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Reviews For Wormtail's Confession by Sorting Hat

Sunday 2nd December 2007 17:06
Wormtail's Confession
wow! I felt like crying after this!!! Its so sad though! Wormtail wasnt thinking, why would he betray his friends... he should have known that voldie doesnt care about anyone...
Monday 14th November 2005 11:46
Wormtail's Confession
Wow. That was deep. I always thought nothing was excusable for what he did, and there isn't, but when you put it like this, it seems like it'd be easy to go down the same road he did. Heh, kinda reminds me of Anakin . . . Anyway, great job with the story. Sure made me think! (and that's saying something!) ;-)
Wednesday 17th August 2005 22:10
Wormtail's Confession

I really enjoyed this letter.  perhaps because in it Peter doesn't grovel and beg forgiveness like when we first meet him in PoA.  He accepts responsibilty for his actions, perhaps for the first time actually.  I particularly liked to line at the end, "If someday you meet James, Sirius, and Lily in their Next Great Adventure, tell them for me, wont you?" I think it shows in one line his state of mind, his acceptance that he won't be joining them where they are, his guilt.


Thursday 26th May 2005 19:58
Wormtail's Confession
Nice confession. It shows the human side of Peter that we seldom see. However, it was Sirius who went after Peter. not the other way round.