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Reviews For The Proposal by Aggiebell

Monday 2nd May 2011 00:49
The Proposal
haha hahaa i luv the end that Harry is going to the burrow to ask for Ginnys hand in marriage so sweet
Zia Montrose
Monday 14th September 2009 14:51
The Proposal
And now *this* is the story which delighted me. Ironically, I think I didn't end up leaving that review because I was stuck for what to say about it, there was so much I did like. So, in no particular order, I'll say...

I love the comraderie of the four mates in the opening, their alternate humor, seriousness, and ease. These bits, especially:

Repeat ad nauseam

"You waited six and a half years before she'd even talk to you, and now you can't wait thirteen more days?"

"Tonight? Now?" James asked in a panicky voice. "Get stuffed! No way. I'm not going tonight. I-I'm not ready."

And later on, I love the fun that gets poked at Vernon, James's whispered side conversations with Lily... The gaff about a woman's touch just kills me... And then of course, there's that wonderful proposal which manages to be funny and romantic and sweet all at once. The dialog is wonderful throughout.

Thanks for the fun L/J story! There are so few truly good ones.
Monday 13th April 2009 20:50
The Proposal
*Squees* This was so, so wonderfully romantic. I haven't read any J/L-focused fics before (that I remember at the moment), and now I might have to seek some out soon. :-) I love James's cocky sense of humor. (Honestly, referring to your future father-in-law as an "old codger" right there in front of his wife and with him in the next room. What brazen cheekiness, even if he's claiming to just be repeating what Mr. Evans told him.) That made it even funnier to see the distracted, anxious state he was in at the beginning of this fic. His friends' reaction to said state perfectly reminded us how unlike James this nervousness was.

I had to stifle an urge to hate Peter because of what he'd do in the future, but this is before he turned to the Dark Side (quick reference to Luke watching Star Wars Episode IV tonight ). Seeing the Marauders together like this makes one realize anew how awful and unforgivable it was for Peter to sell the Potters out to Voldemort. THEY WERE HIS FRIENDS! THEY WOULD NEVER HAVE TURNED ON HIM, DAMNIT! (Sorry had to get that out.)

Anyway, the way you write them, he and Lily complement each other so well, and I can also see them just adoring Ginny as the perfect match for Harry. (I can picture some wonderful blended family gatherings at the Burrow, too. They would have gotten a kick out of all that good-natured chaos, especially if they saw Fred & George in action.) I enjoyed that you had Mr. and Mrs. Evans approving of James (and seeming to greatly prefer him over Petunia's choice for a mate).

It was great that you ended the story with Remus telling Harry this story. The Pensieve was also an excellent touch, and the icing on the cake was Harry taking the ring and heading to the Burrow. But, honestly, only Harry would worry about what he needed to remember to make a good impression on Ginny's parents. He could show up there drunk and disheveled, and they'd still welcome him with open arms.

Did anyone end up writing either of the other two options from this challenge?

Fantastic job, as always, Julie! Your work sets a high standard for writing.
Thursday 5th February 2009 15:20
The Proposal
I've read this before, but SO CUTE!
Wednesday 30th July 2008 08:32
The Proposal
Wow, this is fantastic!!!

I love how you portrayed James and Lily, and the other characters were excellent, too (Vernon - lol!). I love the idea of Remus and Harry having this conversation... unfortunatley, it wasn't to be. *Sob, sob*

Thank you for writing!

Monday 21st April 2008 13:53
The Proposal
That was lovely! And I loved the bit at the end when Harry runs off to ask Arthur to marry Ginny.
Sunday 20th April 2008 18:39
The Proposal
Wow - I loved this. I almost never read James/Lily fics, but I was looking for something to read and since I like everything else you have written I thought I'd give it is try. Absolutely lovely. I enjoyed every minute, but the best part was the ending. I love to think that Remus and Sirius were able to pass on some good stories to Harry about his parents. And the way Harry pocketed the ring and took off was priceless. Now I need to go read the sequel!
Saturday 15th December 2007 08:45
The Proposal
Brilliant! Well written and great plot. Keep up the good work! I especially liked the ending where Harry takes the same advice as his father. I wish there were more stories like this one!!
Sunday 20th May 2007 16:00
The Proposal that I've read the prequel I can honestly say "Bloody Brilliant!" These two stories are lovely. I am definitely going to be reading more of your work.

Keep writing!

Friday 18th May 2007 04:25
The Proposal
This was very well done. Thank you so much for writing it. I love the end when Harry takes the ring and tells Remus what he had said to James and that Harry was applying it to himself. Couldn't have surprised Remus more. I look forward to the next chapter. And later to Ginny's reaction. p
Saturday 3rd March 2007 09:57
The Proposal Hell... that was brilliant!

Aqua Fountain*
Wednesday 21st February 2007 04:15
The Proposal
Wow, that was such an enjoyable fic!
I love how suportive Mr. Evens was.
The way Harry went staight off to prose to Ginny was sweet too.

Interesting chapter.
Friday 23rd February 2007 21:11The Proposal (Author Response)
Oh, thanks so much for the review. Mr Evans is very loosely based on my own father.

Tuesday 26th September 2006 10:07
The Proposal
What a lovely ending! No, what a lovely story as a whole! I enjoyed it very much.
Monday 24th July 2006 19:22
The Proposal
There are stories in the world that you read, and then forget about. Some are boring. Some make you cry. And some just make you squeal.
This made me cry, squeal, laugh, and scream. I loved it! Thank you for writing this, it's perfect! Exactly how I pictured everyone. This is amazing, great job!
Tuesday 28th March 2006 08:27
The Proposal
I enjoyed this story so much. I love getting to know James and Lily, and I learned so much about them from reading your story. Thanks!
Tuesday 1st November 2005 06:37
The Proposal
That was adorable! Sweet and straightforward without being too sugary. The writing style is clean and easy to read, making this a thoroughly enjoyable little vignette. Thanks for this!
Tuesday 25th October 2005 17:26
The Proposal
The end is perfect! Just like that, Harry's off to the Burrow. Excellent work. I can see why it got story of the week. :-)
Sunday 16th October 2005 18:08
The Proposal
I LOVED this story! Perhaps a related story of Harry and Ginny...maybe not...but the ending was genius!
Saturday 15th October 2005 09:34
The Proposal
Usually, I'm not interested in Marauder stories, but I read this, because Jenadamson recommended it - and I didn't regret it. James seems a little too cheeky at the end, but nevermind: great story and excellent conclusion!
Friday 14th October 2005 16:10
The Proposal
Simply adorable, both father and son!
Wednesday 12th October 2005 18:03
The Proposal
Beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes. And the ending was so cute! Made me laugh. Thanks!
Wednesday 12th October 2005 15:14
The Proposal
Great story.  Lots of good advice for any man concidering asking a woman to marry him.  I liked how you tied it all up with Harry and remus at the end.
Monday 16th May 2005 06:46
The Proposal

Brilliant! I love the ending! I am curious, how old is Harry?

I also love worrying!james, hes so cute!

Great story, excellent!

Wednesday 16th February 2005 21:10
The Proposal

I realized right after I reviewed that I forgot to comment on the begining I was so anamored with the final product! Sirius's commentary at the begining was perfect, and if you can stick Latin into a well done story...well, you are an even bigger winner in my eyes. Hmm winner might not be the best word, but I do love it when people use that Latin language which I love.  Slipping stuff like that, since it is one of the small things, is something even I as a far less gifted author know as being quite fun.  And so, I will stop the rambling of this somewhat post scriptem and bid you adieu.


Wednesday 16th February 2005 21:04
The Proposal

Ooooooh I love fluffy L/J!  I am glad I found this little moment because such good little L/J moments are hard to find. I very much enjoyed reading this. I hope you have other forays into the L/J world.


Tuesday 22nd February 2005 20:16The Proposal (Author Response)

Ooooooh I love fluffy L/J!  I am glad I found this little moment because such good little L/J moments are hard to find. I very much enjoyed reading this. I hope you have other forays into the L/J world.


Thanks so much for the review(s)--and sorry for the delay in responding.  This was my first attempt at L/J, but it was so much fun, I think I may have to try them again. I'm contemplating writing a fic about their wedding--I can just imagine the trouble Sirius, Remus and Peter would cause.

Waywren Truesong
Monday 14th February 2005 13:55
The Proposal
*cackles delightedly*  I loved this!  When the Marauders started giving James heck, I almost ran away, but I just had to see how it came out.  I'm very, very glad I did--especially James' instant 'who hurt you!?  KILL!' reaction to Lily's line about having been hurt before.
Tuesday 22nd February 2005 20:11The Proposal (Author Response)
Thanks so much for the review! 

I had to have the Marauders give James heck--you know they would have!

Thursday 27th January 2005 16:40
The Proposal
wow!  really really good story....i loved reading Lily's father.  it's nice to see a glimpse of her parents every once in a while. 
Friday 24th December 2004 16:04
The Proposal
that was great. I love James and Lily!
Sunday 21st November 2004 02:22
The Proposal

he he... love it!


 here's to you!

Monday 22nd November 2004 21:24The Proposal (Author Response)
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

*chugs Butterbeer*


Saturday 20th November 2004 13:31
The Proposal

As always, your stories are a delight to read and this one is no exception.  I love the exchanges between Vernon and James; Vernon, even at that young age is so pompus!  And what Lily did to him is just priceless.  What an imagination you have!

My favorite parts, though, are those moments (pages) you get into James' head and let us, your readers, see how you picture him at this time in his life.  I laughed aloud at his initial pacing as commented on by Sirius. I became all sentimental when he spoke to William about his love for Lily and, finally, his slip of the lip when he and Lily were out in the garden.

I loved the end and hadn't expected the story to finish with Harry.  That was a nice touch.  This story is definitely on my favorites list!  I'm going back to read it again!

Monday 22nd November 2004 21:23The Proposal (Author Response)
Thanks, Arnel!  I really appreciate you taking the time to review this--your opinion means a lot to me!  I'm glad Vernon came across as pompous.  Somehow I just can't see him any other way.  And I had to have Lily do something to him, just to get him back for how he treats Harry in the books (not that she'd know about it, but it did give me a sense of satisfaction when I wrote it).

Thanks again!

Friday 19th November 2004 04:58
The Proposal

I read this a while ago, stupid NaNo...

This was great Aggiebell. I don't generally like MWPP stories because I don't feel I know the characters enough to really sink into the story, but you've made them so real to me here.

I thought it was brilliant that the Evans' insisted that James call them by their first names, and Vernon still calls them Mr. and Mrs. Evans. And how you ended this was lovely too. Perhaps when things settle in for you, and you stop having to sleep in two hour spurts, we could have Harry proposing to Ginny?

This is certainly something I'll be happy to read over and over.

Monday 22nd November 2004 21:19The Proposal (Author Response)
Thanks, Katie!  I think that Susan challenged me to a MWPP fic for exactly this reason: "I don't feel I know the characters enough to really sink into the story."  It was definitely a challenge for me, becaue we really don't know very much about them.  I've got some ideas about a sequel with Harry proposing to Ginny (and someone else suggested a fic where I compared Petunia and Vernon's wedding with Lily and James'), so I may be doing some more writing in this universe.  Of course, I also have 3 WIPs I'm working on, and that sleep issue to work out, so it may be a while!

Wednesday 17th November 2004 14:53
The Proposal

Yay!  It's up!

I love this little story, and I'm so glad I challenged you to write it.  This was extremely well done, and I love the fact that Remus was telling the story and tied to both worlds.  I've not read much ME fictions -- so that's why I challenged you to one.  Hee hee hee.  Anyway, I love how you presented the Evanses -- they seem how I would see them if they were actually in canon (more than just mentioned).  And I love Vernon and Petunia.  Wonderful, wonderful story, hon.

Now, I just need to get mine to you to beta.....  Of course, you ARE a bit busy right now, right?


Susan (aka beta-mum)

Monday 22nd November 2004 21:14The Proposal (Author Response)
M-wah!  Thanks, Susan, for all you do--you know I love you, right?  And I'm so glad you liked it!  Send yours over whenever you want.  I can't sleep all the time the baby sleeps, and daytime TV leaves much to be desired, so I wouldn't mind something else to do! (although...I will have the PoA DVD soon, I hope)

Wednesday 17th November 2004 01:09
The Proposal

I love the ending to this story!  Remus' version seems to be a bit different, as to the parents giving James a hard time.  I'm guessing that's just because stories tend to change based on who's telling it.  I love how Harry gets up to propose to Ginny.  Great job!

Monday 22nd November 2004 14:57The Proposal (Author Response)
Thanks Eressea.  You're right, Remus' version does seem to be a bit different.  I may have to go back and re-write that at some point (or maybe add something about William giving James a hard time).  For now, I'm saying that James went back and...exaggerated...a bit when he was telling the other three the story, so Remus thought he was given a harder time than he actually was.  Is that a plausible explanation?

Thanks for reviewing!

Tuesday 16th November 2004 19:17
The Proposal
Very, very cute. And I love the end the most. :)
Monday 22nd November 2004 14:54The Proposal (Author Response)
Thanks, Pooca!  I had to throw some H/G in there somehow (even though the point of the challenge was to get me to write something NOT H/G).  Besides, Remus was most insistent. 

Tuesday 16th November 2004 16:28
The Proposal
I loved this!  I love L/J, and you made this one so real!  I also loved the bit about the caterpillar under Vernon's nose -- reminded me of the third movie.

Monday 22nd November 2004 14:51The Proposal (Author Response)
Thanks!  The bit about Vernon and the caterpillar under his nose came from the description of him at the Lexicon--it was just too good to pass up.

Tuesday 16th November 2004 13:21
The Proposal

This was lovely! A nice snapshot of Lily's homelife and how someone like James would fit into it. I especially enjoyed Remus' role as the link between the two generations, and the new path Harry will forge for himself and Ginny.

Is it true what I've been reading on other reviews here? If so, congratulations; I hope you and the little one are doing well and enjoying getting to know each other.


Monday 22nd November 2004 14:48The Proposal (Author Response)
Thanks, MM!  I had fun with this one.  And yes, what you've been reading on the other reviews is true-- our 3rd son was born on the 14th.  I'm just now getting caught up, which is why there's been a delay in my responses to my reviews.   Thanks for the congrats.  We think he's a sweetie (although I sure would like it if he'd let me sleep some more).

Tuesday 16th November 2004 01:51
The Proposal
Love, love, love it!  The main story was so adorable (except for Vernon, of course), and the little bit at the end was the perfect touch for my little H/G-lovin' heart.
Monday 22nd November 2004 14:44The Proposal (Author Response)
Thanks!  Vernon wasn't supposed to be adorable (detestable man that he is), so I'm glad to know he came across like I pictured him.  And, well, I''m a die-hard H/G shipper, so I figured that if I could figure out a way to slip them into the story, I might as well go for it.

Monday 15th November 2004 23:30
The Proposal

Well Done Aggie!  I thought that I had settled in for a J/L fic only to learn it was our fave wolf telling a story. 

I love the advice that Remy gave both Potters.  Knowing Arthur his answer will be the same of the other beautiful redhead's father once gave.  But keeping Molly away from Harry and Arthur's conversation will be funny. 

Think this cries sequel. 


Monday 22nd November 2004 14:42The Proposal (Author Response)
Thanks, Jaq!  You're not the first person to request a sequel.  I can't guarantee anything since I have a lot on my plate right now (3 WIPs, a new baby, the holidays...).  That said, I had a scene pop into my head the other night--Harry arrives at the Burrow--so I definitely won't rule a sequel out.  It just may be a while before it gets done.

Monday 15th November 2004 23:16
The Proposal

Eeeeeek! I was excited to review before I was anywhere near the end, but that? That was more than icing on the cake. That was the brand new car and a million dollars that came with the candles with the icing on the cake!  This was so in tune with MWPP and entirely too funny. Not to mention adoarble, and funny, have I mentioned funny? I loved the twist at the end, Eeeek! I love proposals, not to mention this is SO FUNNY!!!! I think this is one of my favorite fics ever. Thank you so much! 



Aww, I'm still all giggly from loving this so much...

Monday 22nd November 2004 14:36The Proposal (Author Response)
Oh, wow!  Coming from you--champion parody writer of PS--that's a great compliment.  I'm so glad to hear that you thought it was funny.  Thank you for a fantastic review!

Monday 15th November 2004 23:10
The Proposal

ROFLOL!!! Great job!

Monday 22nd November 2004 14:34The Proposal (Author Response)
Hee!  Thanks!  I really had a lot of fun writing this, so I'm glad you enjoyed reading it!

Monday 15th November 2004 22:51
The Proposal
Nicely written ... the last part was nice too ... :)
Monday 22nd November 2004 14:33The Proposal (Author Response)
Thanks!  The last part was the part I was most concerned about when I was writing it, so I'm glad you think it worked.  Remus would have been very put out if I hadn't let him be more involved.


Monday 15th November 2004 19:14
The Proposal

 THIS WAS AMAZING! ONE OF THE BEST FICS I HAVE READ! This fic made me extremely happy! You prefectly portrayed hoe the Evans might be, Pertunia's and Vernon's reactions and the way they acted *act* around wizards! And I REALLY  liked the end, the scene with harry and remus, and how he was off to propose to Ginny-


lol, but seriously, I love the fact that it was a ring found in his family, but also how he wasn't exactly like his father, leaving remus dumbfounded--THAT was a brilliant touch!



Monday 22nd November 2004 14:32The Proposal (Author Response)
  Wow, such enthusiam!  You're making me blush.  Thanks, Maria, for the review, and I'm glad you liked it.  You did like it, right?  No, I'm only kidding.  Really, this review just made my day!

Thanks again!
Monday 15th November 2004 17:34
The Proposal

Wow.  Thank you for the warm fuzzies.  I love anything Mauraders Era.  Very nice job.  And congrats on the baby!


Monday 22nd November 2004 14:25The Proposal (Author Response)
Thanks, Kelley!  This was a new one for me--I hadn't written anything ME before this, but it was very fun!  And thanks for the congrats, too.  He's a sweetie!

Monday 15th November 2004 17:18
The Proposal
Awwww. Warm and fuzzy. I grin. I haven't read warm and fuzzy in while; very good for a dreary day like today. Nicely done!
Monday 22nd November 2004 14:22The Proposal (Author Response)
Thanks, Joe.  Glad I could brighten your day (even though it was a while ago--I've been a bit busy lately!)

Monday 15th November 2004 17:17
The Proposal

sooo cute. I love lilly/james fics.

nervous james...hehe

Monday 22nd November 2004 14:21The Proposal (Author Response)
Thanks!  This was my first attempt at L/J, and I was a bit nervous about how it would come across.  Glad you liked it!  BTW, nervous James was very fun to write!

Monday 15th November 2004 13:33
The Proposal

This was wonderful -- I remember asking my wife's dad for his permission.  They all see the question coming, particularly from these young louts come to take their daughters away.  And they all remember being on the other side of the equation and are almost always nice about it.  I liked William's side of the tale, and that Lily's parents were thoroughly happy about "the witch in the family". 


Great story.  Oh, and I understand congratulations are due!  Happy birthday, Tyler!

Monday 22nd November 2004 14:07The Proposal (Author Response)
Thanks for reviewing (and for the congrats)!  My husband didn't ask my dad's permission, so I pretty much just made that part up.  It's good to know that I got it somewhat right!

In my mind, I see the Evans family (excluding Petunia, of course) as being very supportive of Lily.  I may be totally off base, of course, but until JKR proves me wrong, that's the stance I'm going to take.

Mr. Intel
Monday 15th November 2004 10:27
The Proposal
Oh YAY!  I'm so glad this finally made it onto the Song.  You've got a knack for writing James and Lily, I must say.  They are rapidly becoming my favorite characters to write and I've got a little J/L fic forming in the back of my head thanks to this.  

I hope birddog comes safely (if he hasn't already). 
Monday 22nd November 2004 14:19The Proposal (Author Response)
Thanks!  I had a huge amount of fun writing this--more than I expected, honestly. I was nervous at first, because we really don't know all that much about them, you know? I hope you do write a L/J fic--I'd love to read it!


P.S.  The BirdDog thing started as a joke with our oldest son when we were trying to come up with names for our now middle son (#1 son was in a foul mood and we were trying to make him laugh one day).  Middle son heard that he was called BirdDog before he was born, so he decided that the new baby also had to be called BirdDog.  
Bring and Fly
Monday 15th November 2004 07:16
The Proposal

! I loved it the first time, loved it the second time and I know I'll be coming back to read it again and again.

I could really see each of the marauders talking as they dealt with an unusually rattled James; Sirius, determined to wind him up some more until he confesses, Peter, with his nose into everything just like a real rat and of course Remus, the one the others appeal to as the voice of reason.

Even though I knew the little twist at the end was coming, it still took my breath away!

Brilliant, Julie. A wonderful result to the challenge!

Monday 22nd November 2004 14:10The Proposal (Author Response)
Finally getting around to responding to my reviews...

Hee.  Thanks, Cara!  I appreciate your help with this, too!
