50 | The Year's Silence | Aaaaaaaaaah, I was completely not expecting that. Lol! | majolie Saturday 16th February 2008 19:24 | The Year's Silence | Great fun! | miss_marauder Thursday 15th February 2007 21:10 | The Year's Silence | HAHA! Very cute ending! | lacyrachil Friday 8th December 2006 13:33 | The Year's Silence | You write wonderfully. I found myself chuckling every other sentence. Great job. I'd love to read more of your stories. | Jake Sunday 1st May 2005 08:40 | The Year's Silence | It's too early to form coherent thoughts, but I enjoyed it. It was a cute fic. Are guys allowed to say cute? I hope so.
| Silverwolfsm Wednesday 20th April 2005 19:02 | The Year's Silence | That ending was super. The whole story was really funny. Thanks for the entertainment and the effort to bring this story to us.
Silverwolfsm | mary-v Tuesday 12th October 2004 18:50 | The Year's Silence | Ron glared, then grinned. "Trolls grunt. That was my Yeti impression."
"Ah, I see. Hermione has something against Yeti, despite being such an activist for Elf rights."
Ron leaned back against the brick wall somewhat nonchalantly. His mouth tilted into a smirk as he glanced at Harry, whose face was a picture of astonishment. "I think I'm getting the hang of this not speaking business"
OK, you are brilliant point final! I really like how the story has chocolate mentioned a lot, and the way Hermione always says "I'm never speaking to you again!" You have Ron and Hermione's characters down to an art! Well, I hope to read more from you! And in all onesty, you are one of the best comic writers. I haven't quoted funny parts to stories in a review in a while. Well, please write more!