Dad Tuesday 6th April 2010 11:36 | Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer |
This has been an interesting start. It is still a variation on a theme but I will come back to it later. |
Rocky235 Wednesday 7th February 2007 21:31 | Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer |
I've read your story before, but as a sufferer of CRS I get to enjoy it all over again.
Lucky me!
All I can remember is that I really enjoyed your work and after reading the first chapter I know why.
Yes, I know this is the second chapter. |
GryffindorDragon Tuesday 17th October 2006 14:12 | Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer |
'the trial by the Ministry in which he was a pawn and . . . the prophecy which again reduced him to a pawn' -- interesting analogy, though he is a pawn in different ways in each; in the latter case many fics refer to him as a weapon (a characterization that fits Dumbledore's keeping him locked up w/ the Dursleys; for even if it is to keep him alive, it is only to keep him alive to fight Voldemort , and it certainly isn't a 'healthy' alive) .
'the Riddler' -- then perhaps Harry's animagus form with be a bat .
Very nice bit with the letters -- I like Harry's apologetic moroseness and the lighthearted sternness with which Ron and Ginny answer him (but where is Hermione's letter?). You show the darkness Harry is teetering on the brink of and yet keep an edge of lightness. Rather nice touch with Ginny making Harry laugh. Too right
Dragen Monday 11th September 2006 07:50 | Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer |
What a great chapter, I can't wait to see what happens next... but I have one thing to say though, and that is Harry shouldn't always listen to Hermione... as she always uses her brain, and always think things over before doing something... and not her hreat, and do things in spair of the moment. I know that Harry should do the same, and think things over, but sometimes you can't always do that, and the best thing is to do things in the spair of the moment.
Keep up the great work. |
daniel_r_crazy22 Friday 23rd June 2006 15:14 | Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer |
Well, just a normal day, well except for the intense pain that lasted an hour. The pain part yes, but the hour long part, no. It was really good and I hope that all the chapters are this good and the next story too! |
Curt Sunday 1st May 2005 20:32 | Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer |
Wow. This story continue to impress me, your talent is amazing. Jealousy for you is immense, haha.
Anyway, like Kelleypen mentioned, post-dementor Dudley is great in your
story. I really like how affected he is. The way aunt pentunia was
standing over Harry after his nightmare was horrible. I hope you
elaborate on how much this kind of emotional treatment affects Harry
later on.
Anyway, more to read.
ninkenate Tuesday 18th January 2005 16:58 | Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer |
At first I was worried about the letters that Harry was sneding his
friends and trying to push them away. Good for them for not letting him
get away with it. I was glad to see that he was starting to see how
important they are to him by the end of the chapter.
DADAGinny Tuesday 11th January 2005 11:23 | Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer |
I liked how the letters he got from Ron and Ginny were uplifting to him.
I don't know if Ron's reaction to the scar comment by Harry would have gone over so well, but you could be right.
I think you did well with Ginny's letter to Harry, I think you have her character down pretty good.
tcny97 Monday 10th January 2005 22:24 | Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer |
you have an interesting style of dialogue and narration. i'm not writing much because i'm very very interested in continuing.
SillyGillie Thursday 26th August 2004 19:03 | Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer |
I just had to tell you before I continue that this story is AMAZING! It is so well written, and the plot is so good! I can't wait to read more! Harry is so canon as are Ron and Ginny! Ron's letter was truely Ron, I'm so glad that Ron was able to take it in good humor! This story is Brilliant! You've done a fantastic job so far!!!!! |
Antonia East Monday 16th August 2004 14:43 | Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer |
He had a feeling his essay would be a bit different from most of the other students, because he actually included quotes.
I know that shouldn't have made me laugh, but it did. And then came
Maybe they can call me "The-Boy-Who-Always-Sat-Next-to-The-Boy-Who-Lived-At-Dinnertime
and that had me light-headed with laughter. Ginny's letter was fantastic. I'm really enjoying this story. |
Kelleypen Friday 9th July 2004 10:05 | Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer |
I laughed out loud at the "fudge that." Fudge is the gentle F word in Utah, and has been since long before Harry Potter was discovered. Nice story. I'm really enjoying it. I especially like your characterization of Dudley post dementor. |