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Reviews For Curtain Call by Chary

Wednesday 7th November 2007 15:31
Curtain Call
Tuesday 7th December 2004 22:16
Curtain Call
So, since it was a one up, Sirius's hell is to experience that for all eternity, since they'll never allow anyone else to try.  She really screwed up on that one, since it was her words that made him think there was a way back.
Wednesday 8th December 2004 15:00Curtain Call (Author Response)

I hadn't thought about that - I suppose she did a bit!   I like to think, though, that Sirius is a smart enough puppy that he'll eventually work it all out.  I don't see him there for an eternity at least.  Thanks for the review! 

Tuesday 17th August 2004 08:03
Curtain Call
Oh wow. I've been completely blown away. Was Lily panicking because Sirius can now neither go on or go back? He's stuck there now, for an eternity? Did she only get one chance? There are so many unresolved things! Will you, perhaps, be writing more or are you going to leave the conclusion up to our imaginations?

I'm crying at work, by the way, and not many fics can make me do that.

Awesome, awesome one-shot

Pineapple Queen
Monday 16th August 2004 00:07
Curtain Call
I already reviewed this at SQ, but I'd like to take this opportunity to again say how perfect this is. Great job! The second read-through made this even better.

Sunday 15th August 2004 18:05
Curtain Call
Goodness... that was so touching and wonderful, but heart-breakingly sad as well. Will Sirius just keep repeating it until he realizes he can't go back? I really loved this - you've got amazing talent. You've gotten the characters perfectly - that's how I'd really expect Sirius to take his own death. He is the brooding type. This was really fantastic though, brilliant job. And btw, I'm so glad you updated "Beloved" - I think I reviewed it on Sugar Quill.
Lady Chi
Sunday 15th August 2004 13:18
Curtain Call
This is a very interesting story... very well written and good in the sense that it's unique. I enjoyed it very much. Bravo!
Sunday 15th August 2004 06:24
Curtain Call
Absolutlely awesome! The images... the characters... so real. Thanks!