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Reviews For Unbroken by Astarte

Thursday 31st July 2008 14:52
I think this is awesome, but you haven't updated in awhile. Have you abandonned it?
Tuesday 19th August 2008 19:03Unbroken (Author Response)
No, not abandoned it, just got to the point where I wanted to wait for canon to be complete (so I wouldn't feel the overwhelming compulsive need to re-write the whole thing from scratched to fit canon) and my second child was born 3.5 weeks before Deathly Hallows was released so it's been a bit hard to find typing time but I'm slowly but surely getting back to writing (helps that the older child starts part-time preschool next week).
Saturday 26th July 2008 14:41
please add more
Tuesday 19th August 2008 19:00Unbroken (Author Response)
Hard as it may be to believe, given how long it's been since this has been updated, I actually have been puttering with it over the last year. I am tryign to find time to work on it in the coming months, though short stories are easier for me as I am a full-time mom to 2 small boys (ages 4yrs and 13mo). I recently realized that if I were to look into the Mirror of Erised, I'd see myself being followed around by a very attentive, organized, and possibly live-in personal assistant who loves children. If I could just hand off the little tasks like cleaning and sorting the mail/laundry to an assistant who also helped me keep track of linear time, I could take over the WORLD!
Saturday 16th February 2008 12:41
this story is fab!!! lookin foreward to more chapters soon!
cant wait to see what happens when Selene joins Hogwarts!
Tuesday 19th August 2008 18:45Unbroken (Author Response)
Glad you like it, I'm trying tog et it together to update. More challenging now that I have two children (this was started before my first was born) but since one starts school part-time next week I'm hopeful!
Wednesday 2nd May 2007 03:57
Yum, I love cadbury eggs!
Luv your story as well, too bad you ditched it, oh well, if you eva decide to finish it, please tell me!
Tuesday 19th August 2008 18:44Unbroken (Author Response)
oops, didn't mean to ignore reviewers, I just changed the email address that my account here is associated with to one that I don't ignore when I get overwhelmed (the one it was sending stuff to is also subscribed to some very active email lists).

I haven't actually ditched it, I've just seriously sidelined it. I was waiting for the last book to come out becaus I got tired of the anxiety of having things made non-canon (I'm a bit obsessive-compulsive about these things). I actually just finished writing the first post-DH fic I've managed and that took me a year to finish 4500 words but my elder child starts pre-k a week from tomorrow so I'm HOPING to get some free time to type. My 2nd born (who is almost 14 months old) is a much more mellow child and only tries to kill himself a few times a day instead of every few minutes as the first did at this age.

I'm planning to revamp the first two bits and require myself to be several chapters ahead before making the rest of the story public here but please do feel free to nudge me if you're interested in the story and it's been another year with still no update to this story. I have a HORRIBLE sense of linear time.
J.R. Lewis
Thursday 4th August 2005 00:08
This will be such a good story. I like the idea of an American and someone that is paralized. I also like the way you explained how magic couldn't help in this case.

As for your problem with diapers and boxes: I understand that males can be trained to help in this area. However, being a male myself, I was never very good at it. The idea is sound, though.

Please continue this story as soon as possible.
Tuesday 19th August 2008 18:51Unbroken (Author Response)
Well, considering it's taken me YEARS (plural?!?) to reply to your review, my deepest apologies but I DO plan to continue the story.

There is more to why magic can't help, but that's for later in the story. And now I'm dealing with a potty-trained 4yr old and a diapered 14mo so, even with help from the males it's still a bit of an avalanche (their father is actually really good about changing diapers when he's home, but I'm home with the kids alone all day and exhausted by the time he gets home so haven't been able to hand them over and settle in to write). I have several linked-together short stories tickling in my brain and those are more likely to be visible to others before this one is, just because of the length of my attention span right now. I hope you enjoy them as much!