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Reviews For Ginny's Tale by harryswheezy

Saturday 15th April 2006 19:00
Ginny's Tale
i am confused
Saturday 25th September 2004 11:54
Ginny's Tale

Hmmm...intriguing....Do continue!



Bring and Fly
Saturday 25th September 2004 05:10
Ginny's Tale

Er, what? That was different! Well done! Now I'm wondering whether a: Ginny has gone mad from boredom, b: she's having a very weird dream, c: has fallen into an alternate reality or d: all of the above.

Most intriguing! Must have more to satisfy curiosity!


Saturday 25th September 2004 01:04
Ginny's Tale
 I swear I could hear the organ music when I was reading this! Well done!
Saturday 25th September 2004 00:51
Ginny's Tale

*Gasp* Bwa-ha-ha!

Looking forward to the next installment!

Friday 24th September 2004 23:04
Ginny's Tale
A WWN Soap Opera? Where can I get the "backstory" its cute, but a trifle confusing.