sylvelle Tuesday 14th August 2012 00:30 | Size Matters |
That was fun, thanks |
onebucdad Saturday 7th March 2009 09:41 | Size Matters |
i thought snape was their DADA teacher? not potions master. |
GinevraMollyWeasley Sunday 4th January 2009 17:44 | Size Matters |
Seriously! I loved the bit about Snape docking points and everything! Nice touch! |
majolie Saturday 16th February 2008 19:16 | Size Matters |
Have not read Sib's story, but this was hilarious! |
Steven Carnell Friday 25th January 2008 04:18 | Size Matters |
So good. Nice one shot. Well written. 10/10. |
cash Monday 3rd September 2007 22:29 | Size Matters |
Nice side bit. Very nicely written and quite entertaining. |
PinGy Tuesday 14th August 2007 17:05 | Size Matters |
Size 7 would fit to Snape's shoes. Eventhough it's not good to underestimate your enemy..or in this case..overestimate? |
t-ravis Saturday 4th August 2007 00:05 | Size Matters |
this bit of the story was good and makes me want to read size does matter |
pyromain Friday 13th July 2007 10:22 | Size Matters |
wicked, really enjoyed it though. |
laxford Monday 18th June 2007 17:41 | Size Matters |
this is awesome! after reading this i just had to read the awakening power. All those girls swooning over harry... i have no chance... |
Ishi Wednesday 16th May 2007 03:01 | Size Matters |
Not to mention the size of his nose! *grins wickedly*. That's another version of that saying ^^. I love this, it's very in character and well written. Good on you. |
ibelieveintruelove Tuesday 13th March 2007 15:25 | Size Matters |
Hahahaha lol that was hysterical! The size of Snape's feet... probably smaller than my sister's! (who is a size six)
eekii Sunday 11th March 2007 18:56 | Size Matters |
LOL!! That was awsome. Just idle chit-chat but still, way too funny!
Ed. |
MorgainneMoriancumer Sunday 19th November 2006 18:16 | Size Matters |
Hoss Saturday 7th October 2006 10:46 | Size Matters |
Dirty Dirty mind!!. Good fun thanks. |
GryffindorDragon Tuesday 19th September 2006 16:37 | Size Matters |
Now why would the want to know the size of Snape's . . . That's just too disgusting |
crazyredhead Friday 15th September 2006 22:33 | Size Matters |
let me gusse snapes feet our small |
Hajra Saturday 3rd June 2006 10:38 | Size Matters |
That was hilarious!! It reminds me of a conversation i had with my only we discussed hands too!! |
critmo Wednesday 30th November 2005 07:27 | Size Matters |
Very nice outtake, but I would have liked to be spared the mental image that came up with the last line - sometimes the fascination with the bad boys just goes too far! |
BasketKiwi Friday 6th May 2005 20:54 | Size Matters |
.............................................All those emoticons display my feelings toward the last line of that fanficiton: "Say," Susan said in shock, after a pause. "Did anyone else notice the size of Snape's feet?"" Especially and ! (As gross as the second one is). I read "Awakening Power" and loved it, and I loved this fic! Still, that last line almost caused me to have a seizure when I finally realized what it meant! EEEWWW! So so wrong......... |
Friday 6th May 2005 21:36 | Size Matters (Author Response) |
LOL, I'm truly sorry that that last line had the potential to turn a basket-kiwi into a basket-case...Thanks for reviewing!
Nice to see another kiwi around, by the way. |
Arnel Monday 25th April 2005 07:20 | Size Matters |
This is the perfect missing moment for this point in Sib's story. I read it when it came out last August and it's just as delightful the second time around.
By the way, congratulations on having your story selected as Story of the Week! "Pig" is a really fun story and it, like this one, made me smile broadly. |
Monday 25th April 2005 21:27 | Size Matters (Author Response) |
Thanks! Waking up and finding I was 'story of the week' was a shock... but definitely a lovely one. |
vertru Monday 11th April 2005 14:12 | Size Matters |
Brilliant!! An absolutely delightful interlude in the life of Hogwarts. I took advantage of the recommedation of Sib to read this while reading her fine tale, and I'm very glad I did. You've created a very cute scenario. Well done!
Vern |
rdprice29 Thursday 23rd December 2004 23:40 | Size Matters |
Now THAT was funny!
Great excerpt for that chapter! |
Aaran St Vines Monday 18th October 2004 09:54 | Size Matters |
You expect us guys to be a bit shameless about such things, especially at that age. Thank you for adding evidence to what we guys have always suspected/hoped.
Clever by half in the best way. |
mary-v Tuesday 12th October 2004 17:58 | Size Matters |
I've already read this, but I decided to review, sionce I can;t remember if I did! hjis was hilarious! i really loved it! And I rerally liked the comment at the end, about Snape's feet. *snicker* lol Well, I look forward to reading more from you! (Akthough I already have!)
~Maria~ |
tmh Tuesday 7th September 2004 16:40 | Size Matters |
I absolutely enjoyed this little installment to "Awakening Power," it really added so great humor to the story. WELL DONE!!! |
Tinnidawg Sunday 5th September 2004 15:11 | Size Matters |
Very good idea. In a place filled with teenage hormones its exactly what could happen. You are a veryy good beta too. Love the work you are doing on Awakening Power. I will be sure to read other fics by you. |
Imogen Saturday 4th September 2004 05:23 | Size Matters |
Lovely stuff. Hilarious as always. I particularly like the Snape reference. Choked on my morning tea with that one |
pdlegirl Thursday 2nd September 2004 17:53 | Size Matters |
Whoot! That was too funny! I think I may wet myself. Or maybe just back away slowly out of the room so my husband doesn't think I'm completely crazy. Aw, who am I kidding? He already knows I am!
Anyway, thanks for the laugh(s)! |
AngieGS Monday 30th August 2004 18:01 | Size Matters |
Hysterical, I just loved the naughtiness of those Hufflepuff girls. Beware the quiet ones. Cheers. |
chrissyann Sunday 29th August 2004 04:17 | Size Matters |
very funny and defintily cute!! |
saugart Saturday 28th August 2004 21:52 | Size Matters |
An amusing story. I enjoyed reading it. |
Delani Saturday 28th August 2004 13:49 | Size Matters |
Okay, Okay, I have to agree with Sib on the fact that you now have 21 reviews, but still, I have to say that this made me giggle with guilt at enjoying it the whole time. Not to mention that end. That was slightly...disturbing. Anyway, this was great fun and I now feel entirely too shameful (but still pleased!) for loving the story ((and its topic)) to continue in this review. Thanks!
Delani |
Saturday 28th August 2004 13:49 | Size Matters (Author Response) |
Well I must say, I'm rather enjoying basking in reflected glory right now. *grin* I've never had so many reviews in my life - let alone for something so short! And, really, Sib is getting reviews at several sites, but I'm only getting them here...
It's not going to my head, truly! |
Sib Saturday 28th August 2004 11:50 | Size Matters |
"About half as long as mine, again!"
Nope, that makes it worse.
I'll have to think how I could put that more clearly...
In the US, the expression would be, "About half again as long as mine!" |
brios Friday 27th August 2004 23:43 | Size Matters |
Lol! this was so funny! |
Pineapple Queen Friday 27th August 2004 23:32 | Size Matters |
This is the funniest thing EVER. Really, really hilarious. |
Ima Quidditch Fan Friday 27th August 2004 21:43 | Size Matters |
BabyRuth Friday 27th August 2004 21:07 | Size Matters |
heh heh heh...
Chuckles all 'round. |
Harry/Ginnyfan4ever Friday 27th August 2004 13:41 | Size Matters |
Sib Friday 27th August 2004 11:19 | Size Matters |
[looks at your 800 word story] 12 reviews.
[looks at my 8800 word chapter] 6 reviews.
What's up with that??
I wonder if there's a correlation between number of reviews and size of... never mind. |
Dice Friday 27th August 2004 08:59 | Size Matters |
that was cute. REally funny. |
Arnel Friday 27th August 2004 04:29 | Size Matters |
Terrific story! I giggled my way through it. Having been around teenagers as a teacher for many years, it was quite easy for me to imagine this conversation taking place. You wrote it beautifully and realistically and made me feel a little embarrassed for Harry in the process. Good thing Ginny already has her hands on him...
Thanks for making me smile. |
twins-rule Friday 27th August 2004 02:26 | Size Matters |
Ok, that was very funny stuff. But I feel like I have to mention about Snape's feet, eeewww. |
arios Friday 27th August 2004 00:57 | Size Matters |
LOL!!! |
Haeton Friday 27th August 2004 00:36 | Size Matters |
This was a funny addition to Sib's story. I hope you get the chance to do more of these. Especially since I am keeping up with the story it is from as well. |
Jaquelyne Thursday 26th August 2004 23:51 | Size Matters |
You goof! This was very cute. A folloe up line from Susan after Hannah mentions Ginny would have been... "If I knew he was into Redheads... I might have had a chance."
Well done Allie!
~J~ |