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Reviews For You're Still You by Arnel

Wednesday 17th September 2008 19:54
You're Still You
I really like the way you've expressed Ginny's concern for Harry. It seems very natural and genuine.
I also really like how you've showed the friendship between Ginny and Hermione. This is a relationship I've always found really interesting.
Wednesday 17th September 2008 23:12You're Still You (Author Response)
There isn't enough Hermione/Ginny interaction in canon, so I decided to invent my own and explore how the girls became such good friends. I'm glad you like my approach. Thanks for reviewing.
The Boss
Sunday 1st July 2007 02:13
You're Still You
Excellent story so far

The Boss
Sunday 1st July 2007 06:22You're Still You (Author Response)
I'm glad you like it. Keep reading... there are three more chapters. Thanks for reviewing.
Monday 27th November 2006 18:11
You're Still You
Hmm. I wonder what Ginny had made. And Mr. Granger was nice to give Mr. Weasley the broken outlet. Very cool. And nice chapter.
Tuesday 22nd March 2005 07:59
You're Still You
Good chapter, nice setup, beautiful images at times. Can't wait for the other chapters -- Gin's a bit off though -- a little too quiet. And some of the dialogue is long speeches. That only happens in Jane
Austen novels. *wink* Here's to hoping this continues to get better and better - good work!
Wednesday 1st December 2004 00:12
You're Still You
Saw your sequel, so reading this first :)  Good job so far.
Thursday 2nd December 2004 15:59You're Still You (Author Response)

I'm glad you're reading this one first.  I hope you enjoy the whole story.