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Reviews For A Valentine Surprise by Hebmit

Monday 1st September 2008 22:05
A Valentine Surprise
Friday 13th June 2008 21:53
A Valentine Surprise
+ = LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday 10th January 2008 02:34
A Valentine Surprise
Aww, how sweet! I love the idea of the sentiment pendant, that was definitely a Harry thing to do finding a way to convey his feelings without having to say anything. An absolute pleasure to read!
Tuesday 2nd October 2007 21:55
A Valentine Surprise
Great story!!
Sunday 9th September 2007 06:13
A Valentine Surprise
both story's are really good like I said I really like the idea of the pendant it makes thins a lot more simple.
Aqua Fountain*
Monday 2nd April 2007 04:27
A Valentine Surprise
Wonderful story Ingenious, the pendent idea. Really sweet.
Sunday 2nd April 2006 17:09
A Valentine Surprise
This was such a sweet story - I really enjoyed it. I love your idea of a sentiment pendant, it is a very believable HP wizarding touch.

Monday 27th June 2005 14:30
A Valentine Surprise

awwww so cute! I like the idea of that necklace... it would make defining a relationship much easier. ;)

I help run an RP site, and I was wondering if you'd be interested. That's the link, and if you have any comments or questions you can email me at

Hope to see you there!


Friday 26th November 2004 20:43
A Valentine Surprise

Nice- I read both versions- both are very nice (a bit of H/G Fluff, just what I love with my tea)- I find these chapter storys flow easier for me-often inspired by an event or song- This one is a very nice way to get our fav couple together


Nice Job

Monday 20th September 2004 00:08
A Valentine Surprise

Very clever concept. Oh if there were such a thing life would be so much easier.

Waywren Truesong
Friday 17th September 2004 21:53
A Valentine Surprise
What a clever invention that is. Perhaps it's a good thing there aren't very many - we'd be knee-deep in wizardlings. ^^
Friday 10th September 2004 23:33
A Valentine Surprise
lovely, very lovely
Friday 10th September 2004 20:45
A Valentine Surprise
How sweet!!
Friday 10th September 2004 18:49
A Valentine Surprise
Nifty use of a magical device - I like that twist on the usual "Harry manages to tell Ginny how he feels after much agony." It is very Harry to find an item to do it for him.
Friday 10th September 2004 17:39
A Valentine Surprise
brill. I needsome fluff occasionally, what with reading all these dark fics out there(not that I don't love them, Ash and Myth ) but back to you, this is honestly down to earth and in-character for Harry and Ginny, especially the part about him finding a way to tell her without saying it. I liked your ending too; it's nice to see them having a future, let a lone a happy one!

Friday 10th September 2004 17:19
A Valentine Surprise
Very interesting! That pendant is a cute idea, I especially like the all-Hogwarts colours. (Like a proper HP fan wouldn't catch that.) Cute.
Ima Quidditch Fan
Friday 10th September 2004 11:54
A Valentine Surprise
This is lovely! Oh, please write more.
Bring and Fly
Friday 10th September 2004 05:51
A Valentine Surprise
Nice one Hebmit! I like the idea of your location. It seemed the kind of thing Harry would spot while flying around and investigate, since we all know he's got more curiosity than the average cat!
Is there any more?
Megan SQ
Friday 10th September 2004 04:13
A Valentine Surprise
Neat idea with the Sentiment Pendant. The last 3 paragraphs don't read very smoothly, though - and they're a bit too cliche. But up to that point it was a nice, original piece of fluff.
Friday 10th September 2004 02:14
A Valentine Surprise
It's becoming a challenge to find an original Valentines Day fic, this is one. Well done.