fireboltfx Saturday 26th July 2008 05:50 | Unbroken | i dont like the idea of alistar(the sorting hat) to place people into a house because it s needed | Tuesday 19th August 2008 18:55 | Unbroken (Author Response) | The Sorting Hat agrees with you and so do I. It's one of those how-can-we-level-the-playing-field things that puts Muggles in a quandry all the time. Don't worry, she's not entirely misplaced in Ravenclaw, she's a bit of a boarderline case anyway between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor and would fit in both houses well, if her wheelchair could fit through the door of either to make Gryffindor an option. It has always been a plan to have Ginny involved in this story so there will be a Gryffindor touch | Thorfinna Monday 25th October 2004 12:15 | Unbroken | Poke poke
More please?
T | Thorfinna Wednesday 15th September 2004 16:50 | Unbroken | I really like the premise behind this fic and I'm eagerly anticipating its continuation.
of course I've been hoping, nudging, encouraging Astarte about quarterly for a year or so.
T | Tuesday 7th December 2004 20:34 | Unbroken (Author Response) | I'm trying very hard to come back from maternity leave, if I can get the boxes to stop their falling on the baby's play area... one can only shout "wingardium leviosa" so many times before one must actually try to unpack and clean something between diapers and nursing. *sigh* |